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Everything posted by Darkmalkin

  1. A little birthday report -- I celebrated at the local tavern, kicked some major butt playing shuffleboard, and after many a tankard, came home and tucked meself safely inta me bunk. Then, I got up in the middle o' the night, tripped over the cat, fell, and knocked out one o' me front teeth! (Can anyone say "dentist on Monday"? Arrgh!)
  2. Arrr, thankee all!
  3. And it was worth every mile of it! Friday's plans almost make me wanna jump in the old blue land shark and head out....(even I wouldn't make it in time, tho.) I could send ye that overpriced rag of a college diploma that I'll be payin the student loans on till I'm 74. (Happy birthday, me!)
  4. Well, I'd be honored if'n ye'd add the Nishna River Ren Faire page. www.nishnariverrenfaire.com
  5. Yep, I'll be there with the Hellspawn taggin' along, as always!
  6. It's me, it's me! Very nice folks wif very nice stuff at good prices, too! Made me a custom holder fer me boardin' axe, they did!
  8. Ye musta started early....and ye should quit describing the way that I look in the morning.
  9. WHEEE! I am SOOO wif ye! I likes mine wif lotsa salt. And marshellies, har
  10. Lil' cap'ns coat is on spin cycle right now. Has to be hang dried (how appropriate, arrr!) and if dry, I'll send it on ta ye in the morning. The kids' granny (now passed on) was a real artiste with a sewing machine. I'm sure she'd approve.
  11. Should fit like a charm. I'll launder it up and send it out your way, hopefully this week yet. (It's red, so I want to wash it by itself, so as to avoid pink undies and t-shirts and things )
  12. If I don't feel like sewing, I use a special craft glue designed for fabric called "ok to wash it". Works great for appliques, hems, emergency fixes on split seams, and so forth.
  13. You can poke around on their website HERE
  14. Welcome back, Rumba Rue! I have been waiting to talk to ye about some o' those delicious pyrate ships for Nishna!
  15. I have interrogated the hellspawn as to WHEN he wore this coat for Halloween. The consensus is that it was when he was in 2nd grade. (He's a junior in high school this year, so he probably won't be wearing it again. I'm just a packrat...I NEVER discard anything that might come in handy as costuming materials )
  16. Yep, I got a really nice combination flintlock/boarding axe (replica) from Grendel's. Fast shipping, kewl products.
  17. Quill, I jest had a brainstorm (er something, har.) I have a tiny cap'ns coat that me oldest hellspawn's granny, the fabulous seamstress, made for him when he was about 7. What size is this young feller? It's red fuzzy/plushy (velveteen?) material with gold trim. Me elder hellspawn wore it to be Cap'n Hook for Halloween many a year ago, and I've been saving it ever since.
  18. As the 2nd Annual Nishna River Renaissance Faire approacheth, I, as the vendor coordinator, am disappointed in that I have no PYRATE MERCHANTS. I can't vend at this faire, because I've been sucked into the administration end of things. All things pyratical are welcome, and most especially WEAPONS, ARRRR :angry: Hear my call, all ye pirates of the prairies! Nishna is held in Avoca, IA (40 miles east of Omaha) on the first weekend in October. We have a definite pyrate theme building this year, so ye'll feel at home.
  19. ARRR, a fine figure of a man, he be! ('Course I knew that already, havin' been privileged to meet him AND the Royaliste in person.) Woo-hoo, Cap'n! I expect that it'll be standin' room only on the Royaliste from now on!
  20. HAR! Yes, the midgets! Useful little fellers, they be.
  21. Har, ye'll know it's me by me red dreadlocks!
  22. The Cap'n Jack beads are packed safely in a bubble envelope and winging their way to you, tucked snugly in the arms o' the US postal service even as we speak
  23. Yep, I heard that KC got hit pretty hard over Labor Day...it rained all day Sunday in the Amana colonies, too. I've just been approved for the Nebraska Ren Faire, so I'm keeping wit' me original plan for Columbus Day weekend. Lady Barbossa, Nishna is held in Avoca, IA (about 45 miles east of Omaha and 90 miles west of Des Moines) on the first weekend of October. Ye can see the website HERE
  24. Sorry, I didn't see this post until I got back! Please look for me anna Hellspawn at any midwestern Ren Faire, I'm usually vending (I'm the airbrush temporary tattoo pirate lady). If ye made it to IRF, then I was the one with the bright red dreadlocks, Captain's coat, and boarding axe, arrr! Me tent has black cats and flames airbrushed all over it, ye can't miss it. If'n ye make it to the Nishna River Ren Faire in October, ye can be part of the evil surprise that the Nameless Pirates are plannin' on springin' during the wedding.... Cap'n Emerald -- looks like I, the airbrush tattoo artist, may not be period enough for the Nebraska Faire, meaning that the Nameless Pirates may have a free weekend to frolic in Kansas City! Will ye be in attendance Sept.26-28? If not, we hope to meet up wif ye at Nishna!
  25. Sure, PM me and tell me what kind and quality o' beads ye be wantin', along with the general color scheme and I'll do her up this week. I'm waitin' ta see if I kin tattoo at the Nebraska Ren Faire, apparently the Powers that Be are waffling on the issue of whether temporary tattoos are "period" enuf, grrr. All this AFTER I paid me merchant fee and made non-refundable campground reservations, damn and blast. If I get a green light, I'll be makin' tons more of 'em. If they redlight me, well, there's always rum and marshmellies...and me home faire, the Nishna River Ren Faire in October To which ye are ALL WELCOME, by the way! The more pirates, the merrier! Claire, can ye pull the float 1700 miles? I promise ye some steaks if ye do (T-Bones this time!) Graduated to/from where, Rosalinda?
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