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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Great idea! I could contribute something. Maybe a goodluck piece on a leather cord as a simple necklace, given to him by his long-lost sweetheart? Or something tribal he picked up on his travels? I do jewelry, so for me this would be easy.
  2. James, my lad, where've ya been all this time? Good to see you back! Why just buckle shoes? Why not make frock coats every day wear? I've already got a plan to make one without such big cuffs, and a bit more conservative, so I can wear it like any other coat. I just like the style and look of them. I had thought about starting a thead called Pyrate Street Style (may still do that), where people could post pictures of themselves in street clothes, but show how they proclaim thier piratey-ness — T-shirts, jewelry, coats, shoes, boots, stickers on thier cars/trucks, etc. We aleady have threads for what you look like in garb at events, but nothing showing how you proclaim your pirate side all the rest of the time.
  3. NOBODY MOVE! I'VE DROPPED ME BRAIN! Well, that's how I feel, anyway. So much to do, so little time.
  4. Tea Geese making skid-landings on our frozen pond My cats JT
  5. Having done SCA costuming for ten plus years, I agree with Lady B. A persona evolves over time. You may start out with one thing, and a year or so down the road decide that's really wrong for what you want to do. That's why, even though I'm just starting in the GAoP era, I'm not sweating the garb issue too much. I know things will change and develop. Who knows, I may even make a dress one day! LOL Sterling is a font of information, so drink deeply. And gentlewoman meant basically middle class, I believe. Not highclass noblewoman, not lower class poor, but much as most of us in real life are right now, middle class. This woman would find it insulting to be referred to as a 'wench' (and her papa would come looking for you!). And oh yes, I can definately see Cheeky in that costume. But who is she going to get to hold the train of her dress?
  6. Okay, it was a stretch, but, hey, ya gotta give a girl an A for effort.
  7. With the lights of Havana Harbor far behind us, and the moonless night dark and fearsome over the black waters of the sea, I felt a hollowness in my soul like I'd never felt before. Would I ever see Jacky again? And if he survived the Dry Tortugas, would he ever understand and forgive me for what I had just done? As if sensing my mood, the crew left me in peace. I stood at the stern, looking back toward the place where I had left my love, and wondered if I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.
  8. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ A new linen coat for Chain Shot, linen breeches and a weskit for me. Also for me, a new hat that provides more sun protection. < A bandaid, a kiss, and...another kiss...and.... V Pass the question on
  9. Just to let all the PR players know, I will also be stepping back from the story. Chain Shot and I are heading out on a long vacation as of Feb 4th, and will not be back home until Feb 24th. I have a lot to take care if between now and then, so will only be popping into the Pub for "quickies." I probably won't be coming back to the story until the first of March — assuming that the story is still going. Take care, R
  10. As I sat in my cabin, thinking about Jacky's new course, I found myself suddenly coming to an unusual, and heartwrenching conclusion. I wanted out of Havana. My crew wanted out of Havana. Navarro was used to dealing with Jacky, and would not suspect the Relentless of treachery. Navarro didn't know me or the Rakehell at all. With sudden resolution, I scribbled a quick note then called for Nate and Africa. When the two men arrived at my cabin, I handed the sealed note to Nate. "Take this to Captain Tar, then stay on board the Relentess. That's an order. He needs the extra hands." I could see that Nate was confused, but he took the note and left. When he'd gone, I spoke to Africa. "Quick and quiet as you can, get the Rakehell out of the harbor. We're leaving." Africa's face showed surprise. "We goin' to dem Dry Tortugas?" "No. We've got a full hold of cargo and supplies. We'll head for Charles Town in the Carolinas. Sell what we have, then head back to Port Royal. But we need to get out of Havana, and away from Cuba as fast as the old girl will fly." "Without the Relentless and Dat Man?" I felt my heart give a lerch, but replied, "Without the Relentless." Africa grinned wide. "Da Rakehell will be like a ghost. Not one soul will see us go" Then he left my cabin to give the order. A mere twenty minutes later, with no lanterns lit, and her sienna sails almost invisible in the darkness, and leaving behind one Spanish dockhand unconcious on the wharf, the Rakehell slipped out of Havana Harbor and, running swif as a gull, headed for the open sea.
  11. Snow plows on Mt. Sextant clearing snow off of I-5. They echo over our whole valley.
  12. Ummm, Tai, one of my favorites. Oh, JT, you know I was just teasing you, luv. I would never be really mad at you.
  13. Pretty low, JT, snitching a pirate-in-mourning's stash of M&Ms, dark or white. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Briar Rose and Red Cat. Much appreciated.
  14. I recieved Eye's Big Black Book, today. Finally, I get to play in someone's book — booohahahaha! And Rogue Mermaid, thank you for the little gift. Too cute!
  15. Let's hope that good fortune spills over to the Oscars!
  16. Groan ...Curse of the Black Pearl Onion?
  17. Raises glass to William, and says softly, "I thank you, suh."
  18. I bookmarked Girl Genious where I left off. Got hooked for sure. I love the drawing style. Like GoF, I haven't really paid much attention to comics for a long time. I was a fan of Barry Windsor-Smith, Jeff Jones, and Berny Wrightson. I have signed prints and sketchbooks by Windsor-Smith. But these new graphic novels are so good, I may have to ck more of them out. Thanks for the links, everyone.
  19. The Kate, always a haven of warmth in a cold, wet, dreary world. I think a hot buttered rum would go down a treat at the moment. In my part of the world all is gloomy, cold, wet, and snowy. Weather not fit for man nor beast. I might also request a small moment of silence for the passing of our greyhound, Zorro. He was sent home yesterday, due to bone cancer at the age of 15. We'd rescued him from the track at age two. A more loving and loyal dog you would be hardpresed to find.
  20. It was good to see the way Nate got the crew to working. As their varied voices, some better able to keep a tune than others, sang out, I went to my cabin to recheck the charts, and make sure everything was battened down for sail. There wasn't much to do, as I'd done a pretty good job of cleaning up after my night of frivolity with Jacky, so I sent word for Ludo. When he arrived at my cabin, I ordered him to bring me a light meal and a bottle of wine. As per usual, he went off singing something in Italian, which clashed with the sound of the chanty being sung up on deck. One more night, I thought, and then Havana would be behind us.
  21. I am eagerly, and not-so-patiently waiting for Eye's book to arrive. It's been two months since I've had a book to work on, and I'm feeling left out! And Rogue Mermaid, any sacrifice for your art is a worth it!
  22. Hmmmm...Has a sudden visual of Iron Bess using her collection of swords and knives to chop veggies, put them on little skewers, and grill them over an open flame. Movie sequel = Ginsu Pyrate?
  23. We'll keep your friend in our prayers, Cheeky. So, so, sorry to hear such sad news. We're still getting snow. Sad news for us is, we had to have our 15 yr old greyhound put to sleep today, due to bone cancer. Robert was out in the dark and wet, burying him with his buddy, Sinbad, who died four years ago, also from bone cancer. Apparently, it's comon in greyounds because of the running they do at an early age. Very sad day. Take care, Cheeky.
  24. ^ Has a partnership in a lovely sailboat, which makes me very jealouse!
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