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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Tisk, tisk. Even I'm smart enough to just sleep with one, not marry one — pearl though he may be.
  2. Like you need to tell me that! I date a smuggler for God's sake!
  3. Twirls a certain key on my finger. "Hmmm, trust? Now, there's a concept."
  4. Have a doctor look you in the eyes and tell you that inside your right lung is a malignant tumor the size of a baseball. Suddenly, most stuff becomes pretty trivial. That was 15 years ago, and other than the loss of the bottom third of my right lung, and some very interesting scars, I'm fine. I heartily agree with Mary. Don't live for tomorrow. Enjoy today........because... Who knows, tomorrow earth may be destroyed to make way for a super galactic freeway.
  5. Very nice, Rumba. It brought back lots of memories. I was born in Riverside and lived there until 17 years ago. My family used to go on little picnics out in the Anza Borego desert during the Spring, when it was still cool enough to enjoy. Ah, tuna sandwiches, kool-aid, and oatmeal-raisin cookies. LOL Thanks for sharing!
  6. NOW I know where you've been hiding all this time! I think you and Steampunk would be a natural, with your great ability to build or make anything. Post pictures, for sure. BUT....please don't abandon us pirates for good. We'd miss you...A LOT! (Besides, you still have a few art journals to get under your belt! Hmmm, I wonder if trying to organize that was what drove you to Steampunk )
  7. Doing bills and listening to it pour down rain. How much more depressing could it get?
  8. Starvation! hmmm...musta been marooned, since Ransom wouldn't have married a farmer!
  9. Can't believe I missed this! Sure, and a fine belated birthday to you, Flintlock. Rogue and fop, all rolled into one...there's no resisting the man...and a generous heart to boot! Cheers my friend!
  10. You might also try Fire Mountain Gems and Beads — www.firemountaingems.com. It's a mail order co. and they are one of the biggest bead sellers in the states, of not the world, around since 1973. They have everything you need, from beads, to findings, to wire, leather cord, litterally tons of stuff from all over the world. You can order on line, or send for one of their huge FREE catalogues. They don't have a retail shop, but you can also order stuff by phone — 1-800-355-2137. And, they just happen to be based here in Grants Pass, OR — handy for me.
  11. Now I like this one. I'll take driftwood over Black Widow spiders any day!
  12. Lemme see here. Weren't you just offering to wash Syren's back a few weeks ago? Now cheeky's. Maybe you should open a bath house, if you're inta scrubbing naked people! Yes, on a rainy day (like today), a nice hot bath, with bubble-bath foaming all around, candles lit, soft music, and a good book. ::checking to make sure the Captain isn't lurking about with a sponge and towel::
  13. Umm, okay. Now I just have to figure out how to do that. I'm such a computer rube. And thanks, it's good to be back, but we had a terrific time!
  14. Gosh, do you think you could get me her autograph...er...pawgraph?
  15. Despite Africa's grumbling, he made sure the Rakehell made good time. A brisk wind and calm seas helped. The only ship we saw was hull down on the horizon, heading east, and no threat to us. Late in the afternoon, we started seeing mud and debri in the water from the great delta, and gulls flying overhead, eyeing us with interest. "We'll be in Port St. Jean by tomorrow," I commented to my Quartermaster. "I'm sure the Relentless is already there. Let's just hope Jacky wasn't followed by his friend Navarro, who I'm sure was none to happy about us leaving Havana so soon." Africa huffed. "I don know why you keep hangin' 'round Dat Man. Trouble follow him wherever he go, den he get us mixed up in it. We been better off in da Carolinas, sellin' dis cargo. Bad enough we follow him to Havana, but no tellin' what happen when we get to da Tortugas. Dis ship do jus fine before you met Dat Man, and she'll do jus fine if you leave him be." I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, don't start that rant again. Let's just wait and see. But," I gave him a serious look, "you know I would never risk losing the Rakehell. Never — and for no one."
  16. Ooo, that looks tasty. I could use something warm and filling — it's cold and rainy here. (BTW, Jill, who's in your fan club?)
  17. Oh crikey, you're right. Now we're in for it!
  18. Maybe Bess and Jill should make an sword fighting instructional DVD "Swinging Weapons for Fun and Exercise — Age No Barrier to Having a Good Time."
  19. Welcome, indeed, suh. And the good Captain is right, you can play both ways if you dress as period as you can...however, a little fantasy never hurt anyone. ::Sticks little umbrella into my hair:: But whatever you do, DON'T mention bucket boots...you'll start a rave that will last for pages and pages. Cheers
  20. Skull Pyrate Carter's book is heading Patrick's way today. I already have Black Mab's book, which will be done by the end of the month, ready to move on.
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