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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ummm, I wouldn't say that. Although I must admit, JT, I can't really picture you in bright red crop top, haram pants, and all covered with coin jingly/danglies. I'm thinking more like, a nice pair of jeans and no shirt kinda belly exposure. Sorry MadL, this Jacky is all male.
  2. Congrats indeed, Syren. Good luck to you, and I'm sure you'll do well. I'll skip the Plunder Me Cherry, though, and just have orange juice.
  3. Welcome, Genia, to the Pub. (I watch with a bemused expression as Iron Bess uses JT's sleeve at a hanky. 'Course, she's wearing her cutlass, so I guess protesting wouldn't do him much good. LOL) The Pub is a grand place, and since tradition says you buy the first round, I'll have a glass of Fench Bubbly, if you don't mind.
  4. Jacky Tar sent me this CD as a gift late last year. I've nearly burned the grooves off of it since then, I've played it so often. Everything BilgeMonkey says is true — although I'm not a musical expert, like he is. However, he should have mentioned Iron Bess's killer voice, especially in the Parting Glass song. Truely, a CD worth the shiny!
  5. Sun! And around 70. Woohoo! (Ransom does the Snoopy happy feet dance )
  6. Wow, all these kind words are making me blush! Alas, Merrydeath, Mary Diamond, Pt. Washington isn't in the cards for me this year. However, I am planing on being at Nor/Cal, also going on in June — see you there, for sure, Eyes. Listen for the sound of cannons and you'll find me, along with TO7S, and my birthday buddy, Red-Handed Jill. I really wish we could all get together in a nice comfy tavern, sing some songs, tell some tales, and drink libations of choice. Wouldn't that be grand! For all your kind wishes, for sure, the first round would be on me! (And JT.....DR )
  7. Gee, Eyes, if no one claims it, maybe you could declare salvage rights, and keep it. Looks like a pretty nice book!
  8. Couldn't agree more, Cheeky (although I haven't actually seen her kick ass yet, I don't doubt that she could). Best wishes, Mary, and I hope your birthday is grand.
  9. Royally peeved! A guy from Portland planned to come down and inspect my car (after a friend of his had already checked it out, and after I e-mailed him pictrures), and said he was bringing a trailer, and cash. He'd be at our place this morning around 9-9:30. Great. Spent all day yesterday getting my old car cleaned up, inside and out, Chain Shot gets the registration out of the safe deposite box, and I gear myself up emotionally to finally sell a car I've had for 36 years. Then, at six last night, the guy calls and says he's too tied up at his shop (Ownes a custom car shop), and that he can't get away. Maybe he'll try for next Wednesday, or the following weekend. Yeah, right! Last night I REALLY needed to throw something...or shoot something. Where's a not-dead monkey when you need one!
  10. Thanks again, to one and all for the birthday wishes. You guys are great!
  11. Thank you, one and all. I won't be doing much celebrating until the weekend, but then...look out! And Jill, If I make it to Nor/Cal, we'll share some libations and have a belated toast to each other!
  12. I didn't know we shared a natal day. How kewl! Hope your birthday is grand, and filled with lots of black powder and BOOM! Cheers!
  13. So far, just tea. A peek of the sun. Better than what I've seen the last three/four days. A guy for Portland, interested in buying my 1970 Dodge Challenger The guy from Portland — I could use the shiny if he buys it! Cha-Ching!
  14. Well, Rogue Mermaid had a book make the rounds, so it's just PEWs new one that needs to make the trip. I say have him send it. We all planned to put work in all the books, so just 'cause his is a bit late, shouldn't make a difference. As for the book Eyes has....hmmmm, a mystery indeed. The Phantom Art Book! Maybe someone is attempting to pirate into the round! Wouldn't that be funny!
  15. With the repairs to the Rakehell progressing smartly, and with no sign of another soul on the lake, I risked ordering Ludo to put out a marker barrel at the mouth of the little inlet we were hiding in. If Jacky were able to escape, or if some of his crew managed to do so, they might come looking for us. The barrel was a small one, but a search party hugging the shore looking for a crippled ship, would recognise it. I just hoped the Spaniards hadn't had the same thought. In case they did, our stern swivel guns were primed and ready.
  16. This really is a mystery, because if it was PEW's orig book, there should be more than one or two pages with artwork in them, since he used the same book for the first round we did. Unless he removed the artwork from the first round and re-laced the binding ( I think it was done in hemp-like rope). If it is PEWs original book, maybe Jenny mailed it to Eyes, thinking that's who was next in line to work on it?
  17. Mirthful.....You just can't watch the antics of seven, week-old goslings, and not smile.
  18. I had no idea what time it was, other than late. The richly appointed room was stuffy, the coverlets smothering. For one used to an open deck, and a small bunk or hamock, this enclosed world was like a perfumed prison. Fretting and uncomfortable, I forced myself to get out of bed. My shoulder felt like someone had poured acid into my bones, but ignoring the pain, I walked silently to the door and opened it a crack. Instantly, Africa was there, his presance a darker bulk within the dark hallway. Opening the door to let him in, I whispered, "Get me out of here." "You strong enough?" "I don't care if it kills me, just get me away from Trade Winds. Where are the men?" "In da stable. All but Jimmy. He watching Ioan tonight." "Gather them up. Ready a horse, a wagon, anything, I don't care. But do it quick. If anyone tries to stop you, well, see that they can't. But for God's sake, don't kill anyone." With a low chuckle, Africa whispered, "Glad to have you back, Ma'am." Then he slipped from the room. After he'd gone, I paused, mumbling, "I wonder what the old harriden did with my clothes and weapons?"
  19. Yahoooo! When I finish with Patrick's, it will also be heading back to home port.
  20. A lovely champagne brunch in celebration of my Dad's wife's birthday. The week-old goslings on the pond. Growing like weeds, but soooo cute. Chain Shot, on a two-day truck run. Rumba and Oderlesseye, hooping it up at PirateCon.
  21. Cheap box Merlot — I know, I know, but I can't always afford the good stuff!
  22. Cheers to you, Eyes, on your natal day. Hope it was grand and you got lots of plunder.
  23. As I sit here with me bowl of Grapenuts, thinking, I should have come to the Kate first.
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