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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Bountiful birthday wishes for you, Lady B. Hope the next year brings you all your heart desires — or if not quite all that, then at least a grand time lookin' for them! Cheers!
  2. I watched the trio come on board, and a sorry looking bunch they were. Soggy, mad, and probably after my blood. Except Nate, whose grin bespoke a happier disposition. With Africa at my side, I approached Red Cat. "Next time, yell 'bugger' before I shoot, it will save you a dunking." I spoke to Colard. "Take them below and get them into dry clothes. Goose, feed them something." I turned back to the three. "When you've changed and eaten, come to my cabin and we'll talk." As the three started to follow Colard and Goose, I winked at Nate. "So, did you hit anything with that shot at the Spaniards?"
  3. I was about to order the second shot, to finish the boat off, when I heard a familier voice shout "Bugger!" "Belay that," I ordered Tunny, "And stand ready at the starboard side, to assist our guests." Goose touched the slow match to a lantern wick and took the dim light to the starboard side. Tunny and Colard followed. At my left, Africa huffed. "Probly Dat Man, 'cause he lose his ship to da Spanish. Too bad Tunny's shot go low." "I doubt it, but at least we'll get a bit of information. I can't understand why they didn't hail us sooner. Bloody fools. They're lucky they're not dead. And I'm sure the galleon heard the shot. Blast and damn! Come dawn, as soon as we have enough light, we move the ship to another inlet further north. I turned toward the commotion starboard, where the ship was lower due to her canted position in the water. "Come on, you lot, get them aboard before they become gator food. Though I have half a mind to leave them."
  4. In my attempt to take his offered hand, the injury, the lack of nurishment, and the brandy finally had thier way. To my horror, and extream annoyance, the room began to spin, the floor waver. "I do believe, mon pearl, that to my great embarrassment and mortification, I am about to....." The parlor and its occupants dissappearted behind a dark veil.
  5. With very little in my stomach except broth and a bit of chicken, the brandy went straight to my head. Which bolstered my bravado even more. "Oh come, come, Auntie. Why not cut your losses? Surely a bird in the hand...or is it a pig in a poke...I always get those two confused. Why go to all the trouble of shiping me off to Merry Old England, assuming you could, when you can make a killing in goods and chattels here? So much less embarrasing for you, than if Seymour threw me off, which he would." Violet's face was turning purple with supressed rage. "I have half a mind to have you arrested. I could you know, considering. Or I could have your men arrested and hanged. Would you enjoy watching that?" "You wouldn't dare," I replied, my voice as cold as ice. "The scandal would ruin you. And believe me, I'd shout it to the rooftops that you and Albert benefited from my little sailing adventures." At that point I thought Albert was going to throw something at me. Violet hissed, "You are a viper at my busom. We offer you a chance to return to your home, and this is the thanks we get?" "I did not ask for your hospitality. As I recall, I was drugged so I would go quietly. You brought the viper in, now you reap the rewards." I gave her a smile. "Take Sebastian's offer and be rid of me for good. Unless, having been given a glimpse into my family, he's decided he'd rather marry a fishwife." I turned to Sebastian and raised my glass. "What say you, my lover?"
  6. All on the Rakehell was dark and silent. Tunny and Ludo crouched low at the stern rail, each to a loaded and primed swivel gun. Goose held the slow match, the glowing tip shielded in his cupped hand. Africa kept his eyes on the mouth of the inlet where a small boat moved, following the sound of its sweeps slapping into the water. I whispered to the gunners. "If they don't hail us by the time they round the mouth, fire on them. And don't miss. I want no Spanish survivors to run back to the galleon and give our position away." As we watched, a figure stood in the bow of the boat, then sat back down, without identifying themselves. "Fire," I said. Goose touched the slow match to the first swivel gun. Tunny was an expert gunner. The sound of splintering wood followed the explosion of powder and shot. "She's hit amidships and sinking, Ma'am. Do I fire again?"
  7. At the first hint of the disturbance in the entryway, I had left my room and, hovering at the top of the banister, listened to the exchange and the invitaion to come in. I could not imagine what Sebastian had in mind by coming here. When they retired to the parlor, I crept down the stairs and listened at the door. What I heard at first was no surprize, but the declaration of marriage caused me to suck in a breath and hold my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud, which caused my shoulder to throb, and sweat to bead my forhead from the pain. But at my aunts scathing description of my character, I could stand it no longer. Wearing my pretty white-laced night dress, I entered the room just in time to see Sebastian present a very large stoned ring to my uncle. "Oh, mon pearl, you mustn't frighten Lady Violet so. She thinks you're serious."
  8. One this same note, one of my best friends has a brother who is bi-polar. Whenever he gets around his family it sets him into a tailspin of depression. His councilor told him, "There's no law which says you have to like your family. If they make you feel bad, then stay away from them." Which is one of the reasons I didn't speak to anyone in my family, other than my dad, for almost two years. (Long story). Bottom line, if they make you feel that bad, then stay away from them. If they ask why, tell them. Only YOU can live your life, so make it the best one you can, do what you love, and ignore those who try and make you feel guilty about it. They're probably just jealous. And Jill, I can understand the head tic. I worked for a company where the tension was so bad, I broke out in hives! Chest, arms, stomach — nasty looking, like I had smallpox. Made me wonder, if stress is doing that to me on the outside, what's it doing to me on the inside?
  9. Glad to hear you made it back to home port safe and sound. Sounds like you had a blast.
  10. Happy 50th to the Mcguyver(?) of pirates. Here's to 50 more years of pirating, steampunking, blackpowder shooting, or whatever else tickles your fancy!
  11. Thanks guys! Actually, other than ending up with some interesting bruises — including one that looks like a giant grill mark accross the top of both "cheeks", where I landed on the edge of the step, I guess I'm okay. Kinda glad I landed where most of the padding was, 'cause if I'd landed on my spine, that might have been a whole new ball game. Copious amouts of Merlot and excedrin seem to be doing to trick so far. Gimme a few more days and I'll be good to go.
  12. Hope your birthday was grand, and all your wishes came true!
  13. Heck, I had all kinds of motivation today — until I hydroplaned off the deck and crashed. Flip-flops, a newly painted deck, and a bit of water don't mix. I went sailing, landed mostly on my right side over three wood steps. I have defense bruises on both arms. I don't even want to know what my right shoulder looks like. Yikes! It was one of those deals where you sit on the ground and can't get your breath, 'cause it hurts so bad. I kept going and worked it off, but right now I feel like I've been tossed in a cement mixer for about an hour.
  14. He is a crotchity old fart, isn't he? Best advice — ignor him. Retaliate, and you'll just rile him all the more. And, being English, I don't consider myself lilly-livered at all. Let's talk Flodden, or Pinkie, old man, hmmmm?
  15. Yeah, but before you poke him with a stick, you might ask if he's on any kind of meds that induce drowziness (?). It may not be his fault. Then again, if it is his fault, then I think taking pictures of him sucking in flies would be pretty funny.
  16. Yeah, and you Gen-X ers drive us Boomers right up the wall — you're rude, obnoxious, and have no work-ethic. Let's not trash a whole generation, shall we. There is good and bad in every one. Seems each generation needs to bad-mouth the one that came before. No sense to it. The Gen-Xers will get slammed by the next gang to come along. Sadly, it's a never-ending cycle.
  17. Okay, here is a list, as far as I know it. I have Patrick's book, and it will be mailed out to him some time next week. I still have a bit of work to do on it. Rogue Mermaid has mine, and will mail it to me when she is done. Patrick has two, I believe Carter's and Black Mab's. GOF said he had two, I believe Rogue Mermaids, and Eyes. Black Mab has backed out of the round, so GOF will send both of the books he has to Carter — that is per Patrick's last schedule post. I don't know if PEW has started his new book in the round yet. I hope he has, because I would hate for him to be left out, after doing work in everyone else's books. I hope I have this right, as the round schedule was all Patrick's deal. As for the book that Eyes has now, I have no idea whose it is. I still think, if no one claims it, then Eyes should just hang on to it until someone does. No use sending it around if we don't know it's home port. I'm sorry things seem to have gotten so muddled, this close to the end. If you have any more questions, PM me and I'll try to give you an answer.
  18. I'd say, treat him like a 3 yr old.
  19. Any pirate who is a pastafarian can't be all bad! Welcome to the Pub, mate. I think you'll fit in just fine.
  20. Sorry mcdrago, I wasn't at Corona, so was giving a generic description of a belly dancer. I'm sure your lady looked grand, and is a very nice person, as you say. This was just a bit of a tease at JT's expense.
  21. Who knew? I love the pirates vs global warming theory. I may have to get that T-shirt. Ramen to all!
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I have one of the first Jack Sparrow action figures. I bought it 'cause it really captured that drunken slouch he has. But it just sits on my computer credenza and looks decorative. < Getting antzy for an event, but have to wait until June and Nor/Cal. V Pass the question on.
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