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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yeah, mysteries are some of my favorite books ^ Not unless you look like an ax murderer or Charles Manson < Getting REALLY tired of my cat chasing that moth. Scracth, scratch, thump, thump. V Ever think your pets anoy you on purpose?
  2. Are those the dolls with the enchephletic heads? Still listening to my cat, still trying to catch that moth.
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Jacky Tar, man of mystery. < Not used to this late night stuff. **Giant yawn** V Why do or don't you post a picture in your bio?
  4. Kinda interesting how this whole thread has switched from retireing, to dieing. I thought retirement meant you got to enjoy your "golden" years, not instantly kick the bucket. **shivers** I got a lot of stuff planned when I retire - if I ever do, and taking a dirt nap isn't one of them!
  5. My cat, Celeste, scratching on the window, trying to catch a moth on the other side.
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on what mood I'm in. I have multiple personalities when it comes to dress. < Just watched the movie The Black Dalia. Good, but a bit creepy. V What kind of movies do you prefer - yippy skippy, or a bit dark?
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Not really. But I like to look at fashion mags to get ideas, and see what's new. < Standard issue dress here 'bouts is pretty casual, bordering on sloppy V Like to get dressed up, or prefer to stay low key?
  8. Oh, please, let's not go there! (note exclamation point)
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ All of the above < I love seafood. I can gross my family out by eating raw oysters on the half-shell with hot sauce. Oyster shooters are right up there. V You eat anything that grosses your friends/family out?
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Grossly sloppy < Wish I could write with grace. V Prefer to write by hand, or type?
  11. Sting's The Journey & the Labyrinth - The songs of John Dowland DVD and CD combo. I've raved about this on another thread tonight. BUY THIS SET! It is awesome. Can't say enough. I was totally blown away by how good it is. Music is before GAOP, but when it's this good, who cares! I'll watch and listen to these until I wear them out. May have to buy back ups.
  12. I agree! Not so random thought... Just got through listening and watching Sting's DVD The Journey & The Labyrinth - The Music of John Dowland. AWESOME!!! Totally blown away. If I had the money, I would buy all my friends this CD DVD combo. If you have HDTV, like we do, it's as if you have a magic window to a labyrinth, the crypt of a church, and Sting's amazing 16th century manor house. So close you think you can smell the herbs, the beeswax of the candles, and touch the singers. Incredible. BUY THIS SET!!! ***So, can ya tell I liked it?***
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Er, gulp, help, help. Don't have TV. Haven't seen any of the three. < I like a warm glass of milk before bed sometimes. Especially with a bit of honey added. V Pass on Sterling question to the next person - who has a TV!
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Since the flying horses - I guess the Pub. They stay imaginary until you either talk to them on the phone or meet them in person. < just lit the fire in the old woodburning stove, got all the critters fed, and have poured a glass of wine. Ah! V Favorite beverage to relax by?
  15. Stuffed olives - preferably with garlic or hot pepper.
  16. You posted this just to see how many shades of green the rest of us turn, right? Way kewl!
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Fly! As a kid, I imagined I had three magic winged horses, one white, one pinto, and one black. I could call them anytime, and they would fly me anywhere I wanted to go. < Got over the plague two weeks ago - do NOT want it back. V Did you have imaginary pets or friends as a kid - or now?
  18. With my aunt's note clutched in one sweaty hand, I stood at the door and knocked. A dog started barking. A young boy opened the door, his eyes widening as he took in my attire, and the rapier on my belt. I handed him the note. "Tell Lady Violet that I have ansered her summons." He took it, and shut the door. The dog continued to bark. I waited, a million thoughts and emotions tumbling in my brain. The door was opened again. The boy, the barking rag pined under his arm, motioned for me to come in, then he, the dog, and two maids trooped out, shutting the door behind me. My aunt stood next to a small writing desk. Candles and oil lamps cast a warm, buttery glow, and set sparks flying in the large ruby booch decorating the fulsome breast of my relative - whom I had not seen for almost nine years. Like a gypsy horse dealer, she looked me up and down. I half expected her to demand I open my mouth so she could inspect my teeth. "Well, Ale—" "Don't call me that. It's no longer my name." Her brows lowered. "Very well, if you insist on continuing this little charade. Considering how you are dressed, what would you like me to call you? Several things come to mind." "I go by Ransom now." I waited to see if she would make the connection. Her gray eyes hardened. "I see." She stepped closer. "You know, I never understood why your father...abandoned you in that way. It was barbarous, and it wasn't as if the odious man didn't have the money." "Is that supposed to make me feel better? If I remember correctly, neither you nor any other member of my family caughed up the money. You could have afforded to pay the ransom demand a hundred times over, but you did not." "Albert and I didn't hear of the affair until you had already disappeared. Albert alerted the Admiralty Office of your situation. If any British ship had come across that Italian brig, it would have been taken, her pirate captain executed on the spot, and you returned to England. As it turned out, the ship was never found and you, apparently, made no effort to contact your parents once free." "The only member of my family I am remotely interested in is my brother, Rudd. The rest of you can go to the devil. So, why am I here?" Aunt Violet turned to a decanter set on a small side table. She poured an amber liquid into two glasses, then handed one of the glasses to me. She then gestured to a cushioned chair. "Make yourself comfortable. It's a long story." I took a bracing swallow of excellent Irish whiskey. "It always is."
  19. Congrats, and God speed. I doubt our small boat will ever make it that far north, but I'll keep your offer on file!
  20. 1 Irish Breakfast tea, bowl of Grapenuts and half & half - nuked to warm it up. 2 Prairie Hawk sitting in the pine tree outside my kitchen window. 3 The managerie I feed every morning - cats, dog, horses, chickens (yes, I admit, I talk to my chickens), geese and ducks on the pond. 4 Red Cat and her crazy, chaotic job. My brain would go flatline.
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The ones I needed to let go of are already gone. < Glad you're getting some down time, Captain. V Hang on to a grudge, or let it go?
  22. With my two guests up on deck, I put away the brandy - still curious as to how the Cat had picked the lock on the cabinet - and returned to the charts spread out on my desk. The island of Cuba lay drawn on the parchment like a sleeping lizard, its head pointing toward Haiti, while its tail curled toward the Yucatan. At the northern base of that tail was Havana, the last staging destination of the Spanish gold fleets before they returned to Spain. A large bay, sure to be full of edgy galleon captains, who might cock a more than curious eye at two unflagged ships coming in to join them. With a sigh, I rolled up the charts, retied their ribbons, then glanced out the small stern window. The sky was a clear cerulean blue, and our wake carved a ruffled V on the ocean's surface. A breif moment of calm before the coming storm. Hopefully, if Jacky knew what he was about, and we were lucky, the storm would pass us by.
  23. Blessings on the new one. How kewl for the little guy to have a pirate for a Grandmama! :)
  24. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Not that I can remember. < I have shoes so long, that when they finally get too ratty to wear, I feel the need to give them a decent funeral. V Techno inclined, or impaired?
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