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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Where, where is he? I don't smell anything!
  2. Ummm, well, I believe, with all the stress Miss McKinney has been under lately, she has mistook her Inns. And, I'm not sure, but I believe only Lady Violet is in possession of an ontourage. But, yes, I agree, as this juncture, the hallway does appear a bit crowded!
  3. Hey, Rumba, I agree with Flintlock Jack 100% - even about the dancing bananas! The Pub would NOT be the same if you weren't around. I can't tell you how many times I've laughed out loud when you've managed to find just the right Smilie - the one that slaps its forehead and faints, busts me up every time. Also the hero worship one, and the "mooner." I'll keep ya in my prayers, and like Red Handed Jill, I'll hope the medical community will come up with something that, even if it can't cure you, at least it might give you some of that quality of life back.
  4. Is that a threat or should I save ye a seat? Believe me, if I could make it, my little butt would be parked right next to you! Pretty kewl that you got picked. I wonder what kind of swag they're going to hand out?
  5. "The cover on this book is a little frayed around the edges, but it's still a good read." Me...replying to a PM concerning judging people by their looks (Don't judge a book, etc...)
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ First thing I do is look out the window and see what the weather is. < I'm one of those born on the cusp between two signs. Aries and Taurus. Might explain why some people think I have a split personality! V Ever had someone profess to read your future in cards, auras, knots on your head?
  7. I gave him a wry smile. "Oh, I think the world can do without us for a little while longer."Then fell laughing into his embrace. It wasn't until some time later that we gathered up our clothes and dressed. Against Sebastian's wish to eat in the room, I decided breaking our fast in the common room would hold less chances for further distraction. However, before he opened the door, I leaned in and gave him one last kiss. "That was for not asking any questions when I...when I cried. I'll tell you all, but not today. I need time to think first."
  8. A guest, eh? Hummm...might be having to make a trip South. :)
  9. With the arrival of Spring, my chickens have kicked into overdrive. I'm cooking something with eggs! Probably a big egg scramble, with tomato, onion, cheese, and hot-pepper flakes. Yum!
  10. I pitched the apple core over the side. "Yes, well, Jamaica, and the entire Caribbean, are full of superstitions and stories. I've run into my fair share. But you've got to admit, the healing waters worked pretty well on you, and they had to come from somewhere." Wiping my hands on my breeches, I turned away from the rail. "As for you and Roberts, I'm sure there's many tales for the telling. Maybe, by the time this adventure is over, we'll get to hear a few of them." I grinned. "On the other hand, it could just as easily add another to your list."
  11. The normal bustle of a busy inn woke me — louder noises from the common room, muffled banging of pots in the kitchen, and varied snips of morning conversations as people passed in the hallway. The loud hawking of wares in the street commenced. It took me a moment to realise where I was, and with whom. My cheek rested on Sebastian's chest, and his right arm lay across my waist. It had been years since I'd felt so safe. Some part of me wished to stay just as we were, but I knew it could not be. Reluctantly, I shifted and raised up on one elbow, only to find Sebastian already awake, his dark eyes watching me. I smiled, and gave a light caress to his still darkened jawline. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving." I stole a look at the room, where clothes were strewn as if beggars had been at them, and a wink of crystal showed where a goblet lay in a fold of the carpet. Dark plums, and golden apricotes were scattered about the floor like gems. One of the chairs was tipped over. Laughing, I turned back to my lover. "My God, it's a wonder no one called out the guards!"
  12. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Fighting it tooth and nail! < Won't ever catch me giving up my jeans, T-shirts, and heels. V Pass the question on...
  13. Just so ya all knows, I'm keeping my treasures simple - mostly things I have cobbled together myself, with maybe a few bits and pieces of my collection of vintage buttons, old lace, charms, beads, etc. Nothing really fancy, but from the heart. This seemed to be the spirit in which the exchange was meant.
  14. Secret Santa, lost at sea! Oooh noooo. Ransom bows head and thinks fondly of rum poundcake & caramel rum sauce, wonderful hot buttered rum, and the Arms of the Sea birthday - er, tie up. **sigh** I sure hope James Hunt can cook as well as his brother.
  15. A = 1 B = 2 The Ransom in PR & PHSB is ficion, The Ransom that attends event (more this year, I hope) is older and not as brash! C = Fantasy, leaning toward historic D = Well, my husband and I have a boat, but it's not a sailboat. I'm not trying to escape, I'm trying to learn.
  16. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Wildest party? Hummm, that would have to be the one I went to in my mid-twenties. Held in a huge warehouse, probably about 200 people, all drinking, and dancing - until someone smashed the lights and people started throwing beer bottles. Time to go! < I kinda like smaller parties, where you can talk, laugh, maybe dance a bit. Even better if it's outside - on the beach, the patio, in a park. V Pass the wild party question
  17. The candles burned low, guttered, then went out. But for the creak of old boards, or the muffled barking of a dog somewhere outside, the room was quiet. Rather than fall, the last barrier merely melted away. Instead of slipping from the bed, dressing, and leaving the room, as I normally would have done, I stayed and let sleep take me.
  18. Looks at Jacky and the Cat. "Is the reason ya can't find it, 'cause there be none left?"
  19. I second that question! The Northwest gets treated like it's Siberia.
  20. I heard Red Cat come up behind me, but kept my eyes on the Relentless. For a brief moment, I had toyed with the idea of sailing rings around her to prove how quick my little schooner was, but decided the time for games was past. Besides, Jacky knew I could leave his ship on the horizon at our stern if I chose. The Cat stood at the rail with me. I took another bite of apple, then said, "You haven't said much since our little meeting down in the ward room. Any thoughts?"
  21. When gentleness was required, it was given, when rougher treatment was desired, it was also given in equal of not greater measure. Want was met, hurts soothed, caresses given and enjoyed. The anger that had consumed me, was thus consumed. I lay in his arms, dazed, exhausted, and barely holding back the overwhelming emotions that had swept over me, beginning with the meeting with my aunt and the offer of marriage and the chance to go home, to this sweet sanctuary offered by Sebastian. To my horror, I did something I hadn't allowed myself to do since my father refused to pay my ransom seven years ago. Secure in Sebastian's gentle embrace - I wept.
  22. Through some distant portal of my mind, I watched, as from the darkened ceiling, myself in Sebastian's embrace. I marveled at my abandon, so long held in check. The events of the day conspired against my nature to hide and remain withdrawn. Sebastian, a considerate and expert lover, tarried, but what I desired was a tempest. As he carried me to the grand bed, I met his gaze, kissed him, then smiled and whispered, "I now understand why my father ran your kind off our property, and why every girl wants to run away with the gypsies." He lay me gently among the coverlets and pillows, as if I were a child. But I was not a child, and I did not want gentle. I had demons to exorcise, and Sebastian was my priest. I met his gaze one last time. "So, you really were the pearl within the oyster shell."
  23. Patrick's probably off making something kewl. Why do you need to be tall to reach into the frig where the wipped cream is?
  24. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The Brandenburg Concertos, for sure. I had some that music played at my wedding. < Another favorite type of music is Celtic. I love listening to the Thistle & Shamrock on PR Sunday nights. I have lots of Celtic music CDs. V What kind of music CD's to you have?
  25. The weather and sea were calm as the two ships sailed toward the Spanish port. There was little for any of us to do other than keep the ships together. Sometimes the Rakehell sailed within the wake of the Relentless, sometimes she sailed alongside. But the closer we got to Havana, the more nearvous everyone became. So far we'd seen no Spaish ships, but that was sure to change. Other than Africa, my crew were all English. Once it dawned on them exactly where we were headed, I knew there would be protests. For Africa, the Spanish were especially hated, for it was a Spanish slave hunt that had pulled him from his home country to work the sugar and tobacco plantations of the Caribbean. I stood at the rail, calmly eating an apple and watching the Relentless, who sailed a hundred yards ahead, two points off our larboard bow. I had to admit, she was a fine sight, and if I had to sail into Havana harbor, there could be no better companions than Jacky and his brig. For the moment, the Rakehell would be content to follow their lead.
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