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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. This is soo kewl. More the merrier. Any art work style/medium is fine. This is not "fine art" nor is it meant to be "period". It is a fun project with a pirate theme. I have merely made suggestions. You can google Artist Journals and get more ideas. Each book can and will be different. They don't all have to be the same size. I only suggested the 9" x 6" because they are easy to find and cheap. Your book can be smaller, but for mailing ease, I wouldn't go bigger. Materials, as I said, can be anything from rubber stamps, stencils, paints, pencil, crayons, clip art, to your own personal drawing. I tend to do collage, with my own drawings as part of the whole, but each person can do what is easiest/most fun for them. FUN is the main idea. It turns out I will be going to Port Washington, so will be madly sewing and getting some kind of kit together. I won't be home until 6-4, and will probably need three days to recover! So, it looks like June 15 will be the start date. I am also wondering about the reliability of the postal service. On the first rotation, lets see how long it takes each of us to get the books, then decide how much time between rotations we may need. I don't want someone to not get a book until the 8th and only have a week to work on it. I am so glad you want to participate, and as before, any suggestions/questions - fire away! R
  2. Yeah, where is that Cat, anyways? Catnapped?
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on how much wine I've had! < Gearing up, literally, for PW. I'm calling it Ransom's Big Adventure, as I've never traveled by myself (by plane) and will be, until I hook up with CBIL in Dallas. I've never been further east than Arizona, and never been to an official event, so it really is a big adventure. Can't wait! V Like to air travel, or do you have to be dragged on a plane?
  4. If this project is a go, I won't start it until after Pt. Washington, due to the preparation others, and maybe myself, will be doing. That gives people a little more time to think it over, and hopefully join in the fun. I think to make it worth the effort, we'd need at least five artists. However, if it ends up being just us four, and you all still want to do it, then I'm fine with that. If we get five to sign on, then each could be working on their cover and three - four pages, then the rotation would be ready to go, say, by June 15th. I know that seems a long time out, but if I end up going to Pt. Washington (I'll know by tomorrow - it's a matter of plane schedules) then I'll have to make coat, breeches, and a weskit in a month - and at this point, I don't even have fabric! If Port Washington turns out to be a bust for me, and if Lady B isn't snowed under with preparations, then we could start earilier, say May 15th. Any suggestions/questions are more than welcome. R
  5. Wooo Hooo!!! Looks like Ransom may be heading for Pt. Washington. Will know for sure after CBIL and I can confirm and co-ordinate flight times. It's in the works, just need to tinker with the nuts and bolts. **Gasp**Sewing, must do A LOT of sewing.
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ One detail of my future kit, although it will be seen, is the small celtic knot silver pendant given to me by a certain Mr. Tar. < I like Chole's idea of wearing something special that only you know is there. V Pass the question on again - it's intriguing to know what secrets people have in their pocketsis!
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ It's only a slight detail, in that I have no kit! - yet < Have picked out colors for coat and breeches, and will be ordering the linen soon. Then comes the boot issue. Not bucket boots, since on my legs, it would look like I was standing in real buckets, but some kind of period-looking riding boot. V Pass the detail question on.
  8. Okay, what say we go flout some rules, sans flute player or nymphs? (Even more fun)
  9. Do you play? (Well, yes, I admired the flute player - just as you admired the nymphs)
  10. You don't admire the flute player? (You know, you can flout rules, or regulations as well as flutes.)
  11. Between Sterling's abrupt exit, the sounds of battle eminating from downstairs, and the dark aperture before me, my mood changed from one of exasperation, to one of delight. The evening had turned into something out of a tawdry Drury Lane play. As I followed Sebastain, laughter bubbled from my throat. "I wonder if poor Spindlethorpe knows the Royal Grace contains a priest's-hole, with rabbit warren attached?" I had no idea where we were going, and at the moment, couldn't have cared less. I was having entirely too much fun.
  12. "Get out of my inn, you tattooed miseries!" Muppet Treasure Island movie.
  13. Soundtract to Phantom of the Opera.
  14. Mr. Spindlethorpe had been in transports of agitation ever since the group of sailors had entered the Royal Grace. They had brought nothing but chaos with them. His kitchen was the scene of a donnybrook. Maids ran screaming. His cook had fled, probably never to return. Mad Scots yelled curses and and redcoats either stood and fought or ran for their lives. In either case, Mr. Spindlethorpe could stand it no longer. Wringing his hands, and tisking as he ran, he hastened to the front porch, and at the top of his lungs called for the watch. Even at the late hour, passersby in the street haulted in amazement, for none had ever heard Mr. Spindlethorpe raise his voice since arriving at Port Royal. Surely, they all surmised, something catastrophic had occured. To Mr. Spindlethorpe, it was tantamount to the end of the world as he knew it.
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Not even close! < Was actually doing some organising of my artwork stuff today. Now I might be able to find something when I need it. Scary! V Normally organized, or normally chaos?
  16. If they didn't, don't you think they should have?
  17. Irish Breakfast tea The sun - for a change! All my MT friends yesterday - a really fun afternoon, which I needed. Jean - who, for my birthday, gave me a lovely candle globe, and inside were two old crystal-beaded necklaces for me to redo into something new.
  18. A request for prayers is always answered. Good luck to her.
  19. I know it may sound trite, but I think you need a vacation - of any kind. Something to get your juices flowing again. Been there, done that. Kinda feel like you're at the bottom of a well? Time out is a good cure.
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