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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. At the sound of Sterling's roar of anger all three of us turned to look, just in time to see the guard nearest the man slammed in the face. With a sudden, overwhelming sense of danger, I barked at Sebastian. "Get her out of here! Now! Sterling's going to bring the rest of the town guards on us like a hive of bees. Sebastian's sister seemed frozen in place, her dark eyes pleading to the man now struggling with the guards. It fleetingly crossed my mind that it might be a blessing if they shot him. As things stood, no good would come of the situation. I tugged on Sebastian's sleeve, as he attempted to pull his sister away from the fracus. "Pick her up if you have to, but get her away from here!" Then I approached the guards, laughing, "So, what's the bother here, gents. Can't keep a man in irons under control between the lot of ya? Is this the King's finest? If it is, 'tis a mortifing pity, to be sure."
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I've experienced both feelings - very empty, to very full. Right now I'm half and half. Looking forward to some things, but feeling bad about some others. Generally, I try to stay in half full mode. < I've been carpenter ant wrangling in my livingroom. They arrived via a log brought in for the woodstove, that didn't get used and sat all night. Didn't know, like the Trojan Horse, it was full if hitch hikers, and kept wondering where all the little black winged devils were coming from! V Are you a neat-freak when it comes to your house, or does the "dirt of life" not bother you?
  3. I had almost reached the corner of the lane, when I saw the red-coated patrol with Sterling, shakled in irons, in their midsts. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Sebastian's sister step into the lane and call for her husband. The soldiers in the rear turned their heads to see who had called out. Sterlings head whipped around to look as well. Then Sebastian rushed to his sister's side. No force on earth could have made me leave then. I rushed back, hoping the soldiers would keep going, taking their charge to prison. I did not want Sebastian, or his pregnant sister to be arrested as well. Quick as a cat, I returned to my lover's side, ready to defend him and his, if needed. Without his being aware of my presence, I came up behind him, touched his arm, and said tersely, "For God's sake, let's get her out of here!"
  4. You forgot ships, mate. What about burning ships?
  5. As we came out into the stable, my eye was caught by something totally incongruous. I started to laugh again. In the center of the building, in all it's dust-covered glory, was the French commemorative cannon we had pulled from the hold of the Rakehell to present to Morgan. He had ignored it, and so, it seemed, had Sebastian's crew. Horses peered at us with dark eyes, and I imagined they hoped they would not be picked to pull the heavy wagon on which the cannon rested. I turned to Sebastian. "Not so easy to get rid of that bloody monstrosity, is it?" I grinned. "Now you know why I foisted it off on your lot as part of our business deal." The light in the stable was growing as the sun rose to cast its heat through another day. I needed to get back to my ship. "I must go, ma pearl. My crew will be wondering where I am. As soon as the Rakehell is at the careening yard, I will be free for two or thee days. Send word to Trilby as soon as you can, telling me where you are. I'll check with him first. If he has no note from you yet, I will wait until I hear from you." I took his face in my hands and kissed him hard. "If you need any help from me, my men, or my ship, you know I will give it with all my heart." With one last quick kiss, I departed the stable and jogged toward the docks.
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Ugh, no. Filthy birds. Who wants bird poop on their shoulder all the time? < Sides, I have five cats. The birds would be out-clawed. V Parrot, monkey, or not-dead anything?
  7. So true! I don't think William meant to burn his own ship to the waterline. Probably meant to find some lowly Spanish galleon, or sumthin'.
  8. You attack the Watch Dog, luv, and you'll need more than just me to watch your back! Let's just drink the ale instead.
  9. Wind whipping the trees, and rain - spring storm blew in last night.
  10. My first inclination on reaching the small chamber, was to head toward the tunnel breathing a hint of the sea. I didn't enjoy being underground, and was starting to feel like a trapped fox. Silently, Sebastian nodded toward the center tunnel. I nodded back and followed him. In the back of my mind, however, was the need to return to the Rakehell in time to take her to the careening yard. I had no idea what time it was, for I had no idea how long Sebastian and I had slept before Sterling's interuption. Traveling within this inky darkness, with only a lantern to light our way, it was impossible to judge whether it was still night outside, or whether dawn had already arrived. I also began to worry about Sebastian's sister, who looked pale and ill, and had not said a word since leaving the room at the Royal Grace. How had she ended up tied to someone like Sterling? It hardly made sence, unless he had got her with child and married her out of obligation. A mystery, to be sure.
  11. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The older I get, the less attention I pay to other's opinions. Ideas, suggestions, yes - opinions, no. < I have a love/hate relationship with my sewing machine. I like the end results, but hate actually sitting down at the machine and sewing. Also just discovered that my manual buttonholer doesn't work any more. Guess I'll be taking my coat to an alterations place and have them do the button holes. V This has been asked before, but I'll ask it again - stickler for "period correct" in everything, or willing to fudge here and there, even for fun?
  12. Hey, Rumba, just wanted to let you know, the "crown" you sent me in my plunder gifts looks great on my hat. So, rather than carry it around in its box and ask people if they want to see the crown jewels, I can tell them I'm wearing the crown jewels! Thanks again for sending it!
  13. Sorry to hear you've been so sick, Bess. Let's hope you're over the worst of it, and back to your old "Herself" soon.
  14. Not too much "wide berth" in a flying sardine can. Dang it.
  15. Maybe when you get there one of the other people won't want to gawk at animals either, and the two of you could escape. It would be a shame if you got that close to DW, and couldn't go. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, and hope something works out.
  16. Nah that's a breeze, traveling with adults on a plane... snigger... try driving 17 hours with two snotties, knowing the Mistress is pacing the campgrounds and worrying about whether or not CBIL has breeches or not... scary thought that... Weeellll, my flights won't be that easy, 'cause see, from Medford, OR "you can't get there from here." So I start out at 3:30 am to get to the airport by 5:00, then fly to Phoenix, sit for 55 min, then fly to Dallas. Spend the night with CBIL Then fly from Dallas to Milwaukee. Trip back = leave Milwaukee at 6:40 pm, to reach Dallas by 9:00, sit for 55 min., then head to Las Vegas, sit for 55 min, then arrive via turbo-prop back in Medford at 1:22 am, where my poor husband will be waiting to drive me back home - another 40 minutes. And with my usual luck, I'll end up sitting next to a couple with snotty's screaming in my ear the whole way — Why not, they always sit in the booth next to me in restaurants, or get in line behind me at the grocery store. As for CBIL and his breeches - we won't go there.
  17. Good news, indeed. Continued good luck in your season, and with on-going repairs.
  18. It's confirmed. Ransom is heading for PW. So, do I get the "Pirate who traveled the futhest to attend the event" award? Oregon to Wisconsin.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I've just hit the ground running since committing to Port Washington - sewing coat, breeches, and maybe a weskit, in a month - and the fabric isn't due to arrive for another two, three days. ACK!!! < Very excited about meeting more people from the Pub. V Pass the question on...again.
  20. Of course I know. Did you think I didn't?
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