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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. I've tried to register 3 times. It keeps saying my name is blank, or whatever, when I've filled in every blank. What up????
  2. Hmmmmm..might ask a Rastapyrate
  3. Aye matey! d'ya mean Rouge? That's the stuff the jollygirls wear. Mebbee ya mean Rogue? A bloke what sails where he chooses.
  4. Stick around, I'll send ye bits of the Lady herself next time she enters the Bay!! "of course she's a pirate ship, there's RRR's right on the side!"
  5. hardy-haRRRRR! Good one! Mebbee I'll try that between here and Alcatraz! Shiver me timber! I like the smilie snorring wiff 'is hat on!
  6. Aye, mates, I am what I am, and it ain't popeye. I looked inside, and marooned the outside. My blades speak sharply, my guns bark loudly.My ship fears no other. A pyrate?? Ye bet! don' beleive me? Here, bend over one o' the cannon an' I'll show ye....
  7. RRRRR!Don't have alla yer answers, but mebbee Jack's a SAILOR, an' alla the good sailors kin sail their ships singlehanded, much less doublehanded....
  8. Aye, lass, but always a weather eye, to cut n' run....
  9. Fuses? Fuses? We don' need no stinking fuses! First the powder, then the ball, powder in the touch hole,grab the linstock and fire in the hole, Bess!
  10. Sundays, huh? Still at sea most times then. Oh well.....
  11. Don't let price get between your eyes and the frizzen, or you might jest lose one o' em. I shoot Pedersoli Harper's Ferry 'locks, hard to beat for a Naval piece. Like a Brit Sea Service, but with a half stock.
  12. Aye! Venture up North 'n come sail the Briney! Newbee's always welcome on the Royaliste.......Gary
  13. RRRRRR Mate! She jest sailed west from 30 years up 'n down the East Coast and Carribean, last 14 years firin' her guns on the Great Lakes
  14. A bit about the cutlass. Short, important when you have to climb ships rigging for a livin'. Heavy, dull blade. When boarding, a sidearm should break arms, shoulders, anything it comes in contact with as a maimed enemy took others to help him, thus less men to fight. And prisoners were better trade goods than dead men. The notion of fencing when boarding a vessel is absurd. Grappling hooks, boarding pikes,boarding axes, locks, all meant to take the prize, not join the royal society of errolflynn.
  15. As I posted somewhere else, I've gotten no response concerning this years gig. I need to know a seachest ful o' stuff before I head this ship thattaway. A few vessels will be here in the Bay at about the same time. The Californian, followed by the Lynx. I've been waiting a while to exchange broadsides with the Lynx. Our beginnings are both on the Eastern seaboard. I still fly Halifax as a homeport:ph34r:
  16. Anyone with any fresh skinny on the event this year at Dana Point? I've emailed at least 3 times since March, Would like to take my ship down this year, but with no replies, it's a tough sell to just head out. The Californian and the Lynx will be up here in S.F. Bay about the same time, last time we engaged the Chieftian, they were going to be around here.Any sailors with hard info? This West Coast is pretty devoid of locations and events for actual ships to cut loose. Gary
  17. RRRRRR! Lemmee see that patch on them bloomers! Mebbee I'll pucker up!
  18. yeah, Like the prez or somethin'
  19. I presently sport a war of 1812 paintjob, am avessel of Lafitte, and have a deckful of marines on occaision. What is the substance of the war we should discuss? It was a great time for weaponry
  20. About swivel guns. The swivels for 250 at Dixie Gun Works are made by Hern Iron Works. The factory price is around 143.00. Bear in mind that those are cast iron, generally not bored, and need a tensile steel liner to fire. Bronze guns don't need to be sleeved. An outfit in Fla. have replica H.M.S. Victory swivels, 1 1/2" bore, with liner, for 695.00 Their name is Wild Imports. The style on my ship are cast from the Philadelphia, Rev War style, available for 500.00 each without yoke from Cannon Mania. There are also large swivel guns for 600 or so, but they are full scale and weigh 90 lbs. Thats a lot of weight on a rail.
  21. On a similar note, I've been swappin' powder with both vessels this summer, and I favor recycling 'D' batteries in my cannons. They travel and punch thru waves much better than round balls, although an occaisional large ball bearing is hard to beat, but they travel over a mile...little sloops out a ways are in danger! Might make Dana Point this year, mebbee not. Such is the life of a pirate.
  22. Ahoy mates! any of you landlubbers lookin' fer pirate activity, I sail evry weekend with an assortment of scurrilous and sundry seadogs.... newbies always welcome, but the sea forgives no one,especially on tall ships. Fair Winds
  23. We enjoyed the fireworks on the left coast, followed by triple charges from our decks IN HARBOR! Still can't hear........
  24. ARRRGH! Even if I can get them off deck, how do I get the deck guns on the plane?Any one with a current email on Compass Rose? They claim they haven't a sister ship,but, I'll happily give her a broadside from a hull laid before her in a different life. the Royaliste/ ex Wandrian II, an accurately rigged 18th century replica privateer
  25. My powder bill is larger than your rent. The best deal in cannon barrels for a ship are the naval carronades from Hern Iron Works in Idaho. Cannon mania is a high end retail source, this is the factory(foundry). I'll wager all of my six deck guns on them being the best bang for the buck. Captain of the Royaliste :ph34r:I do sea battles against South Bend cannons on the Chieftain. They too are spendy for a pirate.
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