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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Ahoy, alla ye pirates of the Chesapeake!...We canna make this event, due to conflicts,but....ROYALISTE will possibly be makin' some unannounced stopovers thru the Chesapeake during June, including Baltimore, so...If'n ya wanna bend and ear or and elbow with the scallywags we call crew, be keepin' a weather eye to windward, and have the lookout keen for a heavily roached tops'l, Aye!.........
  2. ....(puts down planer, drags carcass to the ladder, and crawls aboard)...Funny you should mention it, mate...We'd gladly take any and all the help available....Cap'n Kat 'n me onesies are draggin' butt in this 'ere humididity....If'n ye be serious, we're in Core Creek Marine, next to Jarret's Bay..U.S. 70 to 101, then a frew miles out to Steel Tank Road..Right turn, then another right at the Jarret's signage..Straight ahead until ya see a square-rigged Pyrat Ship!.....email for my cell #
  3. Aye, me bucko..ROYALISTE will be there, (I believe there is something to that effect on their website) guns blazin', buckles swashin', cutlass' clashin'.....Things are going well here in the yard. There wasn't any major problem below the waterline; a few sprung planks, many blown out seams, and of course some butt-block problems, but all within our scope..The store that sells epoxy is gonna love us!......."ALL RIGHT YA SWABS, BACK TO WORK!"........... :angry: ROYALISTE Your Friendly Neighborhood Pyrat Ship.........
  4. Ahoy Hawkyns, I'm just putting the dates together with the folks at the maritime museum, and this one has a short tayle to it. Last year, when we did the Oyster Bay Festival on Long Island, I was swappin' historical book titles with one of the guys, and he just couldn't express enough ways to try and get us to 'come accross' the sound...The weather window started closing, and we had to cut and run for the Jersey Coast and safe harbor. Our closest ASTA stop is Newport, so I gave him a call, and offered him a stop by for safe harbor, and a spot for my crew to mingle. You and your group would be more than welcome, as due to all circumstances this year, I'm running a short crew at this point. Not so much as sailin', but more towards our more normal contingency of reenactor and living history types...I'll let you know shortly when we have a date; it looks like the weekend or week before Newport, but for how long is up in air at present.
  5. Actually mate, we're so damned busy trying to get the ship back in order from the grounding incident, that we haven't had the time to update either of our websites. Behind in our dues to ASTA, so we aren't shown on their site either.....many thousands in the hole, or behind at present. Also, even if we had some free time, the connection speed here in Beaufort for our Sprint aircard in the laptop is waay slow; too slow for uploading codes. I have been updating things way back on the ship's forum (which also crashed last fall, and no one seems to know it's back up)...Check under 'ship's log', 'from the gundeck'....I also try to post somewhere here, when I can wade thru the fantasy stuff and the multitude of 'Captains'
  6. Well, I guess I missed this one while underway......ROYALISTE is now on the 'east coast'. While in port, we teach period sail training, and almost always allow interested folks low on doubloons to sail 'for free'. We are now in Beaufort, NC. End of may we start our'special event' sailing season...Our volunteer crew is basically filled in for the journey, but we generally end up searching for more, especially when we make our turn and run south again. You might contact us, then again, it doesn't look like you responded to the other posts......Summer ports are shapin' up like this so far: Portsmouth, Hampton Blackbeard Festival, Norfolk , Essex, Conn., Newport, RI, Halifax, Sydney,Lunnenburg, with more to be added....
  7. Aye, here's a shot from a friend; ROYALISTE in Cape Fear.....
  8. Ahoy and Avast!....After a trying voyage up the Intercoastal Waterway, this battered privateer now sits in port with the brigantine MEKA II in Beaufort, NC. I gotta admit, it looks pretty salty with a privateering duo at anchor in a small town location such as this. Many thanks to all who have helped us out from the disaster over a month ago. Sadly, now the real work is just beginning. We are scheduled for haulout next week, and the repair list just keeps growing. I'm searching out some wood this morning, and then I'll start the layup for the mizzen boom repair. Might just finish it before we haul. Once the ship hits the boatyard, it'll be helter-skelter starting the work in several directions at once, as most things require either drying, glueing, caulking painting or sanding, leaving time in-between ops.... If you're in the area, stop on by and say 'Yaaargh!'.....Careful, tho', as Blackbeard's ghost is rumoured to roam hereabouts!....
  9. Good on ya, mate!..enjoy Alaska; we moved back to the lower 48 in '83, but it's still a fine place. Stay in touch, eh?
  10. Jeesh! It's been a heck of a week so far; we went aground twice yesterday, and once again today!...The tide cycles leave little water in this stretch of the ICW during daylight hours; after getting back underway yesterday, we were in the ditch until almost midnight!!..Not fun out there in the dark..toooo many docks in the way. Wrightsville Beach is our stop for the night, then off again in the morning dealing with three swing bridges in a few miles 'o waterway......Pulleeeze, no more grounding, eh?
  11. Well, mates..We have been sailin' upstream for a few weeks, now....so....All Over the Map in '07 seems to be more of an honest thread title!....It looks like Newport, Halifax, Louisbourg, Sydney, Summerside, then...up the St. Lawrence and an attempt to pass thru the Chambly Canal and Richelieu River to the headwaters of Lake Champlain, and a festival in Burlington, Vermont...After that, well who knows yet, but most likely back south, then....the Carribean.....
  12. Aye, mate.....we have ROYALISTE at minimalist conditions for sailing. Today the starter went. After pulling it, water just ran everywhere. This is weeks after the trouble, and the sh*t keeps on rollin'.....Back to topic....Monday we make weigh for Beaufort, hoping to make Southport for Tuesday.....Here's to hopin' the Sea Gods are still with her as always, me bucko's........ :) ROYALISTE Back From a Parlay With Davey Jones............
  13. Aye,matey!...Email is quickest, but both email and phone # are on this link OVERLAND Best would be after we are out of this marina, which should be in a few weeks. They frown on most any activity, as their interest is primarily wealthy powerboats and their owners. Thanks a heap for the offer.....
  14. Ahoy, shipmates....I've been swamped as of late ( couldn't help the pun, eh?), but figured it'd be time for a short update. We are having to hand clean every nut, bolt, screw, and fork, but we are still sloggin' away at it. One cabin down, three to go..(ugh!)...Basic 12 volt service is working, but things like the inverter that we use to 'live' underway, radios,etc. are shot...Better than half the 120 volt dockside power outlets are working. The 12 volt water pump is done in, so there is no running water yet. Makes cleaning quite a b*tch...It looks like I'll salvage the generator, altho 'up and running' is months off; it's just saved from the ravages of the water and fuel damage. Don't know about the new 4 stroke dingy motor that was in the engine room yet, there are just too many things all needin' attention. Looks like we'll survive this all, but it'll be a long row to hoe ahead....Looks like we'll try to haul her out and check the structural side of things in a few weeks..Thanks all, and we'll keep you posted!
  15. Ahoy, folks!..Just a quick note, as I'm up to me ear's in bloody work,but......Last night, around 1715 hours (five fifteen for the lubberly) I managed to get ROYALISTE' 4-236 Perkins engine running! Five days completely submerged, and she lives!...more follow-up engine work today, then on to the transmission. We have to get her to a shipyard in Holden Beach on Monday, so it looks like it'll be under her own power for the twenty or thirty miles it be to that location. We've gotten all the matresses, bedding, clothes, and most anything else that's full of river muck and diesel off the ship, so we can begin the huge task of clean-up and hopefully, replacement......Keep alla the fingers crossed, etc., eh? ROYALISTE Back From the Dead..........Again, Aye!
  16. Well, last night's low tide was a wash, as the fellows helping wanted to wait for this morning's low.USCG's still on me a bit, but we're doin' the best we can....
  17. "No doubt about it, 'Rock, I gotta get another hat!".....Back for a change of clothes; we've plowed a hellava trough under the keel,and then......Five more hours until low tide, and we'll try to roll the old girl upright.....Once righted, we'll pump her before the next high tide, and then try to get her off the bar..all the rigging is done; Sam filled in for me(she's becoming a fine rigger, much like her father, my oldest mate.) I have photos, we'll try to get 'em on our website so they can be posted....
  18. .....A 'Roger that' to what everyone's said.. Thanks to all, keep prayin' or whatever you might do, and needless to say, I've got my hands full, and I'm tearin' the new knee to bloody bits. The pressure on the starboard fuel tank caused the deck fill connection to rupture,so..the entire inside of the ship is also covered in diesel. We keep working and pumping every low tide, and a few of the good old boys here have used their personal boats to blow away the silt, making a 'hole' under her keel on the port side. We hope to rock her up to get the bulwarks and scuppers out of the water. Then we'll pump her out if successful, and hope for the best. As Bullwinkle once said, 'Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat'........ ROYALISTE We Ain't Givin' up an Inch....
  19. Aye, matey, but...The Long Island affair be behind our rudder, It was Oct. 16-17, and now it be January. The good news as far as that particular pirate event is that we be invited back this fall to do it again!...'Tis the bottom 'o the page wot be current,eh wot?....Things are lookin' up for RR transit to Beaufort and the Maritime Museum as Saber, from Tales of the Seven Seas( also a past crewmate exemplary) be aheadin' Arrr way to assist in the fine adventure thru the Carolina Low Country 'n off to new areas to plunder!!...
  20. YAAARGH!...'Tis time we weighed anchor,so.....I thought I'd bring this back to the top, as we are getting ready for a ten to fifteen day transit from Hilton Head SC, to our new 'homeport' in Beaufort NC. Best guess is we'll stay 'inside' on the Intercoastal Waterway. Since it's not 'tourist' season, we are undermanned as usual, so.....Join the crew!..If you care to do a few days, or the whole enchilada, if you are experienced and want to sail, or new to piracy and want to learn a few things, give us a shout....even if you can't sail, but want to enjoy the awesome scenery and the adventure of being on a pirate ship seemingly in 'the middle of nowhere', 'c'mon aboard!.....We figure on easing off the bowlines around the 22nd of January, so hurry up and send off a dispatch!....Aye! ROYALISTE Leavin' Skull Creek to ARRR Rudder, and headin' to the Home 'O BLACKBEARD!!........
  21. Aye!...Thanks for the welcome, mate!..We're personally kinda likin' the whole idea, ourselves....( That's 'us', not the whole of 'Privateer!')...Yup, we'll be talkn' Horatio Sinbad into some battle sails, for sure! (we are berthing right in 'front' of MEKA II)...We also are fond of their development plans for all that nice land next to the docks...a period village, with an old rail, and dockside stuff.....as far as Charleston, well......Ahem, dodging any politics involved, they weren't very receptive to our package, didn't warm to us when we were there for the ASTA conference, and haven't responded to our last correspondence, so...with the general feeling that it is highly unfair to those who support and have supported ROYALISTE and accompanying dockside presence by subsidizing ports who cannot afford what they seek, we are at present planning on not appearing at Charleston. This same reasoning also applies to Norfolk, who hasn't responded. We are 'officially' on for Halifax, which sort of commits us to Newport, and some NY state appearances...Then, back south to Beaufort...
  22. As far as our present 'accord' with the Museum folks, we'll head on up, get settled in, and do a few 'open to the public' thru the museum's auspices days aeach month. We'll still be independent, doing battle sails, and traveling to other ports. Present agreement runs up until May, when there is a Wooden Boat Show in Beaufort. Then we'll be off for our summer schedule, which so far is Newport, then Halifax (with a few points inbetween)....Now, gettin' ready for four hundred miles of transiting on short days in the winter to make port in Beaufort..then, well, I guess we'll be workin' under a new letter of marque and reprisal,eh?
  23. .....Well, me hearties, it looks as tho' we've reached an accord....... After some interesting scuttle with the powers that be, ROYALISTE, a Privateer/Pyrate ship of some infamy will become ambassadors of pyracy in association with the North Carolina Maritime Museum!.....We've been in Beaufort, NC discussing the possibilities, and we're gonna give this a try. In a few weeks, weather permitting, we'll leave Skull Creek in Hilton Head, SC, and sail northward to the land 'o Blackbeard...More news as we move forward with these fine folks to spread piracy a bit wider 'cross the seas!....
  24. ...Dunno where you reside, but we do live demo's from pistol to cannon in most port cities we visit. Our 2007 schedule of events will be posted soon, but if you are on the east coast or around NY, we'll be in those areas....
  25. Type 'C' fusil's were pretty much standard issue on French ships, and as the French Navy spanned the world, it isn't any stretch at al to figure that a few 'walked' off ship...
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