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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. For those pirates in New York wot be wonderin', we're rigged in, southbound on the Hudson, and leavin' Haverstraw this morn early for New York Harbor and the ocean. Should pass thru' the Narrows sometime in the afternoon, dependin' on the tidal effect on the river.The New Jersey coast be first in line....Aye!
  2. Hmm, lemmeee see...not Godspeed, not Royaliste, so it'd take a lot more information for me to identify the ship. I do try and keep a handle on where other ships are, but we all sail thru NYC, as well as other cities unannounced.( heck, we WILL be near there in a week or so)..Royaliste was downrigged yesterday to transit the Oswego/ Erie Canals enroute to the Hudson. If you care to visit or stop aboard, and you are physically fit and able to do so, then best keep an eye peeled, as I lose internet capabilities today for a while. And frankly, internet posting has caused us grief both ways, so we are back to the 'wake up and see the sunshine' side of the real world for a spell. 4 days to the Hudson, barring dirty weather, where we will restep masts and rig -in for a day at Castleton-on-the-Hudson, and three to Sandy Hook. 3 to 5 more until Norfolk (we are pushing her fairly hard). 4 more thru the Low Country swamps, and 'presto!" back in Beaufort for a short time. That's pretty much the fall lineup, before filming and a haulout for still more repairs from last January's incident..Fair Winds and a Following Sea to all....
  3. Anyone who contributed to last winter's call for help by Tales of the Seven Seas who feel slighted may show up, receipt in hand, and I'll refund your donation. I live on a disability retirement, and donate most ship's earnings to crew or other charity events, since I cannot earn outside monies. Royaliste' operational costs run well over 1000.00 a week during the show season. Proceeds from last years donations from 'the grounding' bought three gallons of bottom paint, and eleven tubes of caulk. Remaining monies borrowed by myself still total around 30K with another 15K to spend in a few weeks. The soapbox is all yours, mates, as we are back to sea once again....no internet, blogs, or chocolate
  4. You are so critical for real, that some things 'sail' right on past you!..Amazing that none of you unloaded on whoever it was that topped their list with 'a beau'....As for the heavy 'reenactor' title, do you realize how many in the reenactor community don't think 'pirate reenactors' haven't a place?..s for my 'bread and butter', you have no idea, and your rant is superfluous....As for 'running my ship aground', etc..you also have 'no idea'..other than the great help on the part of all who support us, and came to basically 'Tales' call last winter, well, we've been aground dozens of times,(only once underwater) blown two engines, been dismasted, blah, blah, blah....I seldom air my laundry here. But, as stated, many thanks to all who really know and understand the 'scoop' behind this particular ship, or who's kids frequent our decks on a regular basis, or just get to visit once in their lifetimes, for it is you whom we continue to climb thru adversity ( yes, even all the bragadosio reenactors) We've always welcomed pirates,both 'polyester' and 'authentic',jumping them at times thru extremely long lines during Tallship events, just because they show up in garb.. Now, adieu... I seldom 'visit' these threads, so don't worry, you have your soapbox back....
  5. A factoid known by those in SF Bay wot know me personally is, my 'other' pirate ship is a black, 1959 Herreshoff ketch, S/V ORCA..If you are looking for an excellent boat to live and sail on, email me; she's on the market.....
  6. 'Top Ten items for your kit' was the thread. 'Afore I had a ship, I dreamed of havin' one..seemed like the number one thing a pirate needed, owned or not..I guess no one dreams of ships to be a pirate anymore, heck, there's PirateCon.......The thread should then read 'structured pirate uniform idea's'..I'm bailin'..thanks, all, we'll see you at pirate events nationwide, as always...We are just continually learning lessons from 'pub pirates'.........not about piratin' , just the fuggin' internet thing,eh?...Thought it was about pirates, my mistake...
  7. Whether weekend or full time, I still cant believe everyone professes 'piracy', but doesnt think about ships; nothing a bit personal, and..if you care to play pirate, you'd best not wear your feelings on your shirtsleeve. Now, that said, sometimes we open our hospitality to strangers, as many can attest. This week, at a reenactment, our crew worked hours at my command cleaning, rearranging, and making room for some guests, who turned out to be land pirates, plain and simple. So, my comments are simple, become 'highwaymen' or somesuch. Especially if you don't 'wish' for a ship..Hell, every pirate movie bases something on this premise. Don't get so damned uppity, or are the vane just getting more so???
  8. Jeesh!...Everything from one night stands to machine guns,but..I'm truely fu*king amazed that not a one of you topped your list with a ship. Certainly a pile of weekend warriors have permeated this site. I'm embarrassed for all of the pirate world. For all of that, Partrick's lame assed reply is probably closest to home. Please get a life, and stop 'visiting' in pyracy,eh? Go back to 'Star Wars'..It really was a better world before POTC, methinks
  9. We've had our invitations for Tallships Challenge 2008, but our present future is tied to an upcoming film. If they decide to shoot the rest on the West Coast, we might be in our old neighborhood again. The expense to either transit the canal or ship the Royaliste is huge. Therefore, we are presently looking at '08 on the Great Lakes, '09 back in the Maritimes from whence we just came, and 2010 on the Great Lakes again...It's hard to make Royaliste' future plans, as we let the events unfold, since there isn't a foundation dictating our sailing future. And we have been sailing; over 10,000 sea miles since we were last in California. That said, if their are any sponsors out there, we'd love to be sailin' on Mare Pacifica again.......
  10. We were there in 2005, so ye must be a little green at this. Royaliste was a six carronade, plus swivels gunboat at that particular event, and we invited 'Spirit into the filming of 'True Carribean Pirates'...Royaliste is now the most active gunboat on three coasts, mate..do your homework, and we'll meet you on the seas once again, if you are still in the Tallship business. And it is, afterall, a business for those of us who own and operate Tallships.
  11. Hmmm...Mebbee,but..Only 'cuz we aren't on the Left Coast anymore!! ...And,as I remember it, unless they broke down and spent some money, there wasn't much for artillery on the 'Spirit when we were there last..it's a fun little port,tho', and the crowd always makes the event... ROYALISTE Headin' South, Back to the Carolina Low Country......
  12. Ahoy,me Bucko's..We just stumbled accross this one, so..there be this Jacobite Invasion at Fort Ontario, Oswego NY, this Saturday,and....Co-incidentally, the Pyrat Ship Royaliste is also in Oswego waitin' to transit the canal,so...we aren't going to unstep the masts 'till after the weekend so's we kin do what we do best; pyratin'!..C'mon by, enjoy the reenactment, and party like a pyrate for the Labor Day weekend....
  13. Well folks, throw this into the mix...On the way to film the silly show, Laura Gainey is washed overboard. Dead. Gone...This woman takes her own life. done. end of her story. Some sage advice might run something like 'Unless you personally have some heavy medicine working for you, possibly you might want to steer waay clear of the bad ju-ju affecting Picton Castle' and the show.......especially if you are female. Who is to know if you are the one in the sights.......Just lookin' at the obvious.
  14. Just made port again in Alexandria Bay, NY..Headed to Oswego mid-week to unstep the rig and begin the adventure thru the NY State Canal System...As for 'The Privateer', I skimmed over the script, and it seems to have potential, but that's a director's choice, and we know nothing of who the Principal's will be (actors)...As for PIP, it also depends on the pilot's criteria concerning the rest of the filming, and location (could be the left coast again, or NC)...PIP is a hellava long sail for a few day, non paying event. We've just about run our limit on subsidizing events...
  15. Either I or others generally post first here, as when underway during the summer and fall, we haven't the internet speed to make cold fusion changes on our websites.....spontenaety is good, eh wot??..we'lll most likely re-step the rig and do an overnighter in Castleton-on-the-Hudson, then eighty miles or so downstream before heading back out to sea....making a few docking inquiries; last fall proved to be a little spendy for my overnight tastes.....
  16. Aye! 'Twas quite a fine time of it, for sure! We'd have liked to have gotten the 'squares full and by, but the wind wouldn't let it be so....Still a great time, and we'll see what next year brings....A wee bit hungover ( just a wee bit).....off to the castle this week, then headed to Oswego for a day or two, 'afore hittin' the canal system.....
  17. We have a slight problem with their 'pirate' mode, as pirates had no hierarchy; no kings, queens,princes, etc..on that note, you'll love their 'pink pirate princess' shirts......say hi to Antonie, one of our old crew, a czech sword fighter...on another tack, we're sailing south in two weeks; Erie canal ,Hudson river, Jersey coast, Chesapeake to Norfolk, then thru the swamps to film 'The Privateer'......
  18. Hmm, perhaps I'm mistaken,but...the story of the Essex was the inspiration for 'Moby'....
  19. Now we're just an hour upstream from Alexandria Bay,so......look out, maytee's, thar be pirates in them waters!!........
  20. We are deep in French Canada, today in Matane, Quebec...We've been clawing to weather up the St. Lawrence, and the going is slow. Looks like we'll be lucky to even make the 18th without a few more crew.....the whales have been friendly, so far.......
  21. We're in Miramichi, NB lookin' for crew again,eh?...Headed towards the 'States now.....36 net, 45 gross tons....still keep 100 ton master's as captains and such...good place for seatime hours, both inland and offshore.... Royaliste off Prince Edward Island, Canada
  22. We are finishing up our last East Coast Tallships port in Miramichi, New Brunswick, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence. Eighteen days away,eh??..Stranger things have happened, especially since our spars have graced this event before...Keep a weather eye on the horizon, mates... ROYALISTE Terrorizing the Maritimes, One Province at a Time, Eh?
  23. Royaliste' pirates are having a time of it in Halifax, after a long and foggy trip from northern Maine..With a shortened crewe, she'll head for Port Hawkesbury, then out to Cape Breton......Prince Edward, Island, and New Brunswick....deep in the Maritimes....
  24. After a rather invigorating rigging job, the replacement engine is in, and we'll be underway this a.m.......Aye!
  25. Hmm, as stated, we had a great sail from Norfolk, but....the truth of all matters is, that after three coast's full of Tallship events, including some with your 'signature', all parades of sail are done at 8 knots, under mandatory engine power. The port schedules are timed so close that hardly anyone can actually sail the the time inbetween events. Hate to ruin any exsisting myth fantasies,folks, but that's it. Lament?, heck, we can sail, but the engine cost is out of my arse. Pay for a ship shutdown on your paycheck this week. Personally, I'm a retiree, one check a month... And you and yours, Coastie, no longer use vessels such as Californian to do your work..Shcdules, schedules, schedules, eh wot??
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