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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) I'm thinkin' I've answered this already, but, searchin's tough,so....We do it, every day,mate. Hard to wake up with the Jolly Roger flappin' and the ship rollin', and not greet the day wif' a hearty 'RRRRRRRRR', so, might as well join us one day 'o the year...
  2. :) Weel,now..after losin' the windshield, we add a bowsprit and jibboom, trip a short mast, get out the black paint, and, Voila! a target!,er, um, I mean,..a..Float!
  3. Well,you're in the right place at the right time,anyway..best be seekin out Poison Quill at http://www.TalesoftheSevenSeas.com ye'll be needin' to hook up wif' some more 'o ye'er Brethren in these parts...
  4. :) So, this mate and a lass were discussin' who enjoyed sex the most, men or women. The mate says, of course, it's men, look at how obsessed we are with getting laid. the Lass says, 'well, look at it like this....your ear itches...you take your finger and scratch it...when you pull your finger out, which feels better, your finger , or your ear???
  5. :) Holy shit! Just realised you are in our back yard! Sailing to greet the Californian, you are welcome aboard Fri. Aug. 29 10 a.m.,cannons loaded and ready..The Captain..
  6. Welcome aboard,lass...'ere's one from the crew, enjoy, and if'n you are a seamstress, we'ere in need 'o one..
  7. Oh, 'scuz me, thought ye was talkin' 'bout me aft cabin!
  8. They'ere soooo good las, we'll keep 'em fer on deck, specially the one about the Stratosphere tower in Vegas....that 'ns7 years old and aint cooled enough to laugh at!!!
  9. :) Understand as I've several hours of repair and touch up due.....new gun when we totally blacked out the elbow, fun for a do over...
  10. :) As an Ironworker in my 'day job', when we are erecting high rises, there's quite an interplay between the folks in the buildings adjacent as we climb ever higher....usually invite the 'livelier' citizens to our 'topping out' party...200 year old tradition still practiced by men of steel on the finished roofline....some fine young buff stuff way up high...
  11. :) Lots? Bloody 'eck, lets see 'em! I've only twenty hours in my sleeve, need to see what seven more hours 'll do...???
  12. I've deck room for a few locals if'n ye can sail or load muzzles.....arriving in the Bay, August 29, 12:00, out of my slip at 9:30 or so...
  13. Jeesh!! I never see that side..better lose the mole!.. ..and add some new stuff.....mebbee my new colors..RR
  14. my position all along,Flint..'Ave another, on me..
  15. Can't be 'avin' no sick figureheads!...
  16. :) I keep two rolls of tarred marlin in me 'ead..keeps the air great smellin' in there..know just wot ye mean..
  17. Bloody flippin' 'eck, thats a gross one...
  18. A Richards designed,built in the late 70's 65' on deck ,steel hulled,twin keeled, merchant imitation Gaff-rigged square tops'l ketch.Built in Hawaii for the tourist trade. There are three Square Tops'l ketches on the Tallship Registry. All on the West Coast, two here in S.F. Bay, one So. Cal. Alphabetically, the Argus, Hawaiian Chieftain, and the Royaliste.
  19. :) Always available for Brethren,Mate! ..and with out a lot of words, it looked 'bad' that morning, the Hawaiian Chieftain turned back, due to heavy fog.But, Sailing is always a crap shoot, we had the marine forcast, and we took our chance, and, man, it paid off in spades..Wish every time I took out guests,it was like this....but, the Sea is always a mystery, you have to keep confronting it for rewards.......a lot of days like this now, tho, until the rains come...
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