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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Aye, Coastie! Ye be always welcome!..I do a New Years Party, generally Adult, depending on weather if we sail or not...Plenty of bunk space( six singles, three doubles, between both vessels)...alawys ready for trans from the airport, but, 'Ta-da!' Now, our rapid transit, B.A.R.T., goes to downtown from the airport, and the ferry goes from there to the Pyrate Ship!...Waaay cool, no problem, should time ever permit.....Gary.........
  2. Kewl matey!..Ye might wanna jump this over to 'Raids" itll get more 'o the right kind 'o attention!..Aarrrgh!......
  3. Aye Maytee's!...'Tis time to start preparin' for the 'Tallship Halloween Eve',... We'll be all Pyrated out, loaner gear available for those who aren't up on their plunderin', and 10 years old to sixty'll 'ave a 'Jolly" good time!..RR!..Spooks offa the yardarms, and we'll listen to any low cost ideas (seawater ain't real good on props)....If'n ye 'aven't signed the articles, step on up, and sign on in blood!...........Aaarrrgh!.........
  4. :) Photos 'o the newest crewman's sword adventures to follow soon!.....aye!.......
  5. FYI...if'n it don't 'buzz' in Hollywierd, it wont happen....not from there either meself, but, ...just a thought, as they make 'em, not us......
  6. The 'buzz' in Hollywood is waaay good on 'Master', with more on the horizon, soundtrack's awesome, can't wait meself!........I expect a 'Star Wars' mentality, start in the middle, then sequels and prequels, they would've never hooked us starting at the beginning!............
  7. :) Aye'm likin' Ollie! 'ere's another... I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving- we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it- but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. -Oliver Wendell Holmes
  8. A Rabble Rousing Congratulations on your birthday, from your Mates at Tales of the Seven Seas!...... Ye ain't lookin' a day o'oer twenty- two!.......*Grins*........
  9. Blooody Flippin' 'eck, Quill! Job well done, Quartermaster!....Keep 'em comin', and indeed, Carrie and Bully, 'Permission to board'....Stow that gear in the focs'le, and grab a cutlass!...RR!.........
  10. The stately ship is seen no more, The fragile skiff attains the shore; And while the great and wise decay. And all their trophies pass away; Some sudden thought, some careless rhyme, Still floats above the wrecks of Time. -William Edward Harpole Lecky
  11. :) An' a fresh bottle 'o Malibu from ye're Cap'n! Hope the mouse didn't get alla your dubloons!.........
  12. Always a bunk wif' your name on it, mate!...Agents starting to do their job for me...crosses fingers......
  13. The eastern C.G. told me to make peace locally as they have the power of exemption, and have prior history locally with the Wander Bird from our harbor, among others..I've filled out all forms, am upgrading my head, etc., and as soon as the cash flow improves, I'll start the wheels turning. Already researched the certified attraction vessel req's, as Sail San Francisco wishes to do some large promotions, but, will wait till spring on that one...Legitimizing my pyracy, Arrrgh!....
  14. Aye, Coastie!..I've no need for schedules that compromise my weather window any more!...Why do it, too hard on carvel planking....Jeesh!
  15. Me too, Coastie, love the ship and the crew!.. but, she was four days over due the last time, so, thats slow, and we blew hell outta her then.. Expect the same this time!......RR
  16. Naw, Pirata!..This 'n's waay big, and moves way slower than you ever could, no mistake there!...'How'ya been?....Brushing powder offa sleeve....
  17. Ahoy, all ye pirates wot signed the articles!....Me coastal spies are tellin' me the Lady Washington's on her way south, so don't be puttin' them cutlasses in the rack quite yet!....Aye'll be keepin' ye informed, mebbee a week or ten days.....RR!........
  18. The Tallship Royaliste glides easily into Her slip at Pelican's End...After making fast the docklines, the band 'o Pirates begin unloading, passing down various stacks 'o cutlasses, a sackful 'o 'locks, and the remaining assorted boarding tools.............Stepping ashore, the Pyrate brushes off gunpowder residue from whats left 'o his clothes........Ahoy, and Avast,ye!....Since the Fireboat Fund was the real winner, not many claims 'll be made concerning the outcome 'o the Pyrate War....The Ship's still afloat, an' Bully's still alive, we've made an accord, and after the pressgang, 'e's signed the articles!....Thanks to Bully, and everyone involved, ye were great!....Donations to..Sausalito Fireboat Fund, 333 Johnson St. Sausalito, Ca. 94965, attn. Officer Bob DeLong....And, on the horizon, be keepin' a weather eye open for a Northern California Pirate Fest in the spring....We'll be keepin' ye posted, and the 'Quill surely will be postin' some photos (includin' Bully an' the Pressgang!).....Stay tuned, ye 'aven't heard the last of it!!....
  19. 'Ere's to ye!...Drink up an' we'll fill 'er again!......
  20. What is there in the universe more fascinating than running water and the possibility of moving over it? What better image of existence and possible triumph.-George Santayana
  21. As the Pyrate finishes loading charges 'e closes the magazine, 'e pours a cold shot 'o rum, and replies.." Aye, McGraw!..An' whilst ye sight down ye'ere muzzle, ye best be keepin' a weather eye out for me press gang sneakin' up ye'ere backside, as they ain't sharin' the same feelin' ye be expressin', so best be prepared ta be signin' the articles!"......(shoves a brace 'o locks in 'is breeches) takes a long draw from the chalice, mutters something in a strange tongue, and plants the ominous lookin' cutlass in his belt...............
  22. ..(Pyrate looks up from table piled high with cannon rounds)..Bully?..Izzat you?...RRR, Matey!!..Methinks we'll be seein' 'bout lowerin' anythin' but several vessels to the waterline!.....Come on by and see if'n the Tallship threat materializes!!!......
  23. Nor you, but...................................................
  24. We've done this a bit, so Aye'll mention it here..I pride those who strive for authenticity, 'tis a fine thing, indeed..As you might not have noticed, I generally dont post photos, but instead reference the paintings of my vessel, as that is what was done in 'the day'...However, some of us ain't very good artists, so,... take a photo of your favorite stuff, print it out, then treat it like a 'paint by number'...hand paint it in, and, Voila!..period paintings of your kit, wench, or wot'evr!!!....Aye!....
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