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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Sometimes for brief periods it's kind of fun to make believe that you don't own a boat. -Joe Richards The sailor is well aware that the stalls are filled with sea books written by landlubbers. -Lincoln Colcord Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx
  2. Soon, Stynky!...'Quill's on her way home, an' then we'll see!!!....
  3. RRRRR!..Well, the Ship's back in Harbour; all is well, All Hallow's eve went terrrriffic, the Sea Battle was... 'spectacular!!!!'.. A "Hellava" weekend!!....Four ship's, plenty 'o hollerin' between vessels, and more cannon fire than I Aye can describe!...Plenty 'o fine pictures, The 'Interceptor' takin' a few well timed rouds in the..well, ne'ermind!....The 'Quill's headed home, so the facts and film at eleven!!!!....Many thanks to the crews 'o the 'Lady Washington', 'Hawaiian Chieftain', the schooner 'Alderbaron' for a wonderful ending to a great weekend, and for that matter, this year's sailing season!.... And 'o course, me fine crew from 'Tales of the Seven Sea's',..... Saber, Poison Quill, Lucky Penny, Cracked Carrie, Redd October..( Welcome Aboard!), and alla the guests who kept us ' Fun Natzi's' happy!.....now, can't stand the wait......Gawd!..Great photo's!.......Jeesh, whatta day!.............
  4. Well, then, the instrumental from his very first album,'Sailor', mentioned somewhere before in the Pub, "A Song For Our Ancestors", is about as nautical as they come, Maytee!..(If ye find a copy, I'd be obligin', eh?)
  5. Aye, Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiice!...'Good'n, 'Quill!!!!.........
  6. (Ice-balls a'bouncin' offa the kettle on me 'ead)..Looks north-west, and replies..."Mount Tamalpais, bucous bad JuJu!".......closes hatch, miserable..........
  7. And a footnote! As the deck is presently a half inch deep in ICE, remember your shoe choices, and , I'm bringin' the full ship cover!..We'll not be put off by the elements!...RRRRRR!..........
  8. "With the 'RAIN!' coming down hard at present, I haven't a clue wot the 'Lady'll do!...Either way, back in the slip 'afore dark!...prob'ly four,,,,,or so's.......'Rum?"..looks out at rain, and frowns....." No 'Lady', hmmm, one or thereabouts.........
  9. My humble appologies, mate..your seasoned experience here is appreciated .."So, Raven ,'ow's things aboard the 'PERDITION'?......Speakin' 'o things, mate, I left ye sumpin' in me 'Shore Raid' thread!...Figgured ye might be a' needin' a bit 'o hardware for these here waters!......And then thar be Storm!...*WInks*........
  10. :) Aye, Penny...keep us posted, and the best.............
  11. Actually my welcome to him, the other thread is more for newbie's to announce themselves..He comes an experienced Sea Captain; little is 'new' to him......reasonably proper place, Mate!.............
  12. A toast to ye, Mate!......'ave as much as ye kin drink, 'tis Friday to boot!.............
  13. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. -Edward Lear He who goes to sea for pleasure will go to Hell for a pastime. -Samuel Johnson
  14. After hearing all of the talk concerning chocolate, a small, slightly grotesque creature crawls out from under the Nav. station, where he normally stays hidden, and seeks out a new place to wait in anticipation....A true cocoa Demon at birth, a life at sea has altered it's existence to preying on unsuspecting chocolate addicts frequenting the lower decks 'o the Tallship....It's wait won't be long, the hour approaches.............. ......Look's down, see's 'is bay-bee doll, , and blows 'er a kiss!......(Damn! she's Magnificent!)
  15. Aye!... an' a Hearty "Welcome Aboard, Mayteee!". ..Kicks a hogshead, and it rolls on down the gangplank, bounces off the bollard, and settles to a stop..............
  16. ..."Ah, me Penny, Penny, Penny!..Read slower, me Pretty!...And, South Beach, yes, but, 'Fisherman's Wharf' at the bottom of Hyde Street isn't at all considered 'North Beach"!..Matters not, 'twill be a fabulous night 'o raidin' and plunderin'!..........Canna' wait, meself!!!!....RR!
  17. We'll chase down the 'Lady' per the Captain's orders, Deck guns at ready, with 'RR's on 'er Quarter's. And should we be a' needin' to repel any boarder's, We'll run to the foredeck, an' fire all the mortar's! -Aye!
  18. Until you do it all yourself you cannot have any idea of the innumerable minutiae to be attended to in the proper care of a yacht -John 'Rob Roy' MacGregor I think the modern desire to go to sea for fun must be all to the common good, The world has to be explored anew. H.M. Tomlinson
  19. Hmmm, (scratches head, tells the bartender to cut him off), now tell me, just how are ye born on more than one day?..."Nevermind, barrkeep, pour me another!".......
  20. It becomes as one with you, all-feeling: 'The romance of the sea is a strange thing. It manages to cling to some extent to everything that floats, save and except possibly bucket dredgers and mud hoppers.' -C. Fox Smith A small sailing craft is not only beautiful, it is seductive and full of strange promise and a hint of trouble. -E.B. White
  21. Thanks, Lass!...yep, pirates all over the waterfront, should be fine , indeed! Hopin' ye kin make one 'o these gatherings, live kinda!.......Picture this: Pirates , 20-30, board 'Muni', ride to Fisherman's Wharf, terrorise and plunder the tourista's, raid the choclolate factory, hijack another 'Muni', divide 'plunder' back at Ship!..Hmmmm.....
  22. Aye to that, 'Quill!..An', a bit 'o an' afterthought, but, ..the Saturday mornin' hunt for the 'Interceptor' (just hadda say it!)...will not be returning to any harbor but me own!...( Pelican Harbou, Sausalito), So do plan accordingly, an' be ready for one 'Hellava' night on the Waterfront, raidin' Fisherman's Wharf, (might even plunder Ghiradelli Square, 'chocolat')...hit the clubs, why, Pyracy all o'er the town!....Then nighty- night on the 'ole Square-rigger!......Aye!.......
  23. "Aye, Aye, Sipmates!...Me blood's beginnin' ta boil (Hellava, Sugar?)...But, Aaaarrrgh!..the cannon's be sportin' fresh paint, the decks are ready, and the Jolly's jumpin' for action!..just brings some extra clothes (always a good plan at sea),...and your best Piratical Attitudes!!!!..Loadin' portside batteries!...Step lively!..Prepare to come about!.......RRRRRRR!".......
  24. "Aye, Zephyr!...'Twill be fun, and a 'blast,!.... And, yes, we'll be doin' it next year, unless I'm down in Southern Ca. in Sea Battles......The Quote is purely me(original top line, and Hellava, lower visual).....the opposing 'double RR's' are plainly visible in photos, such as the 'Quill's recent 'Drakes Bay' additions...Carved from mahogany, and painted with gold flake, they have been there for25 years to date... They are the predominent Logo of this notorious little Pyrate Shyppe.... ..On Her stern quarters, both sides....And soon to be Her new Jolly Roger...Hmmm, ..the tattoo?, aye, a permanent statement to be sure!.....But, Hellava's worth every remaing moment"...looks down at signature, rubs bite mark on arse, and smiles again.........
  25. 'Ere's to ye, Surlyjane!..a tankard from the Ship's hold for ye!......Rolls keg wif' foot.......
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