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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. Many spellings 'o the word 'pirate', one common english being 'pirat' or 'pyrat', even..About privateers..All nations issued letters of Marque, 'legalizing' attacks on foreign shipping, not necessarily just against Spain. Many types during the Great age of Piracy.. Since I'm on the left coast, I prefer 'Pacific Coast Pirates', but there is tons 'o material out there, and also archived in this site in older threads....


  2. Hmm, seems as tho this has become a 'one or the other' type, instead of all of the available styles..So, put this in a pigeon-hole for me...I'm sailin' on the Bay, doin' a fair job 'o sea battles wif' a hella big crowd 'o ships, an' me decks are full 'o pirates AND wenches, all decked out, yellin' an' firin' locks an' deck guns, :ph34r: without a friggin' renfaire in sight!!...Category, anyone??? :ph34r:



  3. "KAAA---BOOOM!!!!"...Fires larboard batteries in support 'o 'recognizable' pirates!!!


    'Raises new standard on mizzen 'o the 'FUN NATZI'S'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Me first mate's as 'pirate' as they come, but without a .45 he ain't alive!) :)


  4. Bloody 'eck!...Ye kinda know my stance here, but, when a serious bunch of reenactors hits the deck, it's pretty straight up,.... that said, most of these types of event are seemingly shifting to a more 'festive' nature. That's my opinion on the masses, but...me?? I participate at the same level, although, regardless of the event, if the safety of a person is compromised, I'm gonna say something relevant, be it footware(most common), or lack of warm sea clothing. My position?..Sail the Ship, load the guns, fire at will!..Same-o, same-o, eh?


  5. :lol: "Hardee-Har-Har!!..'Tis pretty good on DVD, ...nuthin' like the big screen, and it's in that damned wide screen format, but....I kin stop it an'go to the head!!"....


  6. *Snappy Salute*..Aye, maytee!..Welcome back!!..And, should ye git out west 'ere, c'mon aboard an' watch it listenin' to the boards acreakin' on the tide!!..Premier tomorrow nite onboard the Royaliste!".."Ere's a drink :lol: on me, Ye scallywag!"



    Ain't sweatin' it yet, but it would seem to me that any 'logical' (I say that carefully around the CG) answer on the deck guns would also include the fort's cannons at the west garrison, etc....So, I 'll be listening a bit more, an' still chargin' the muzzles...'Eck, I AM a Pyrate!... :)


  8. "Methinks at present, it's in regards to cannons, but, ye ne'er know, eh?..The grapples always work!...We've had quite a few publicized ones this year, usually with every tallship greeting, and a few more besides, counting forts and parties of other craft, not necessarily square-riggers(Many big schooners here, also) e'en had a schooner we din' know 'moon' us with an entire crew this weekend, hate to see all of the reverie come to a halt..guess we'll see..."


  9. After digestin' me turkey, I was told by a couple 'o well informed charter captains that the powers that be are talkin' no more sea battles around here....Surely it ain't legal, but.....anyone heard anything similar up or down coast?????...MEbbee 'tis time to make sail......


  10. On a slightly more sober note, Myself and the crew of the Tallship Royaliste wish everyone here at the Pyracy Pub the best possible Thanksgiving..The world has a lot of trouble, sure, but it always does, and we usually still find enogh good to give thanks for..Regardless of your political or religious persuasions, have a very enjoyable holiday from all of us..The Holiday season is just beginning, take the time to relax and treasure the days....Fair winds and a Following Sea, Gary


  11. Adopting a recent move from 'Master/Commander, I decide to rig a small mast and tops'l to the pineapple grenado, floatin' it out to sea to watch the 'victim' chase her own fate!!...Turkey Day Suprise!!..



  12. :) 'Ded Fred' be one 'o RR 'prop'er pirates, an' 'e's generally a' hangin' from a yardarm, or as in the last sea battle, as the flyin' jib..'e kin be seen in the Halloween Ghost sail pic's an' also in some 'o the sea battle wif' the 'Interceptor' on the following day.....Now 'e's kinda 'regular' crew 'ere since gettin' busted an' becomin' a true outlaw.....don' take much to keep 'im 'appy, an' 'e donna eat much (Cheap!)


  13. "Hmmm, ...Wonder why that grenado din' go off!"...Peers around privy door, see's that, much to my dismay, a wave 'o sludge 'as put the Flippin' wick out!!.......Heads back shipboard, and begins strippin' a carronade offa the deck, intent on a fine methane chain reaction...... :ph34r:


  14. Returning to the privy, the odor is becoming so unbearable that instead 'o takin' another whiz, I search thru me seabag, remove one size regular pineapple-shaped grenado, light the wick, hold me nose, an' float it 'cross the hole...shut the stall door an' head back to the ship...... :lol:


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