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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. 'Tis lookin' to be a ruff one, 'your call, your fall' <_< ........Not to be jaded, but...I'm a sailor, I've seen my decks every way imagineable, day, nite, been aground, etc........no real value to me, mate. The last one kept crashin' me computer. Suit yourself.I'd rather not be responsible in any way.

  2. Ahoy! I just heard from the folks at Angel Island, They be plantin' plenty 'o charges along shore so's the place 'blows up' when we attack!..Waaay kewl, eh??..Anyhoo, due to the wind prognosticatin', I told 'im not to think we be jumpin' the gun if'n they see us dart by a dozen times or so earlier! :lol: ....Yaaargh!!..Ahh kin smell tha powdah ah ready, Miss Charlotte! <_<

  3. Spot on, Ben!!....Yup, if'n the wind is high Friday, 'tis the prudent thing to do as a seaman, and I'm needin' no more repairs added to the list! :lol: ....Mebbee a 'coffee clutch' wif' the crew, leavin' if'n the wind be up, waitin' if not...As far as 'intermittent, well, methinks that the landlubber's won't probably be there till noonish!..Yessir! It'll be one fer the books, surely!.....And these next few be priceless, dependin'........'tear down Paradise, and put up a parkin' lot' times agin <_<

  4. Ahoy, fellow sailors!!...Just a short note concernin' this week's humongus Fort 'n Sea battle...'Tis the season 'o the wind, and many moon's ago I explained that when this time of year comes, the wind rules!..Well, it be here alright!!..Over 40 knots all week, wayy higher as I speak, so..We've fallen into the habit of wonderin' wot time to start events again, and the tide and wind call the shots, not costuming or desire!..So, if'n Friday resembles the week so far, be prepared to leave harbour early, on short notice!....I know it be ruff for schedules, but it ain't about schedules when it comes to the sea....weather windows are what they are, even for short trips, mates......... :)...High tide, 0910..wind:well??

  5. :ph34r: Another dispatch interception!!....Seems as tho' the Hawaiian Chieftian has turned colors, become the Yankee's boat, an' now wants to jump in on Sunday!..Kinda late, tho...2:30 or three, and we'll have been firin' for almost three hours already...... :rolleyes: ...Loads more charges, just in case :ph34r:
  6. Actually, the business card in the lower corner is the fellow I purchased it from. They be on auctions, but you usually pay too much that way....Most everyone has 'Atocha' fever, eh??..Anyhoo...I believe this to be Vellon, not gold, due to the patina...Generally speakin', ye have escudos (gold), reales (silver, 'pieces 'o eight'), and maravedis, (copper, bronze or vellon, a mixture of copper and silver).....I found this one interesting due to the restrike.....

  7. Dunno 'bout most 'o the questions, but I've stumbled across some fine fir trees in S.E. Asian jungles, and on Pacific islands, so I can't discount seed oddities..Thor Heyerdahl on several of his explorations; Fatu Hiva, Kon Tiki, and the 'Ra', proved well that seeds will end up in the most illogical of locations.........

  8. One more weekend 'till we 'Beat to Quarters'!!!!!...Gunpowder stores be up, cannons are fresh 'n clean, CSS Royaliste is ship-shape 'n Bristol fashion, hull freshly scrubbed by Robert 'n the 'Quill, itchin' for a fight............soon enuff, eh??? B)

  9. Actually, if this comes off like it be lookin', I'll be huntin' deckhands attire...I'll turn the command over to Capt. Fairhead, he knows the waters far better 'n I...........But watch out, I be one mean assed bos'n! :huh:

  10. :huh: Just got a dispatch concerning the possible availability of 20K towards making this happen...that be most likely halfway there!!....So, looks like I may commit to this in ink soon!! B) .....Run out the sweeps, men!
  11. There's at least a 50-50 chance I'll sail down for this event and the Pirate fair at Ojai....Last year a group asked to crew down with me, 'the Rumrunners', but I've heard nothing from them..Any with interest or support may contact me via the Royaliste website, response will be the determining factor, most likely.......... :lol:

  12. Speakin' outta turn 'ere, one should also remember that around the world in 'the day', there were scads 'o smaller vessels for every ship 'o the line or frigate out there, with way different conditions than even those depicted by the popular writers....As far as today's 'working Tallships',while many things remain the same as period, pretty much all that are very busy are a bit more modern. Some of this is due to regs, others due to to the fact that it still ain't a 'quick way to make a million', so a comfortable bunk and the ability to make hot soup while at sea are as important as those needs were long ago...Personally, I've always grinned and offered the option of one of the hammocks, or a spot on deck in the sail pile, but scant few pass up a nice bunk and pillow whilst at anchor.. B)

  13. Pulls cork from rum bottle, takes swig..........peers at paper under lamplite...........

    ....'The 'Quill intercepted a dispatch to the effect that now the Hawaiian Chieftain'll be comin' to the aid 'o the Yankee fort when the Confederate Privateers attack it..The smell 'o a Sea Battle in the air, says I!! :D

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