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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. *Correct me if I am wrong Capt. Gary* The photo was probably taken aboard The Royaliste somewhere near the Golden Gate bridge.....

    Aye! Good use 'o a weather eye!!..'Tis aboard the Royaliste, off Belvedere Point, closer to the Sausalito waterfront, Angel Island in the background....From a 'Tales of the Seven Seas' event this time last year!.......Ah, yes..the scenery is of the finest kind!!.....

  2. Interestin' site, coastie...The high voltage fence looked good, but 15K euro'sll buy a lot 'o ammo for wot we already own B) Besides, the 'fence' wouldnt work too good on a pirate ship.. As far as the chuckles, as a result of RR costumed events, Sausalito is getting a bit 'used' to pirates in garb walkin' towards the harbor....But, try it with a cowboy hat and boots, and ye'll be chuckled all the way back to the tourist buses!......

  3. Altho the Captain of most any large vessel would have a private desk that COULD contain 'secret' places, almost all wooden ship construction, past and present accomodates many small nooks and crannies created by the nature of the beast (ships aren't 'square' or 'plumb')..These are all traditionally known as 'hidey-holes'.....Not rocket science to understand why....most all have access to allow for ventilation or repair thru the cielings..('slats' on the interior sides of vessels)......

  4. Thank all of ye!! I be loving the looks of the Queen Anne pistol me lads

    I have a love/hate relationship with QA pistols. They look really cool. They are very affordable. But generally, they were turn-off pistols. That's why the repro doesn't have a ramrod. So I'm always looking around for one when I need to load it. Of course, if it was a turn-off pistols (i.e., a screw-barrel) I'd be looking around for the spanner to unscrew/rescrew the barrel.


    We've an assortment 'o 'locks aboard, includin' 'Queene Anne' types, but mebbee thar be a way you could adapt a bit 'o RR deck layout...we keep rather functional, generic ramrods in a couple 'o lengths on deck..eliminates pullin' ramrods outta pistols that have 'em, cutting down on breakage around roll pins, and facilitatin' them wot don't 'ave any.......Also, the linstocks for the cannons be just the right ramrods for anything over .62 (Brown Bess, fusil and trade guns, an' blunderbuss').....All of the above saves time and parts repair and replacement........

  5. Jeeze!! See what happenes when I get rummy'd up for a weeks end?

    I missed this altogether!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIRATE!!!!!!! :ph34r:

    (And may ye get yer EVERY wish!!)

    huggage, :ph34r:

    Aye, lass!..We're all a bit crazy this summer, eh??..I see we're on the same cusp.......

    ...Hey Stynky!!..Wot we be a' drinkin'?? :ph34r:

  6. Well, 'ere's me take on the coat. They are simple, and well made. I planned on one meself last year, after checkin' out Poison Quill's...But, that said, Kristi has sold a lot of that particular model now, so I myself am searchin' for somethin' a little less 'commonly seen' ........

  7. I'm fully expectin' ta be there again, but I did just have a surgery date change to Sept. 16..if'n I kin stand it, as always, for a , an' nothin' be bleedin' too hard, I'll make it...If not, me first mate'll be there with a few 'o the Royaliste deck guns for a bit 'o thunder!! :ph34r:


  8. A decent Seagull be quite a collector's item, 'specially this side 'o the pond!..He's at 400 for the longshaft 4, and I think 275 for the 2.5.....they be incredible!..The one I've got is only runnin' on the choke today, figure the mainjet's plugged from sittin', they be really simple engines with ton's of history..........do a websearch under 'British Seagull'

    a 2.5 hp Seagull...........


    Originally built for Brit Marines to 'throw away', they've survived to become quite legendary;, three days underwater, a 10 minute cleanout, and the tend to fire right up....1/10 mix ratio!!..small slide carb, no gaskets in it!!..leaks a little, by manufacture....no seals to go out in the tranny, just really thick oil.........a favorite small boat engine in the Carribean

  9. DP...If'n ye plan on usin' an outboard on her, I met a fella last nite with three classic 'British Seagull' outboards, one the size for a lil one (2-3 hp)...really kewl, now he only has two, an' I have one!..If interested, he's gonna be gone for a week or two, but they'll go fast..........

  10. I'd be right interested in seein' it meself!!..I do a bit 'o collectin' and sellin' scrimshander's works 'o art...... :lol:

    ...........Some fine folks in Washington be doin' a bit 'o scim wif' the Royaliste on fossilized stuff....got my attention, they did!

  11. That'd be the Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain on last winter's SoCal loop......... ;)

    Thanks Royaliste, I thought they looked familiar.

    Didn't look how I'd imagined Adventure Galley which is generally described as ship-rigged.

    Not sure how Quedah Merchant merchant was rigged, or what sort of hull.

    Thar be a custom built yacht that enters me harbor now and again, carryin' the 'Quedah Merchant' for a name on the transom...Big-arsed, hard chined, steel hull.....Doesnt quite cut the image! :lol:

  12. So now Disney is going to have to go to the expense of building another Black Pearl.

    Methinks they can somehow afford it!!!...guess I haven't been studyin' the gossip, unless they need another 'Pearl'..........why fret?

  13. Avast ye, scoundrels!!...Methinks i owe ye all me sincere thanks for bein' scallywags in arms!....Bloody Bloomin' 'eck!!..I been a'scrapin' an' sandin' all day, so...Let's break out this 'ere hogshead, an' start the rum n' festivities, says I!! :blink:

  14. GRRRRRReat ta 'ave ye back, Ben! :huh: ..Guess we'd better go shoot somethin', eh wot??....Jeesh! Whatta B-day morn!..Just had me next surgery booked for Sept. 16, might just really 'cut deep' in me Ojai plans (gRReat pun, eh?)...We'll jus' hafta wait 'n see....Dina' enjoy the antibiotic reaction in the heat last year!! :blink:


  15. Bloody Bloomin' 'eck, says I!...We been a'piratin' a while, so the hold has assorted swag, weapons vary dependin' on the crew, but.......boucous piratey trinkets......


    :huh: ...Always room for more swag, eh???

  16. Arrrgh..I missed that show.Wonder if it's available on tape? Does anybody have a copy?

    I work for a Dr.Kidd. Probably no relation as Capt.Kidd had daughter (s?)

    I asked him once and he said there were three Kidd's outta New York that he could be related to and the Capt. bein' one of them. So,I don't know.

    Well, I wouldnt sweat it, they re-run them regular-like. I've stumbled on this episode three times already.... :)

    Scupper...Mebbee the lass hab's a code inner nodze....... :huh:

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