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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. arrrrrrrrrr.

    the Orca be up fer sale? she be a beut. :huh:

    finer interior wood work i've not seen. guess I'll be spend'n five dollars twice a week on lotto.

    Jeesh!..Didn't know we missed givin' ye the .25 cent tour!!!...Yup, awesome inside!!...'Tis the way a custom rig should be, languishing in the comforts, eh wot??....Feel free to take a peek next time ye be in the 'hood.... :huh:

  2. While I am not a member of the SCA or the Cote Du Ciel, they are holding an event in September that I plan to attend. It is The Harvest War on Sept. 17-19, 2004.

    Any pirates close to Northern Utah wish to join our pirate camp?


    -William Red Wake

    No members 'ere either, mate...But, thar be the teeniest chance I may be thru there with a load 'o spare ship parts and tools..All depends on an upcomin' surgery. If'n we're in the neighborhood, we'll give a shout........


  3. Aye mates! Come see Capt Kidd, Evil Tiny, Hawkyns and me humble self be on the History Channel. we are in the last 15 minutes or so from the capture trail and hanging. I be the imtimidating man at arms. LOL


    Wish I'd seen this before watching the show. I'd have payed closer attention.

    Scupper, do you know where they got the vessels for the show?

    That'd be the Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain on last winter's SoCal loop......... :huh:

  4. :( Well, summer's in full swing,so between pirate activities, I'm finishing up the new paint and varnish on my classic yacht, S/V ORCA.....an LF Herreshoff design, 34' on deck, 38' overall, Alaskan Cedar on oversized oak scantlings.....Interior in Cedar, Oak, Teak, and a sprinkling of Mahogany..Marble counters (real, not 'cultured'), hot and cold pressure dockside water, fridge, microwave.....Starting at 44K....that be a start on her credentials, more to follow :P


  5. 'Bloody 'eck, they wuz still 'dressin' when I got there, or be that 'round two'??.....'Twas quite a lot 'o fun, eh???....I mean the show, you scurvey, filthy-minded pirates!!!!!!!.....The 'rope act' was tuff, but personally, methinks 'Capn' Jack was the best 'act'!!....And....you sneaky, conivin', schemin' pirates, you!!...I don' know wot to say about the birthday gift, other than 'Aaaargh!!!'................. :(

  6. Well, well...might as well lite this one up again....'Twas a rather foggy, blustery start to the evening, as we sailed to the Central Bay, runnin' downwind, then upwind, tryin' to kill an hour or so due to a late start of the Windsurfing Nationals...Anyhoo, altho rather brutal, the crew hung in there, and as we made RR approach to Crissy Field, the guns were loaded...An' I mean ALL 'o 'em!!..A full broadside hadn't finished echoeing off the Marina District when a volly 'o four blunderbuss, and assorted small arms cut loose, rattlin' the windows 'o the St, Francis Yacht Club, one 'o RR 'intended' targets! :( The crew, rather jovial at this point from bein' saved the brutality 'o the weather in the 'Gate, hammed it up all along the waterfront, past the Jerimaih O'Brian, the Pompanito, Pier #(, Fisherman's Wharf, all the way past the Ferry Bldg., and into South Beach Harbor..After a rather quick dockin', the majority headed off to Broadway Studios in prep for the Circus, and I made the ship workwise 'afore the dark settled in...Ran a few snake lites down both gunn'ls, and got meself ready for the show....Then.........

  7. Aye, an' then ye can give someone a card with the dreaded 'black spot'.

    LOL! :(:(:(:(

    Rumba Rue

    **Wicked is as wicked does** :(

    :) Funny ye should mention the 'spot', as 'ole Redd hisself delivered one to the Lady Washington last spring, just 'afore a sea battle! :(

    ....speakin' o which, gotta run, off to give S.F.'s new mayor a broadside, pyrate stlye! :(

  8. Golly !!!

    Ya think Prince Andy experienced that ritual when the Royal Navy went to the Fauklands (another conflict for oil) in the 1980's ? Read that Neptune paid him a visit on that voyage yet the details were lacking.

    In me oil-field days, rituals (hazzing) took place for the newcomers to an offshore platform, regardless of position status (as it should be). Heard that OHSA now frowns on that now.

    No dateline in the Atlantic to qualify for 'Golden' status :)

  9. 'ere be a 200 year ole family secret for 'how strong'...When you need a steel cable, for a shroud, stay, etc. and you know your load but not wot size cable to use, you take the number of eighth's in the diameter of the wire, squared...(!/2"=4 eighths, so 4x4=16) divide the answer by 8, and the answer you have is the strength of the cable in tons,choked or made into an eye about itself..So, 1/2 inch cable is 4x4=16, divided by 8=2 tons breaking strength with a safety factor of 5.....

  10. Ahh thank you...What about colored canvas..like blue sails or even black? Would that make the canvas heavier and less reliable for speedy sailing?

    Really dark canvas(dacron) in this world produces tons'o heat, so...unless ye be sailin' the roarin' forties a lot, the damage caused your vessel might not be worth the concept...Some ways 'o the sea have considerable centuries worth 'o trial and error....Also, the UV factor'd remove the more vivid depth 'o color soon enuff :)

  11. **Snappy salute**

    Aye, aye, Stynky!...Awright, ye scurvy dogs, ye heard the man, stand down them deck guns!!..You there, put that blunderbuss in the rack wif' the rest!!..An' put alla them cutlass' back ina barrel 'afore ye hurt somebody!!..'Locks back below now, let's be makin' some sail...........All hands to the braces...Set tops'ls, and get the bloody 'ell outta 'ere!.......

  12. There's a thread on the Capt. Twill page for 'Authenticty nazi' debates......To step out of character and 'pirate speak' here, and stand on internet protocol, this smacks of flaming, and as the starter of this thread, I seeded it for constructive information regarding our participation in this proposed adventure. If you read from the head of the column, I posted all facts addressed to me as 'public knowledge' for the pursuit of enjoyment in participation at this event. This is not a forum generally acknowledged for dissent at this level. We are generally of 'like minds here, and that also includes 'Hollywood'.....So..........If it's negative discourse you seek, seek it elswhere, mate.


  13. Who'd you hear it was canceled from?  I heard it was still going on 2 weeks ago.......

    As to being a tourist, you are no further form the truth.  I was born and lived my whole life here.......

    As for walking I don't need to.  I can either drive (yeah, that's right, even people who try and educate the public through doing an accurate portrayal drive cars that involve combustion) or I can take my boat up. 

    Yes, I was invited to go along with some friends of mine in SC. 

    I don't see why you get on my case for trying to do things right......it teaches the public what hollywood never will...........and you won't either.....

    I'm not on your case for doing things right, we're all for that..With that said, it seemed your post after Desert Pirate inuendoe'd a lot, and if'n I mistook your inuendo, my mistake, and your lack of clarification.I made an assumption that if the 19 year old kid was gonna crew my ship when she appeared AGAIN in Lake Champlain, you'd stay out of the region...I appologise.. We are always in it for fun first, to 'eck with the rest. As far as 'teachin', we reach an awful lot 'o folks 'ereabouts, no complaints yet. As far as information on Bougainville 2005, mine came from Vic Suthren.As the proposed 'centerpiece', I'm sure he'll call when something else pops on the project...Desert Pirate is operating on very current information, and wasn't lookin' for grief, he be just a youth. I've done my parley.


    Royaliste on Lake Champlain, 1997

    And here's my last 'public' email from Vic.......

    To All Who Have Expressed Interest In The Bougainville Voyage

    To all those individuals and organizations who have expressed interest in possible participation in the proposed 'Bougainville Voyage' on Lake Champlain in June of 2005, I am writing with great regret to say that, after due consideration of the changing realities which are now involved, I will not be developing the idea of the Voyage further, nor continue work to design, administer or find support for the voyage.

    It is hoped that the many interested individuals with an interest in colonial maritime history, the history and ecology of Lake Champlain, and commemorating the events of the French and Indian War will nonetheless explore other means of expressing those interests. Their interest in the Bougainville Voyage concept was deeply appreciated.

    Yours sincerely

    Victor Suthren

    Ottawa, Canada

  14. Capnwilliam.....After a little thought, I figured some explainin' be in order. Most 'o the readers may be familiar with various state huntin' laws, but some may not. The advent of slugs and shot for shootin' at antlered critters is a spin off of population growth. Prior to a lot 'o people, most all deer huntin' wuz done with one kind 'o rifle or another, barring archery seasons...Then a few citizens had to duck a round or two in the woods, and complained to the politicians. Voila!!..Those states now hunt wif shotguns, limiting bullet range and ballistics. So, somethin' to shoot outta a shotgun became necessary. Hence, deer slugs and pellets..For the safety of mankind, it might have been a good idea, but it doesn't play out well on the antlered guys.....Close in, shock kills, some good lung shots, but nowhere near the pinpoint accuracy allowed a rifleman with skills....As far as 'large calibers', well, again..personal choice. I primarily shoot whitetails with a .223, 50 gr. hollowpoint, and muley's, elk, and cariboo with my 7mm. Remington magnum....I used to shoot a .54 cal Hawkins during black powder seasons, now planning on scaling down to .45, mebbee e'en .40 (most accurate average BP round) in classic longrifle style.

  15. I do most 'o me deer huntin' in the Dakota's and high plains, whitetail and muley's...I be buildin' a .50 cal Pennsylvania flint, the calibers you mentioned be plenty large enuff for the job, but like any weapon, shot placement is the key..As far as shot, I've fired mucho ought, double-ought, and number four, but never at deer anymore, just coyotes and geese. Didnt like the effects on the deer, I prefer a really clean kill.

  16. Well like any good pirate, I saved the picture an' I'll make me own t-shirt transfere! I absolutely love it!

    (Ye can buy the transfere stuff at any good computer place/stationary place)

    Rumba Rue

    **Always plunder when possible** B)

    Aye!..But when ye wash 'em, the background turns back to white on scratches,.........

  17. Whoa!!

    . Maybe privacy... which will be gone soon enough with maps and such like pointing the way.

    Still.... a neighborly sail by is harmless.

    If'n you drop rum off as you go by.   :ph34r:

    'Bloodey 'eck, we fancy RRselves as pirates, not paparazzi!! B) ...But 'privacy'???...Best be buyin' an island betwixt Iraq an Iran, no one'll visit ye , says I!..........

    But wouldn't that be between Iraq and a hard place? :ph34r:B)

    Wouldn't want to endanger Johnny and his kin. Be needin him for the sequels. :)


    ....but 'ave no fear, luv...if'n 'e can't make it, we'll substitute Ace, an' at least he'll juggle some rum RR way!!

    ....We have been considerin' settin' sail for Disney's Island where they dock their cruise ship...might make a livin' plunderin' the tourists when they try to get off the boat!..... ;)

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