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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Welcome aboard, Tom. I think Rumba is gettin' your "business" mixed up with your Pyratical leanings.
  2. From the Rifle Shoppe? That fast? How long exactly did you wait?
  3. Well that's just not happy news. Well, good fortune for you at that "somewhere else."
  4. That's our Patrick, caught in his own slipstream of conscience...
  5. Right That.....Kinda Pricey as well.... Actually $200 isn't all that bad IM(NS)HO. But the bidding is open still and if it goes much higher at all it will become pricey. I have some pictures to share. The first is of a different kind of cannon lock: And the gun it would mount to: As you can see, this one would be mounted by bolting it to the holes in the gun located fore and aft of the touch hole. I have a picture somewhere (can't find it just now) of the lock you pictured mounted on a barrel and I believe it actually pivots on the front mount and is "pinned" down on the rear, hence the slot to allow for "play" in getting the pin seated. I also think that the HMS Victory uses these same cannon locks. Edit: Huzzah! Thank you Aelfrick of Sceaftesige for taking some pictures of exactly what you want. Visit his photostream on Flikr here: Flikr linky
  6. Welcome aboard, mate. A virtual drink? I'll drink virtually any rhum that you have, sir.
  7. Welcome aboard, mate.
  8. Sooo...the guy running the cannon is mad? That's supposed to make me feel safer?
  9. Oh, great! Now the pyrate hunter who's blind in one eye and can't see out of the other has a cannon. Soon he will also be deaf. No one will be safe. OK, so I'm jealous.
  10. Happy birthday, mate.
  11. What is it that spooning leads to? Is it...dare I say it...forking?
  12. So cool...And now he can add another item to his resume.."I was once Mr. September..." and let the reader guess as to which publication
  13. Congratulations Maddogge, again, it seems. It looks like you guys all had a wonderful time of it. One thing, though..."Fire in the hole!?" I thought we were all going to get rid of that phrase. Its a mining term from a century or so later! Sorry, pet peeve. I keep it on a leash most times, but it was the lead quote on the front page. Drives me crazy. That and I'm jealous as hell about all the time you folks spend pyratin'.
  14. Happy birthday Fayma!
  15. That's..umm...disturbing? Also, and
  16. Pictures, mate, pictures...maybe a movie clip of you crying like a girl...
  17. Welcome aboard, lass. Aye, the Carolines are a grand place to play pyrate, lots of history about and a few fair crews to sign on with. Enjoy your stay. Oh, yes, have you heard about Pyrates in Paradise yet...?
  18. It would seem that I, too, have the "Ocean Sailor's Attitude." Then again I've sailed most of my life and as a biologist I often went to remote places where getting there was easy; getting back was sometimes the tricky part.
  19. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. One less ship out of so few to play in. I cannot imagine how the crew must feel. Damn.
  20. I, for one, would like to eventually find out what happened. It was ruled an accident, but was it preventable? What can we learn from what happened?
  21. Here's to a speedy recovery and an equally speedy conviction of the bastard that did this.
  22. 'Tis called careening, mate. Makes the ship faster, more responsive to the helm, less likely to be caught by pesky pyrate hunters...
  23. This is what I thought though I had no proof of it, not knowing if the term had been used before in such a fashion. If, in fact, the term originated in Key West then I must report that Mr. Jack was the first FB, owing to the ease with which he and his family adapted to Pyracy and looked so damn good doing it. And then there was that flower pot...
  24. We do what we must, mate. Good luck to ye and the wife and all health to ye both. A toast it is we will raise in Key West if ye'r not able to attend.
  25. It’s a term of endearment made up of extreme envy mixed with approval and affection. It may have originated in Key West, PiP 2007, but it may have existed before that. It consists of calling someone a f***ing b**tard (or b**ch, in this case) in a most affectionate way because they have done something or made something that fills you with envy and pride of knowing a person that can do such a thing. It also has something to do with the whole "raising the bar" thing, knowing that one will now have to achieve a higher plane to stand in such august company. It’s a big, backhanded compliment.
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