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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. While I applaud the generosity and effort of the flotilla, I would strongly caution private excursions to the island at this time. While the intent may be well placed it should be remembered that you are sailing to an island without a working government. You may end up entering the country illegally as there may be no working customs office. Doing so may cost your captains their tickets. Has there been any coordination with officials in Haiti, either US or Haitian? I could not find any referenced in the OceansWatch or Seven Seas Cruising Association web sites. Be aware that you are sailing into a country in which a state of emergency has been declared. If not cleared ahead of time you may be turned back by the US Coast Guard or US Navy, both of which are now on patrol in Haitian waters. Be prepared to deal with disease. Cholera should be breaking out about now. You will be sailing to a population growing desperate, some desperate enough to take your ship and leave with it. Also, professional aid organizations are wary about just showing up in a parking lot with relief aid for fear of creating a mob scene, hence the famous "bottleneck"; the population is so densely packed in the city that it is hard to penetrate and disperse aid widely and evenly, if at all. You may have better luck in the outlying areas but don't count on it. Good luck to you and those who will join you but be aware of the dangers on land and sea.
  2. Shall i set aside the same table for you Capt. Bo? Aye, send 'em on over to the table near the fireplace, my "Seat of Government" as it were. Such business is best conducted in such a convivial environment. That it is also away from the prying eyes of those sniveling scribes His Majesty keeps infesting my "official" offices with is purely coincidental. A round for the house, Master Pew.
  3. A fort! Heaven forfend! Those things only attract undesirables like soldiers with their stuffy officers insisting that things be done all legal and what...
  4. Israel Cross, the Pink Pyrate. Very nice indeed.
  5. I'm afraid...very afraid...must flush mental picture out with rhum...lots of rhum...
  6. Just stick pins in that little doll you showed me...he'll have other things to think about then, won't he?
  7. Now I'll definately have to go...no excuses this time! Mission needs me! Or Meads me, I'm not sure.
  8. Yes, sir, Doctor... Oh! I got it! "Oo ee, oo ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang"
  9. Yes, Doctor...
  10. Ya gotta love Google. Entered "performing gerbils" and found that. Weird.
  11. I could wear my Gerbil Shirt:
  12. Seconded. People keep runnin' around nominatin' me for stuff; captain, governor...Hey, wait! As Governor I get to be bribed, get a piece of all the quasi-illegal action, have the best mansion in town, do no real work, throw fancy balls, have a plantation in the country... Ahem...I humbly accept the nomination and will work hard to be the best Governor in the Colonies. I promise not to bleed my friends of too much of their money, to throw a festival every month, provide a safe haven and pardons for pyrates (for a fee), give misinformation to pyrate hunters and furnish a fast sloop for every able-bodied smuggler. This is St. Pyratesburg, after all. Or is it Pubville? Your Humble Servant, The Honorable James Warren Resident of St. Pyratesburg Governor of the State of Confusion.
  13. Nice houses, William. Had a lighthouse fetish for long, have ye?
  14. So, is the purpose of this thread to imagine what one would do as a real job in a proposed "Pyrate Williamsburg", a real-world, real-time home for wayward reenactors? Or is it to speculate about what one would want to do in a town like Williamsburg/Charlotte during the (as an example) 1680-1720 period? If it be the former, where shall we establish "St. Pyrateburg?" Also, if it be the former, then a ship is not really out of the question: have ye not been to Schooner Wharf in Key West where the day-trip tall-ships reside? A day-trip pyrate sloop would not be unreasonable. Nor would a static ship such as the Bounty that resided in St. Petersburg for so many years without slipping its cable for years at a time.
  15. So it would seem that I shall miss you yet again. *Le Sigh*
  16. For those interesting in helping immediately, simply text "HAITI" to "90999" and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill. Doctors Without Borders was already on the ground in Haiti and presently have the best infrastructure in spite of losing several members of their staff and two whole hospitals. All of the contacts below were copied from: Rachel Maddow Show at MSNBC On the web site all of the below have links to their respective web sites. The most needed and the most transferable and transmutable type of help is money. Send cash. There is no infrastructure to sort through tons of "stuff" sent in randomly by well-meaning folks wanting to donate "stuff." Give money and let the experts buy what is needed and ship it off. Action Against Hunger, 877-777-1420 American Red Cross, 800-733-2767 American Jewish World Service, 212-792-2900 AmeriCares, 800-486-4357 Beyond Borders, 866-424-8403 CARE, 800-521-2273 CarmaFoundation Catholic Relief Services, 800-736-3467 Childcare Worldwide, 800-553-2328 Concern Worldwide, 212-557-8000 Cross International, 800-391-8545 Direct Relief International, 805-964-4767 Doctors Without Borders, 888-392-0392 Feed My Starving Children, 763-504-2919 Food for the Poor, 800-427-9104 Friends of WFP, 866-929-1694 Haiti Children, 877-424-8454 Haiti Marycare, 203-675-4770 Haitian Health Foundation, 860-886-4357 Hope for Haiti, 239-434-7183 International Medical Corps, 800-481-4462 International Rescue Committee, 877-733-8433 International Relief Teams, 619-284-7979 Lutheran World Relief, 800-597-5972 Medical Teams International, 800-959-4325 Meds and Food for Kids, 314-420-1634 Mennonite Central Committee, 888-563-4676 Mercy Corps, 888-256-1900 Operation Blessing, 800-730-2537 Operation USA, 800-678-7255 Oxfam, 800-776-9326 Partners in Health, 617-432-5298 Project HOPE, 800-544-4073 Rural Haiti Project, 347-405-5552 The Salvation Army, 800-725-2769 Samaritan's Purse, 828-262-1980 Save the Children, 800-728-3843 UN Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF, 800-367-5437 World Concern, 800-755-5022 World Hope International, 888-466-4673 World Relief, 800-535-5433 World Vision, 888-511-6548 Yele Haiti, 212-352-0552 Wyclef Jean's grassroots org Text Yele to 501 501 to donate $5 via your cellphone
  17. Can't do Saturday so it's Friday for me for sure. In garb. I'll probably go as a civilian with breeches, not a pyrate and slops. Hate to carry all those weapons and have no place to play with 'em.
  18. Jack, how far are you away from this? I am tentatively thinking about Friday the 22nd (be aware that this is actually an old thread for last year's event, so watch the dates.) It all depends on whether SWIMBO can pick up the kids after school. Garb would be fun.
  19. Well done, mate. 'Tis a good thing that surgeons kept journals.
  20. And the Surgeon is practicing medicine, so the crew is all certain to die, and he says that he's been to the colleges, but I'm certain he's tellin' a lie lie..le lie...le le lie lie...lie le lie..le le liiieee...le lie.... Another thread successfully pyrated...
  21. How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
  22. hmmm.... What would mission do with a cannon?? ... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! madPete I can't say for sure, but Mission does seem to have some sort of fascination with enema equipment...watch your stern, says I.
  23. I think we now know how Rats hurt his back, hmmmm? Come, Watson, the game is afoot!
  24. I just watched the video. It clearly shows the protester's boat accelerating into the path of the whaling ship. Watch the wake of the protester's boat for the cues. So, the protester's protestations that they had the right of way does not hold water as they did not try to avoid the collision and in fact caused it by accelerating into the path of the larger ship. It's as if the cap...ah...skipper of the protester's boat deliberately sacrificed his boat and put his crew in harm's way. Beyond poor seamanship, it's suicidal.
  25. Welcome. Or welcome back. Whatever, enjoy and you've come (returned?) to the right place.
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