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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Stynky! Reality has finally caught up with you! Alafia was great. Met up with Willie Wobble, William and Doug From St. Augustine. There was also another castaway from the Searles crew but I have sadly forgotten his name; Willie will remember and post it directly. The day was generally spent shopping and wandering aimlessly, all in the pursuit of free libations, many of which were found and dispatched. Special thanks to Chickasaw and his keg of Yingling. I got a lid lifter and a small onion bottle (short of funds, you know.)
  2. Bilge, you dirty Monkey! Happy Birthday!
  3. Or rhum and gunpowder...
  4. I think perhaps "Barnacle Bruce" is a figment of Cascabel's imagination. However, Buccaneer Bruce does exist. That was the unfortunate name (you can look it up) of the Tampa Bay Buccaneer's helmet mascot, shown below. Yep, Buccaneer Bruce. To bad it wasn't something really scary, like "Tim" or "Adiran." (No offense intended to any existing Tims or Adrians here at the Pub, should they exist.) And yes, he is winking at you...there's no winking in pyracy. Leering, yes, but no winking.
  5. Just like Stynky to go into the future to inquire about the past. Never enough history to satisfy him. Or something like that.
  6. Blackbeard with smoking matches? Perfect example of what not to do!
  7. Welcome aboard, mate. Nice bike. Nearly pyraty already.
  8. Ohh...Sneaky pyrate...
  9. Aye, second that.
  10. Ye look positively beatific: not good for a bloodthirsty pyrate. Otherwise fantastic, as usual.
  11. Happy New Year to all my Pyrate mates, to those of you I know, to those of you I have yet to meet. Fair winds, following seas and the weather gauge on all yer troubles.
  12. Merry Christmas all! William, yer kids were still asleep after 8? Mine were up at 5:45! Since none of them yet know how to make coffee we sent 'em all back to bed!
  13. OK, it's official. Yer both insane and seem to transend both time and space as you apparently have more of both than anyone could possibly have within the constraints of the physical sciences as we presently understand them. Qualifies ye both as FB's, and I say that with all the respect and jealousy I can muster.
  14. http://www.black-bear-haversack.com/index.php Makers of various reenacting and camping equipment.
  15. Happy Natal Day, oh great and powerful Quartermaster. I missed you at FTPI this year as well...oh, wait, I didn't get to go either...Neither you, Silkie, Patrick or I were at PiP, I mean FTPI this year. Something fundamentally wrong with that.
  16. Welcome aboard mate. Lotsa' good people and exceptional information.
  17. So many December Pyrates! And such quality fellows as well. Happy Biirthday, Mate.
  18. Diosa! Huzzah to ye lass. Betwixt you and Mission it's almost like being there....nah, not really. Nothing can replace sore feet, smoky clothes, rhum voice, powder stained hands, clay pipes, fireside cooking, the smell of black powder in the morning, afternoon and evening. Wenches and their ahhh...assets. Pistol cleaning and cartridge rolling parties. Lob. The sound and feel of canon rounds. Tents turning green, rain, heat and cold. Mugging with the people who come to see, to listen, to learn and to just hang out with us. Us. We who would do this just for each other get to share this with the uninitiated and see the inner child awaken in them, the same one we see in each other, in ourselves. Gotsta get back...oh, ah...I mean, Verily I must return forthwith...Thanks for the blog!
  19. Yes, yes he is a twin but with two other people, not himself. Happy Birthday Mission, you aider and abetter of hatshufflers.
  20. Stynky ye old hatnapper! I sorely miss being there. Not to fear, I shall return.
  21. So, who's coming. Best reenactor shopping in Florida. Pyrates (historically accurate ones, anyway) welcome. http://www.floridafr...visitorflyr.pdf http://www.floridafr...Alafia2012.html
  22. Thanks all. Just got back from my interview. I kept stressing how adaptable I was but all they wanted to talk about was that whole pyracy reenacting hobby mentioned on my resume. It is this season what with the birthday, end of year and FTPI that makes me look back and miss you people and pyratin' as much as I would like. That bein' the case, I hereby resolve to show my scurvy face around here a bit more often. Maybe pick up some of my unfinished pyratin' projects. Mission yer right; too many December pyrates not to take over FTPI and turn it into our own birthday celebration! Everyone's invited! Hey Silkie! So William, Patrick, you and I weren't at FTPI this year. Something severely wrong wtih that. So, who's going to Alafia?
  23. Awww...Y'all remembered. Today I have another job interview; perhaps the day and your good wishes will bring the bit o' luck I've been needin'. Thank'ee, mates.
  24. Welcome aboard, Mate, We can always use another body, no bones about it.
  25. A winsome wench willing to stand a round fer the house? Welcome aboard says I.
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