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Everything posted by Cut-throat

  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, bro. Whenever you want one, just ask.
  2. Bess, you need another eye ? Already ? For you, anytime you are ready. I have them.
  3. That sounds like a killer idea, but I'm a schtickler for detail. I wanted the weight, grain, and feel to be as real to what a pirate would have back then. Perfectly imperfect ! I just might make one with a fork stuck in it as well.....I love that scene.
  4. I know I was among the very few that still had their sea legs underneath them at the end of the night
  5. Bess, all that matters to me is that you are happy with the eye. And as I told you at the event, I spoke to two master woodworkers and they said that wood is a beast. It dries and cracks depending on the weather. They said that if I treated the wood any more than I already did, it will flush out the detail and discolor it. So, if anything happens to your's just let me know and I'll ship you out another one right away. That's my warranty.
  6. Belmont Shores sounds like a load of fun.....buuuut.....I happen to be getting married in June. It's going to be quite a hectic month for me. At least I will be getting married on the beach We're actually having two ceremonies. One on the beach on June 13th, and a huge Persian wedding on the 28th Should be tons of fun. I don't know, maybe Belmont Shores will be possible. I've pulled off crazier schedules in the past
  7. The event was a BLAST . I had great time and it was for a great cause. Thanks for the heads-up, Bess. Well, per your instructions, here are just a few of my pics from the evening......and they are missing a certain "Iron" someone that I never did get a picture with.... Here is Marty, me, and Lee holding the Ragetti eye that I made....I think that one was your's Bess. Treva, me , and Vinnie. Man, oh man, did we have some hillariously rum-filled discussions that night Those guys were incredible. David and me and finally, me, the incredible costume maker Kate, and my buddy Mike dressed up as Davey Jones.
  8. Marty and Lee know Ragetti's eye when they see it !
  9. Bess, I just wanted to say that it was great to finally meet you. I had an incredible time and it was for a really good cause. I hope you enjoyed your Ragetti eye. Where did you disappear to ? My buddy and I got back from grabbing a drink and you vanished.
  10. Near Anaheim ? I actually live 10 minutes (probably less) from Disneyland. Where is the CHOCH event ? I might be able to stop by. As for what it's made out of, it's made out of wood.
  11. Funny you should ask. My business partner and I were talking about that just yesterday. Problem is, we need detailed photos of the chart. If we had those, the working mechanics wouldn't be that difficult.
  12. WOW. At yer service. Response sent, m'lady.
  13. Pyrateleather, thank you for the kind words, and if your friends would like one, you can just PM me here anytime. Mission, I can make just about anything. Problem is, getting willow branches where I live. If you can find them, I'm more than certain I could rig something up for you.
  14. Thank you very much. I look forward to making them. I have a lot of fun doing it. Also, I will be modifying it a bit to make it look even more screen accurate. I will be making a few of them right along, so whenever you find out just let me know how many you need. I do accept paypal if that is easier for you.
  15. In my opinion, the closest thing to GAoP accountrements on the Jas Townsend website is their hat blanks. If you want historically accurate pieces, try searching for sutlers here.... http://www.piratebrethren.com/forum/index....9dea79db416d44d Or just go to the best....... http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/histo...p?c=23&w=24&r=Y
  16. Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate what you have done. You are the best !
  17. Thank you kindly, Lady. I figured there would be a few people out there that would appreciate Captain Barbossa's piece of eight. I love the Barbossa character and I always wondered why Master Replica, or some other company hadn't jumped on the idea. As for price, I figured $20.00 ($15.00 for the eye, $5.00 for shipping costs) would cover my work time, paint, and shipping, seeing as they will all be hand made. Anytime you are ready, just PM me and I would be more than happy to oblige.
  18. I am a costume and prop maker and decided to try something new. I just finished a screen accurate replica of Ragetti's wooden eye from Pirates of the Caribbean. Here it is...... ...and here is the screen used prop for comparison...... Let me know what you guys think. I may offer these if there are enough people that want one.
  19. That came out incredible, mate. You did a bang up job on it.
  20. If you would be so kind as to allow me to hijack this thread for a brief minute. Lady Canstance, I was looking for a Latin translation for : "Family transcends blood" If you could help it would be greatly appreciated. Bilge, thanks for letting me pirate the thread for a bit
  21. No problem. Thank you all for the interest. The hat has been sold.
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