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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. Aye, I can fer a short time says I. I 'll have to be shovin off soon for an errand for Capn' Wake, but I'll be willin to helps ya fer a couple of bells
  2. Very well Sir. Shipwreck John Scurries off to find MR HAWKS.
  3. ~just after Mr Hawks comes down the Ladder Shipwreck John runs into him~ " Evenin' Mr Hawks " John says then scurries up the Ladder to find the Captain on deck. Evening Sir. The New gunner Jim Warren jus' asked me about acompaning him on a task you have instucted fer him. Iffen it be alll right with you sir , I be headin out with em in the morning.
  4. Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Florida , are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?" The pharmacist answers, "Yes." Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?" Pharmacist: "Of course we do." Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?" Pharmacist: "All kinds." Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism and scoliosis?" Pharmacist: "Definitely." Jacob: "How about Viagra?" Pharmacist: "Of course." Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?" Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works." Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?" Pharmacist: "Absolutely." Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?" Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes." Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."
  5. ~Hearing the scuffle in the distance Shipwreck rushes to join the others.~ Ahoy Jim!! Did I miss anything I be a plunderin thrrough the woods yonder where I be a sleepin' last evenin' not much to see though. See the Ship, why, she be upright now . I needs to quit drinkin so heavy at night says I > It be almost dusk again and I missed all the fun. Well the who's this other Mate don't believe I've made your aquaintance jus' ye. ~ turns to Cuthroat, and throws out his hand for a proper greeting~
  6. ~Having a full first day aboard and tired of walking aimlessly down the shoreline , Shipwreck strings his hammock up between two palm trees and fastly drifts off to sleep in the night air~
  7. Good ta hear it mate, good ta hear it. Wev'es got plenty o powder and shot. The for an aft magazines be burstin. We aint goin ta war and infin we was we'd be ready, hopefully we just be needin one shot over the bow ta make um spill the wind o thar sails and strike there colors. Sides we've only got enough gunnars to man one side o da ship at a time. Infin we get in ta too many full blown confrontations, espesially wit more in one ship at a time we be doomed fer sure, but we would still have plenty o powder an shot. We'd ave ta be firing full broadside faster then the wind blows ta put a major dent in it. I hear another seadog hailin from down on the beach I Thinks I 'll be a joinin in his quest to find the Quartermaster
  8. It's the gettin off on the weekends tahat be hard fer me. That is when most of these things take place. I work at Office depot In Thomasville. Not really a Computer wiz or anything like that , Just Glad to have a Job If ya know what I mean. If your down this way come by to see If I am there.
  9. An artist I am not, but this be mine.
  10. Well, he be right in savin the powder for the good purposes of plunder , but iffin you tells me to fire upon another, that ship be good as sunk, she be!
  11. Thank ye fer tha warm welcome Gunner, Iffin it be all the same to ye I be itchin to be firin the there cannon cause ya can'ts make driftwood out of the Queens Navy iffin ya can't hit what yer aimin at, Besides there be enough time fer scuttlebutt at Taps
  12. ~after repeated ducking from the flying splinters and catching Pirate Petee reloading is pistols for yet another round, Shipwreck John sees his chance and introduces himself to the Master Gunner.~ Ahoy there Mr Youngblood Hold yer fire! The Captain says to report to you for orders Sir! Proper introduction should be in order . I be Shipwreck John. I did a tour of duty with the Royal Navy, but being supressed as I was when sailed near this little spot of land I saw the oppurtunity jump ship and swam ashore where I have been for 2 Years. I was in the Tavern in the town when word came by a little birdy that ye were lookin fer gunner's mate and I more than capaple of filling them shoes and itchin for roll of the ship under my feet again decides to join your crew. Glad to make your aqauintence Sir!
  13. Captain I should like to walk the both of the new crew and make introductions in the fort sir! (turns to Shipwreck John) I be diego and yer welcomming commitee this morn. Welcomes aboard! so lets gets yer bags stowed over in the fort. Please do come along Cheryl (fergets me duties Mad Woman Cheryl this be Shipwreck John) by the by we wont be usin yer monikers aboard ship so the shipwreck is gone and Mad Woman well that be a long address though I does find it most involving. (turns lifts two bags now) to the encampment then. (not being a trip of distance as much as unforgiving for when carrying extra weight in sand the steps do begin to take an immediate toll on ones calfs. Over here is guns one and there be two on the lookout is three and four five and six on the rear wall. the camp is small and this be our cove where the likes of many have done as we are now making a fresh hull and as I suspect watchin the Captain noting this morning a few keel modifications as well. Christine be the cook thats fried pork strips ya smell and id be guessing scones with mongos and or bananas be on the plates as well. Lets put yer things together over here as ye come on board together I want yer bonds together as well. ye gots each others back from the heres on. Rummy oer thar be the Carpenter (shes really good with wood) and Hawks over thar (turns a 180) he be the Smithey. we will need a list of all yer weapons brought on board and they'll be checked in with the Quatermaster Dorian. Aye that tower houses the temporary surgeons quarters and work room for her as well. Tempest be with much spirit and can and will heal any and everything. (leans in to thar ears) Armand her assistant makes a fine cup of Joe! (turns to address the mornings need to make constitution and addresses them) Fine then! Off I be..... Thank ye fer the help with the seabag Mr Diego and fer the introduction to this right nice lookin band of swabs. It appears I should be fittin right in. ~Shoves off to find Pirate Petee~
  14. ~ Shipwreck John walks up the Brow~ Permission to Come aboard. I have recieved word the ye be lookin fer crew to man yer ship. I have talked with the Captain ashore and He says to me " We"re lookin for another gunner to cmplinent our crew. Tell the Master gunner , Mr youngblood to assign ye to one the 24 pounders!" Mr Youngblood I be right fittin gunner and Have experience with the Royal Navy. I would be honored to join your Gun crew.
  15. I am about two hours away at best, Possibly Three. I reside in Thomasville so the closest thing to me in your Area would be the Flint, in Albany, but my tiny craft be better in in the slews and calmer waters, bein its a Chenoe, I have to be carefull not to get in too rough a water . I have taken out to the coast , during REALLY calm days but it isn't exactly a wise choice, If you get my Meanin
  16. That would be quite fun for sure, only I can never seem to get off when all these fares are going on. Weekends are usually spent at work so that would be counting me out on most cases. There are a few in the Region I have discovered qutie by accident. Brothers of the Coast is out of Jaxsonville, and Pirates of Pensacola is another one around. Nothing close by us though....Biggest body of water? Lake Seminole what's your take Genleman Jeff?
  17. Sounds like I might need to follow Harbormaster's lead, but alas as the saying goes" the flesh is weak" and I sit down to a large dominos pizza. There is always tomorrow.
  18. I am not much of a reader, but I would probably be interested in checking it out. Do you have any more Pirate stories I may be interested in?
  19. Hate that i am going to miss out on that. It is close enough for me to drive, but I will be working. Any chance It will be in the Jacksonville paper on Sunday?
  20. I finally gots enough of an outfit to call it one. I'll have ta make a few changes and add-ons but this works fer now......take a looksy if ye dare!!
  21. A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with a very sheer blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just pitched a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that! The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rose buds show!" and out she goes. The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate... The grandmother says, "Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rosebuds, then I can display my hanging baskets."
  22. An elderly Lady walks into a gocery store and picks up a can of dog food and goes to the checkout. The clerk says to the lady, " I am sorry Ma'am, but I cannot sell you that dog food unless we have proof you have a dog, we have been having lots of old peaple butying pet food to eat because that is all they can afford , and now the Manager requires proof you have a pet". Angry, the lady goes home and gets her dog and brings him back to the store. when she checks out she is assured that now they have seen her dog that will not bother her about it again. Satisfied with the clerk's anwser she goes on her way. The next day she comes in to buy a can of cat food for her cat. Again , the denys her purchase, giving her the same line about the pet food. Upset she told the clerk she had just came in yesterday and bought pet food for her dog. the clerk replies" yes maam, and I will be glad to sell you dog food, but I don't have any proof you own a cat, therefore I canot sell you any till you show me proof you own a cat." Again the woman goeas home brings in her cat, purchases the cat food, and is assured by the clerk that now that she owns a cat and a dog they will not hassle her anymore. The next day the elderly lady comes in toting a box with a small hole cut in the top. The clerk asks"what's in there" The lady replies "stick your finger in the hole and tell me what you feel" the clerk does so, and quickly withdraws his hand . "lady that is disgusting ! what is that box ?! It smells like doo-doo! The elderly lady replies " you guessed right! Now, will you sell me some toilet paper?"
  23. Looks like we will be bracin for another Saturday I fared the first rather well as it went far to the west of us. a little wind is all and most of that was today as the wind was pulling from the gulf to the storm. this other one looks to be more likely to be getting a little rain from unless it goes more west than predicted, in which case it 'll be coming back Capn' Williams way. Hope you fair to the better to this one as you did the other Capn' :)
  24. Looks to be you couldv'e been sailin' her right in to Jaxsonville yourself. I had the pleasure of boarding the Bounty myslf while on the "First Coast". A fine ship she is too.! I was really excited because it was the only Tall ship I have the chance to see to date as I live a bit from the Coast. Your outfit is great and so are the rest of the rest of the pics in this post. I regret that I do not have an outfit as of yet, but maybe one day I will be able to add my picture. Hoozah to to all of ye
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