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Shipwreck John

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Everything posted by Shipwreck John

  1. Pegleg, looks good Shipmate!
  2. it is an interesting article. Also like the fact that they linked the 7 most terrifying pirates to it. I kind of dissagree on some points to it, but is pretty well written and accurate to what I can gather.
  4. Like the knife Patrick. I was just looking at pocket knives wondering if they were period, and as far as I can tell they are, Just don't know how common they actually were and if sailors of the day would have them. even so I think it is a novel Idea! I was wondering if you or anyone else happen to have any idea if the pocket knife was common in the GOAP.
  5. That is great Mr Smythe! hope it turns out perfect!
  6. happy birthday :rolleyes:
  7. I got Blackbeard's Ghost. Pretty good movie for the times it was made in.
  8. I hope to visit St Augustine someday and find out!!

  9. Nice Job Eye!!
  10. Here is a video that Captain Midnight put together of our crew. The song is sang by WilloughbyCaught
  11. This event is put on by the Columbus Ga Civil war Museum every year. It is shaping up to be a great event this year. The 2nd annual Dead Buccaneers Bash, put on by The Cutthroat Titans, will also be held there during the Festival. It promises to be a fantastic event. Hope to see you there!!
  12. I am Shipwreck John, The Quartermaster. We welcome anyone from anywhere to be a part of us. We have no rules save for one. it's all about the fun, so join us and have fun. here are a few of the photos of the last gathering we had.
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