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Everything posted by Pew

  1. I took all of these reviews into account and was dying to watch the series. We just finished a unit on Ancient Rome and I thought selected scenes might be well blended into our curriculum. I am a huge 300 and Gladiator fan, and loved the even earlier Ben Hur and the original Spartacus. BUT, this show was gawdawful. Poor acting and miserable dialogue led to a very disappointing show. We had to turn it off halfway through the first episode. The only redeeming quality was the '300 style' action sequences . . . .
  2. Preston simply hung his head and nodded. Charlie Goddon stepped into the room and helped the Ship's master to his feet. Holding Whitingford to his hip, Charlie turned the man around and slowly walked him from the room. Preston coughed hard but Goddon held him tight. The two managed their way to Ward Room slowly. Several minutes passed before they arrived at the door. A knock, accompanied by a simple, "Come," was all that bade them enter.
  3. Have you been peeking over the fence? Sans potato cannon . . .
  4. Preston had his feet on the deck sitting sideways, trying to steady himself in the swaying hammock. He could hear the trodding of several pair of footsteps leading aft. The door swung open suddenly sending air rushing into the cabin. Each man covered his nose with the sleeve or even bare wrist. The cabin reeked of vomit and blood. Preston's shirt was seeped with sweat. The ship's master turned to meet the throng. A pale face with bloodshot eyes greeted them, "Morning?" Preston managed a weak smile as he wiped his lips. "Cap'n. Are we pr'pared t' engage the snow?"
  5. Preston spat on the floor. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and spat again. "Dunno, Bill. The same as 't Martinique, jus' worse. Feels like I jus' woke up from a bad nap," coughed Preston. "'ave we engaged the snow yet?" Bill stared at Preston incredulously. He pushed his shoulder under Preston's and helped him to his feet, then gently into his hammock. "I'll be right back." The Master-at-arms left the room purposefully. He knew Charlie was in search of the surgeon; he went for the Captain.
  6. Easily one of my favorite folks on that series. God bless 'im. Good luck to his boys. You will be missed.
  7. Meh. Hit a 4' drift in a jeep with 35" tires . . .that was interesting . . .
  8. 40oz of King Cobra . . . (yeah I know . . . )
  9. Treacherous. On an doctor run, we snapped this pic: 40+mph gusts, White out conditions, 21" on top of the previous 29" . . . .That barn on the right is 20' tall . . .
  10. Cool idea R. Anything but SNOW!!!!!!!
  11. 4" on top of the 30" already. White out conditions here . . . BTW, that's a 4.5' railing . . .
  12. I envy you greatly sir. We cannot receive any of New Belgium's offerings here in Md.
  13. I'm sure we could throw Ransom on that list as well.
  14. In. (Votes for Michael for Cat-herder)
  15. Updates?
  16. Lieutenant Thomas Earle Woolsworth had spent the better of the morning in the deluge logging the influx of supplies onto the Terra. The rain had abated long enough for him to oversee the dry stores coming aboard. he stood in the waist and covered his eyes from the drops that still rained down from the Main yard, Main topsail yard, and the Main topgallant yard. Staring above, he eyes drew across the harbor. He smiled as he thought of the the last time he saw a forest as thick as the masts appeared to be. A call from the docks shook Woolsworth back to the present. A hogshead had come loose from the net. The Lieutenant stood placidly and watched as nearly 54 gallons of small beer came smashing down upon the deck. Thommie knew if this was the worst to come from the day's work, he was ready for his double ration this evening.
  17. Crystal head Vodka and Lemonade.
  18. So, in light of the recent Abominable Snowstorm of the East Coast, can we (re)locate to sunny more tropical climes?
  19. Preston clutched at his mouth as a cough resounded in the small cabin. A small drip of blood appeared at the corners of his strange smile. A gurgling could be head from what Charlie could only surmise to be deep within the belly of Preston himself. He heard a retch and then watched as vomit spewed from Preston. He jumped back immediately and could only watch as blood and bile piled upon the Ship's Master's stomach, then to spill upon the floor. Calling for the guards to find the surgeon, Charlie sprung from the room and raced to the surgery.
  20. Yep. Just heard another 10" possible . . .
  21. Below deck, Charlie made way for Preston's cabin. He knew there were to be two marines standing guard. With some luck, they would be two of his own crewmen from the Bullrush. He rolled his coin across his fingers as he had done thousands of times before. He saw Johan Stadtmeyer and Robert Jameson standing just outside the cabin. He tucked the coin away and furrowed his brow. "Gentlemen. Cap'ns called f'r Preston above." He stood just a moment and acted impatient. Johan looked to Robert who shrugged slightly. The guard turned and opened the cabin door, to which Charlie rushed in ahead of Stadtmeyer. Preston was lying in his hammock, relaxed. A slight blood stain was seen on his sleeve, but looked none the worse for wear following the battle with the snow. "Ah Mister Goddon, a fine for a sail, no?" Preston smiled. "Wot's gotten into you Mister Whittenf'rd?" Charlie whispered to himself. "Inta me? Nothing, nothing at all Charlie." Preston closed his eyes slowly. When he opened them, a pall fell over the room. An eerie silence filled the cabin. Charlie felt suddenly uncomfortable.
  22. Sunny. 22* 26" of snow on the ground now, 5" more expected Tuesday night. This is Maryland for God's sake. STOP SNOWING!! The eastern side o the Chesapeake Bay: Our deck 'igloo'/ beer fridge:
  23. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an Autobiography. A Salty Piece of Land, by Jimmy Buffet Yes, quite the dichotomy . . .
  24. Gah. :spits out Absinthe: What godforsaken looney developed this drink. Rough. Bleech. Tasted like smoky black licorice. Not like a smooth Sambuca, it was very abrasive to the palate. AND, it's sneaky. Wow. It hit me about 4 hours later . . .Stealth Absinthe. But, we were in New Orleans . . . It truly is the devil's drink . . .
  25. Snowed in and drinking a fine Mexican coffee w/ copious amounts of 70 proof Kahlua . . .
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