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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Wlll be returning to 'Prosperity' with new Absinthe recipes. With several Absinthe cocktails under the belt, many will be added to the Ram Head's menu . . . . God Bless the french quarter . . .
  2. An Absinthe Frappe @ the Olde Absinthe House in the French Quarter. . .
  3. All this talk of Absinthe . . . mayhaps a walk to the Olde Absinthe House today. . . .
  4. Excellent idea . . .
  5. I knew we got along well for a reason . . .
  6. That it does . . . Delicious. A mid-week feast to celebrate Prosperity.
  7. Yes, quite. Wormwood makes you see the silliest things . . .
  8. mmmmmm . . Absinthe . . .
  9. Th' only way he could make 'em any heavier is if he added some lead in th' tankard with th' rum.... Aargh... 'nother Rum an' Rum...... . :::Waves hand::: By all means, add the lead then. ~Lady B Ah... The heavier types eh? Hurricane anyone? 1/4 oz light rum 1/4 oz gin 1/4 oz vodka 1/4 oz 1800® Tequila 1/4 oz Blue Curacao liqueur 1 dash cherry brandy 3 oz sweet and sour mix 3 oz orange juice A Death in the Afternoon, perhaps? 1.5oz Absinthe 4oz Champagne No, no. Wait. A Gremlin. 5oz Crown Royal Canadian Whisky 2.5oz Stirrings Clarified Key Lime
  10. Corona Light.
  11. A pit? Are you planning on barbecuing Sterling? What did Sterling do to deserve being barbecued? Seems rather brash I think . . . Welcome to Prosperity!! Home of the Barbecued Sea Captain . . .does he taste like chicken? Inquiring minds want to know . . .
  12. The first post of the entire thread states, and I quote :
  13. My book arrived yesterday. IIRC, Cass and Kate are the only two artists waiting on there original books?
  14. That was the longest multi-quote reply I've ever seen . . . Sybil should have had it so easy. . . . ;) :Tacks new notice to Town Board. Almost burns parchment while holding candle, tacks, hammer, and coffee at 6am. Pardon the coffee stains: Town Meeting Notice It haf been brought up by the honourable, noble, eftimable, distinctive Capt. Sterling that a name change may be in order for Ye olde St Pyratesburg. Pleafe drop in for a pint at the Ram's Head for difcussion as to the new name for our fair town. -P
  15. Tee hee hee . . . Ft. Pyratesburg . . ?!?
  16. Ye neweft update: Ye Olde St. Pyratesburg Gov'nah: Captain Jim Able Seaman: Jack Roberts Artist/ Engraver/ Printer: William Red Wake Barber-Surgeon: Mission(?) Boarding House Owner: Lady Brower (her handyman: Jas. Hook) Brewery: Bottles and Bagley Cooper/ Boatbulider: Cross Explorer: Capt McCool Farmer/ Poetic Waxer, errr: Quartermaster James Floor Covering Creator: Black Syren Fur Trader/ Smuggler/ Fringe Societist: Capt Bo, Animal, Patrick Hand Nautical Acquisition Specialist: Red Handed Jill, bloodyblade, Ransom, Red Cat Jenny Ordinary Owner: Silkie McDonough Harbour Pilot: Angus Lasseter Pub/ Brothel Owner: Hawkyns Seamstress: Lady Barbossa Ship's Captain/ Plantation Owner: Capt. Sterling, Capn Rob Tavern Keep: Pew Trader: Ivan Henry aka Moose Woman About Town/ Unofficial Mayor-ess: Rhumba Rue
  17. :Tacks new parchment to the Town Information Board just outside of the Ram's Head Tavern : Proclamation by way of Town Meeting: April 15th is hereby struck from all calendars. April 14th will now be followed by April 16th.
  18. Roight! No maps. :tacks parchment to tavern door: WANTED Navigator/ Pilot to lure...errr... assist traders into port Inquire within :stops hammering momentarily: Do we have any natives to these parts?
  19. Ye Olde St. Pyratesburg Gov'nah: Captain Jim Able Seaman: Jack Roberts Artist/ Engraver/ Printer: William Red Wake Barber-Surgeon: Mission(?) Boarding House Owner: Lady Brower (her handyman: Jas. Hook) Brewery: Bottles and Bagley Cooper/ Boatbulider: Cross Explorer: Capt McCool Farmer/ Poetic Waxer, errr: Quartermaster James Fur Trader/ Smuggler/ Fringe Societist: Capt Bo, Animal, Patrick Hand Nautical Acquisition Specialist: Red Handed Jill, bloodyblade, Ransom, Red Cat Jenny Ordinary Owner: Silkie McDonough Pub/ Brothel Owner: Hawkyns Seamstress: Lady Barbossa, Black Syren Ship's Captain/ Plantation Owner: Capt. Sterling, Capn Rob Tavern Keep: Pew Trader: Ivan Henry aka Moose Woman About Town/ Unofficial Mayor-ess: Rhumba Rue Mapmaker: ??? Ransom . . . .
  20. 'Tis just first bell of the first Dog Watch here on the east coast. All those not on duty are free to join those at the Ram's Head for a celebratory (required) evening tot.
  21. Aye Ransom. Step behind the bar here. I have quite a list. . . .
  22. Aye sah, very good sah. Dorian, your room is ready.
  23. Shall i set aside the same table for you Capt. Bo?
  24. no worries . . I need to get the alcohol somehows . . .
  25. Very true my good man. Currently working on an Anderson Valley 'Brother David's Double' Abbey style ale. Waiting for this evening's Ommegang's Chocolate Indulgence.
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