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Everything posted by Pew

  1. <rings bell loudly> Here ye, here ye!!! Town meeting, town meeting!! Yonder fleet approaches!
  2. 40oz of St Ides.
  3. Dorian reached for a tankard from the shelf and placed it upon the table next to the log. Reaching for the bottle currently set on the side table, he paused. Stepping lightly across the small room, he arrived at the foot locker set opposite the table. He fumbled for a moment with the latches but then spent little time finding the vintage he sought. He removed a bottle of fine Madeira and poured himself a glass. Dorian set the bottle on the table while he drained the glass. Watching Preston on the stern bench, he knew his time for rest was rapidly approaching. He wondered over a second glass if the day's events could wait for the morrow to be scribed into the log.
  4. New addy? Shite.
  5. Mauve or taupe.
  6. Preston exhaled deeply and managed a sharp cough. The surgeon did what she could for the ship's master but whisped to the Captain that rest would be the best bane for Preston's condition. Charlie stood quietly, then helped Preston to the bench when he finished the small mug of elixir concocted for him. Matser Whitingford rolled gently to watch the following sea trail out behind the Lucy as she sped towards Trinidad. Dorian thanked both of crew for their time spent with the ship's master. As they exited the Ward Room, he sighed lightly and stood with his arms crossed for a moment. Biting his lip lightly he turned and fetched the log book for the Lucy.
  7. A fine Guinness with a side o' Bushmills. (They be gettin' mixed real soon!) ICB'S!!!!!!!
  8. Sheperd's Pie and a Jameson and Ginger please.
  9. Yer whikky? or
  10. Spiced rum game: Kraken>Sailor Jerry>The Cap'n
  11. That about nails it . . .
  12. I can play this game. Ron Zacapa Centenario 23-Year-Old>any Mount Gay
  13. Beginning here Saturday: http://www.inspiredeventsllc.com/kibeerandbourbon/ Ending Sunday-ish with Kegs and eggs. With a grande wednesday of ICB's locally. What are your plans? B)
  14. x2. "But why is the Rum gone?"
  15. Matusalem > Barbancourt.
  16. Coffee . . .
  17. I immediately thought of you DL when I heard about that. I wonder if it would ever be for sale, what a dram of that would go for . . .That truly would be priceless . . .
  18. It's easier to come up with a single design and replicate that over the 10 cards. If you're really creative, you can come up with 10 different designs. But most of all, have fun doing it.
  19. An idea for the size: Here's what previous artists have done in our last three rounds:
  20. We are still a go, correct?
  21. ::Sets up shots and pulls full pints:: In. "DORIAN, GET YER ARSE IN HERE!!" We have plenty more where that came from . . .
  22. No word . . .
  23. Just do twice as many R . . that'll make up for it. ;)
  24. An idea for the size: Here's what previous artists have done in our last three rounds:
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