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Dear Lord. Where's th' twins when ya need 'em?
Ahhhh . . .Absinthe. Still have yet to see the green 'fairy' . . .
The powder monkeys had begun to scurry about fetching lanterns for the impending night. Preston had felt a presence at his side and caught Bill Flint nearly in step with him. Suddenly he stopped amidship. "Bill, wot 's th' name of those lads that came aboard with Hudless? From the Caleb Hudson?" Preston asked quizically. The tall Marine rested his hands on his pistols and squinted. "Reeves, sah. I believe Milling 's well. Perhaps Roundtree and his brother Sandefur." Mister Flint was not sure of the last two as was told through his voice. "Let us see," Preston smiled. With the Larboard watch on duty, Francis Roundtree and James Sandefur were found just to larboard whip-stitching a ratline that had frayed. A short discussion among the four men brought to light that they in fact had not previously served aboard Hudless' ship, but were aboard the Providence Prize. Bill nodded as if to correct himself. The ship's officers thanked the men, but were suddenly caught off guard. "Beggin' yer pardon, he's a bit o' a . . . pansy, sah," quipped James. Francis smirked, "a right jackel-tart." "Eh?" questioned Bill Flint. Preston creased his brow. The half-brothers spoke in turn telling of their 'encounter' with Stephen Hudless. Francis and James shared a cell within the bowels of Martinique's gaol. Across from them and to starboard, Stephen Hudless was also confined within. They were unaware of who he was at that time, but remembered the crying and pleading with the guards. They told of how he often begged to make deals with the guards as his parents would pay passage for him to leave the island and return to France. "He cried o' how riches an' wealth 'ould come to those who would help 'im escape," continued Francis. Bill glanced to Preston who now crossed his arms, leaned against the rail and kept his eye on Hudless, still at the bow. Hudless was arguing with another man at the bow, but the ship's master could not make out who it was. "Thank you," was all that Preston uttered. Hudless beat one of his crew, yet cried like a babe when confined. "Find Milling and Reeves," Preston stated bluntly, "less we get t' th' bottom o' this."
If the role-playing story has Airship Pyrates, which it probably will, then, yeah. Pyrates are pyrates. K. Just asking.
Is this the Pyracy Pub?
6/12/2009, 7:00m EDT update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Callenish, withoutaname V Matusalem: Lady Seahawke V withoutaname: Kate_Souris, V Callenish Gunner: Ransom, pyrateleather V Lady Seahawke: Patrick Hand V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Pew, Matusalem If you have not replied....Please update me as to what sketchbooks you may have, (in case this list is incorrect.) Thanks....
As Adam wrote, he contemplated what to say. He wrote for a few moments and then abruptly stopped. Preston peered over his shoulder and wrinkled his forehead. ""Wha?" he questioned. Adam pushed the ledger towards the ship's master who then picked it up and examined it closer; still confused. Master Whitingford handed the book to Captain Lasseter. Dorian read the single sentence and closed the page. "Thank you Adam, that will b' all." The young man nodded, stood and closed the ward room door behind him. Dorian re-opened the ledger and read Adam's entry aloud, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none; be able for thine enemy rather in power than use; and keep thy friend under thine own life's key; be checked for silence, but never taxed for speech”. The ship's captain smiled at Adam's own irony. "Dorian?" Preston asked. "Shakespeare," replied the Captain, never raising his eyes from the page. "Adam knows something more than was reported, but will not put his friend Mister Black in that postion. There is something else, but we'll not know o' it. Keep an eye on Mister Hudless." "Aye sah." Preston nodded and went to find Stephen Hudless.
OK.... I tried to figure out what that was..... Teene bon i (I) c (see) text ing speak. or Teen ebonic texting speak. or the one that makes the most sense.... Teene bon ic tex ting spe ak. (13 to 18 year olds (Teenies) eating bon-bons. on Internet Chat (IC) talking about ancient Chinese Pottery found in Alaska..... You do see, do you not. One arrrrrggghhh good you are young padawon.
Teenebonictextingspeak. I am becoming rather fluent.
Translation: I understand. Let me know if anything comes in. Thanks for replying.
Preston heard Ash near to him. He called to her abruptly and asked her to report to the ward room as well. She appeared outside the galley immediately. In mid curtsy, she caught herself and merely replied with a "yes sir." Preston lept up the stairway two steps at a time and sought out Dorian. "'Tis a long night already," he said to no one in particular.
Werd. Holla. Mad ups to R.
Flavor of the weekend: Blue Point Brewing's Summer Ale: very good. clean, with a sweet aftertaste. Bad choice of words but very similar to sweet tasting 'light' beer. Lighter than a Sam Adams or Anderson Valley summer brew, but well worth a taste.
Two bells of the first Dog Watch had rung. "With the master's permission, Mister Hudless, you will report to Mister Brisbane above to join the watch at the bow," Charlie turned to Preston. The ship's master nodded. Bill Flint flinched nary a muscle. He filled the space below deck and never turned his eyes from Stephen Hudless. Acroos the bulkhead, Preston made sure John Black was fit for duty, but made still him report to the Lucy's doctor. A simple nod then sent John on his way. Charlie Goddon stepped by Preston and remarked a simple, "Sah," in his passing. Flint stared at Hudless even as he exited from below. "Back to your duties men", called the Master-at-arms. Soon regular conversion and its accompanying clamor resumed. Preston moved closer to Adam. "Adam, I'd like t' see you 'n the wardroom son," stated Preston. The mute nodded and continued to set-up the few barrels and sacks that had been tossed asunder by the 'collision'.
6/5/2009, 6:30pm EDT update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Callenish, withoutaname V Matusalem: Lady Seahawke V withoutaname: Kate_Souris, V Callenish Gunner: Ransom, pyrateleather V Lady Seahawke: Patrick Hand V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Pew, Matusalem Please update me folks as to what sketchbooks you may have, (in case this list is incorrect.) Thanks.... This right? Ransom, Pat and RHJ have no books?
"Collided? Yet you stand on your feet and Mister Black, a man no stranger to close quarters requires assistance?" Charlie's stare drew the light from the room. Preston moved to help John to his feet. The ship's master watched as Adam had nearly tucked his own chin into his chest, yet his eyes never left Stephen Hudless. "Is this true Mister Black?" asked Preston.
Preson crossed his arms only to match the expression on his face. He looked both men over. John Black was easily 20 years Hudless' senior, yet it was the elder regaining his feet. Preston squinted as this thought passed through. "Do I have t' repeat m'self?," said Charlie in an octive deeper, yet louder than before. His hands went from his hips to a menacing stance nearly touching Stephen Hudless. "Mister Hudless, wot say you?"
6/5/2009, 5:30pm EDT update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be [*]PEW: Callenish, withoutaname V [*]Matusalem: Lady Seahawke V [*]withoutaname: Kate_Souris, V [*]Callenish Gunner: Ransom, pyrateleather V [*]Lady Seahawke: Patrick Hand V [*]Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V [*]pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V [*]Ransom: V [*]Patrick Hand: V [*]Red-Handed Jill: V [*]Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Pew, Matusalem Please update me folks as to what sketchbooks you may have, (in case this list is incorrect.) Thanks....
I know I'm always looking for new or different designs, mostly for background or filler around a picture or object. Sounds simple but since I'm not a freehand artist, I use tracing paper to 'pirate' designs, pictures, etc. Especially when I need intricate designs that can't be cut from their original source. Also, whenever we travel I grab a few of those brochures you always see outside the hotel lobby for ideas or even to cut out some of the appropriate pictures/ drawing for the sketchbooks. I guess we're lucky enough to live in a predominately colonial historic area....
Aboard the Lucy The afternoon wore on in to early evening. What excitement that had erupted in the last few hours now died to nearly nothing. With the Captain's last order, Patrick Godfrey ran to the officers. He knuckled his forelock and asked for his evenings orders. Preston asked the boy to make sure the lanterns on deck had new candles within. "Come t' think o' it lad, bring 's up a few more from b'low. I have a feelin' 'tis gonna be a long night," said Preston. The ship's master waited for the boy to go below before he turned and leaned on the aft rail watching the Navarra for a moment longer. He shifted his jaw from one side to the other as if he was chewing on week old bread. Charlie Goddon leaned in and joined him after a short report from his men. "Charlie, wha' do you think 's aboard 'er?" Preston bluntly asked.
I'm sorry but I can't take any 'competition' seriously where Bacardi Dragonberry actually ranked as well as won a bronze medal.
5/16/2009, 10am EST update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Callenish V Matusalem: Lady Seahawke V withoutaname: Kate_Souris V Callenish Gunner: Ransom, pyrateleather V Lady Seahawke: Patrick Hand V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill V pyrateleather: Capt Sophia Eisley V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Pew V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: withoutaname, Matusalem Please update me folks as to what sketchbooks you may have, (in case this list is incorrect.) Thanks.... <<edited 5pm EDT 5/18>>
5/15/2009, 7am EST update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= Where the books should be PEW: Callenish V Matusalem: Lady Seahawke V withoutaname: Kate_Souris, pyrateleather V Callenish Gunner: Ransom V Lady Seahawke: Patrick Hand V Kate_Souris: Red-Handed Jill, Capt Sophia Eisley V pyrateleather: V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Pew, Matusalem V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: withoutaname Please update me folks as to what sketchbooks you may have, (in case this list is incorrect.) Thanks....
14' O'day daysailer, Lasers, a friend's catamaran. Anything small and quick....