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Everything posted by Pew

  1. No worries Michael. I try to emphasize the "no stress" part of our PTC's. Sounds like you're under a ton of it without worrying about us. Thank you for participating, hope the house goes well. (BTW, we're still waiting on Nigel as well . . . )
  2. None received today . . .
  3. No worries Brig. I received yours and Red Jessi's today. Still waiting on a few more sets before they can go out.
  4. I received only Patrick's cards Saturday. Looking like Tuesday now for a mail out . . .
  5. So you have to write 50k words during November? Wow. Where are the 'novels' published? Online?
  6. 4pm mail has come. I only have Ransom and pyrateleather's cards. They are looking to go out on Monday should I receive them Saturday . . .
  7. Sounds correct to me . . . R?
  8. LOL indeed!
  9. No biggie Ransom. That's cool . . . I sent a SASE last time. If I send 10 cards, then I'll get 10 cards, should be nearly the same postage. But again, it's not a big deal. Maybe I'll just keep them all . . . muhahahahahahahaha
  10. Brig also reminded me. . . .be sure to include an SASE that'll fit 8 PTC's . . .
  11. In. Blackjohn sent me an excellent gift. I can only hope for something that cool.
  12. Received them today!! Wow, very, very cool.
  13. I guess my money is not goode here . . . ? WAITRESS!!
  14. Newcastle and a tot of Dogfish Head Honey Brown Rum
  15. Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport A topless version of the world's fastest production car? The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport (@$2.25 million) keeps the coupe's 1001 hp, 16-cylinder engine, and has been developed so there will be no draft inside, even when exploring the upper reaches of the car's 217 mph top speed.
  16. Brooklyn Brewery Oktoberfest. Not bad, 5.5%, coppery, delicious after reading "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" to my minions . . . Your turn . . .
  17. It's been an extremely long 2 days . . . double shots and (baked) partridge please . . .
  18. Interesting. Several of my students are reading this for their senior literary criticism paper. Bonus points for movie criticism . . .
  19. Just a heave-ho for all those participating . . .shoot me a pm when you get done and I'll return my snail mail addy to ya. Remember, the shorter side of two weeks we have left. I can send them off prior to Halloween, but if I don't receive them all by 10/30, you guys will get them mailed off on All Soul's Day (11/2). No biggie, but I'll be sitting in Devil's Den in Gettysburg during the night of the 31st . . . .
  20. Let's all try and use October 31st as the mailing date to mail all sketchbooks. This should be the homeward journey for most if not all of them . . .
  21. Coooooooooooollllllllll . . . . Can't wait to see it.
  22. 10/12/2009, 6:15am EDT update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= I don't know where the hell the are I went back a few pages and tried to sort things out. Does this look correct? PEW: Matusalem V Matusalem: , Callenish Gunner V withoutaname: withoutaname V Callenish Gunner: Kate_Souris, Lady Seahawke V Lady Seahawke: V Kate_Souris: Patrick Hand, Ransom, pyrateleather V pyrateleather: Red-Handed Jill V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Capt Sophia Eisley V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Pew
  23. 10/9/2009, 6:30am EDT update: BLACK= Book is confirmed in artist's possession RED= I don't know where the hell the are I went back a few pages and tried to sort things out. Does this look correct? PEW: Matusalem V Matusalem: , Callenish Gunner V withoutaname: withoutaname V Callenish Gunner: Kate_Souris, Lady Seahawke V Lady Seahawke: V Kate_Souris: Patrick Hand, Ransom, pyrateleather V pyrateleather: Red-Handed Jill V Ransom: V Patrick Hand: V Red-Handed Jill: Capt Sophia Eisley V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Pew
  24. I'm teaching some background in my Lit class to 12th graders and found this neat little "choose your own adventure" interactive game. "It's 1629, and you have recently been appointed Governor of a New World colony on the wind-swept coast of the province of Mayne. Your Company's investors have charged you with the tasks of selecting colonists and a ship, and safely guiding them across the sea. At the end of your journey to the New World, your Company's investors will evaluate your performance as Governor. You will be judged on the health and morale of your colonists, the quantity of supplies you bring to the New World, the state of your ship and crew, and the likelihood that your colony will succeed in the future. " http://www.pbs.org/wnet/colonialhouse/history/voyage.html My morale was bad . . . but ending up setting up a colony and being successful. How did you fare?
  25. Welllllll . . .figger Devil's Night is October 30th, Halloween is October 31st, Day of the Dead is November 1st, and All Souls' day is November 2nd. We gots ourselves a hodge-podge o' ghoulish celebrations . . . Sugar Skulls anyone?
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