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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. wish I was there. hope you all have a fantastic time!!
  2. As promised . . . here is the boy looking stunning at archery practice in my backyard . .. this one clearly says "Sweetie I love you, BUT PUT THE CAMERA DOWN!" out to dinner with the boss-man after a Faire Day And the piece-de-resistance (which I swear was not posed but is completely candid!!!) . . . . have I mentioned that I am blissfully happy?
  3. he is well - working too hard and still living far far to far away from me, but we are coping well. I am heading down for turkey-day. I'll throw up some pictures tomorrow. I have been told we are disgustingly cute . . .
  4. no. . . . poverty unemployment and living in a technological dead zone is the reason. Trust you to blame the boy . . .
  5. I'd like to take a moment to point out a diffrence that no one has mentioned. Not that I overly-romanticise about the motivations, ect, of pirates, but know what I do of the time period, an assumption I have made is that many turned to piracy out of an almost necssity. Sign on with a pirate crew or starve/be gangpressed/suffer from indenturtude or slavery. Same kind of deal as why women have turned to prostitution - do what you have to for survival. Again, not to say that there wern't some scumbag bastardy pirates that were inherintly violent and cruel . . . but when faced with the choice of starvation, servitude and abuse, who wouldn't choose a life of freedom and survival? Seems logical. Modern day gangs on the other hand - I see no point. There's no need for "Survival". Need money? go sign on with an employment agency - hell, get welfare! Need food? Again, welfare, food stamps, food banks, become a shop lifter in a grocery store even ( ). Abuse and violence? Go to a shelter, move, go to the police. . . Now I realise that this really isn't exploring all the socio-political sides to the whole argument, and is really just a generalisation from a suburbanite who's experience with gangs is limited to reading the Godfather and seeing parts of West Side Story . . . but that is what pops into my head when comparing the two
  6. oooooh . . . I want this ten million times more then I wanted my senior HS yearbook . . .
  7. Never saw the show, no, but I was merchanting right next to him at Pennsic this year, so during slow hours and rehersals, we got free, private shows. Needless to say, they were awesome. Set such a good ambiance.
  8. only one that he emailed me the other day. None of us together or anything . . . we only met last week and he lives out of state, so, y'know. I'll have to see about getting something up here. Cause I lucked out on a looker too! You guys seriously don't get it - I totaly won the boyfriend lottery. And I giggle everytime I say the word boyfriend.
  9. Thank you thank you! I just needed to share my absolute giddyness with SOMEONE! I seem to have very few people to tell, and as I hardley believe it myself, I have to keep telling anybody that will hold still long enough to listen, just so I can hear myself say the word 'boyfriend' again and realise that I am refering to my own!
  10. RAY! This round is on me! Everyone drink up, we are celebrating!!!!!! After 20 years of ill-luck with all specimen of the male gender, I have finally found a guy that likes me and that I like him (at the same time even! ) . . . and so, it's offical - I have a boyfriend!!! *This has been a public service announcement. You may now return to your regularly schedualed pubbin*
  11. ohh, what a shock to the auditory system! I had the slow withdrawl of downgrading to Ren Faire before hitting the noises of the real world again. Right now, Midnight Show is playing, by The Killers, but after that is some of the Lord of the Dance soundtrack.
  12. As always, there every weekend. This year the booth is between the millinary and the runery, across from the chess board.
  13. The time had passed quickly since Tudor had come ashore, every moment filled with runnig errands. After spending entirely too much time in the jewlers shop then she was comfortable with, she emerged with a set of pearl and amythist necklaces and bracelets that were exquisite, expensive and entirely unremarkable and impossible to differentiate from any other strands of pearls. Jewelry was to easy to use to recognise, and was best kept generic looking in Tudor's opinion. After use at the planned dinner, this set would not be seen for years to come. She then traced her steps back to collect the gowns and undergarments previously purchased at the tailors. After seeing that some personal dispatches were sent out by dependable courriers, she made her way towards the pier, eager to return to the ship.
  14. *sigh* Oh, to be so talented. *sulk* But at least, though he didn't see fit to grant me the intellect to understand the combustion engine, God deigned to grant me a brother that does!!
  15. Hmmm . . . generally I avoid embroiling myself in anything even remotly political (and really I think that is the main drive to this whole global warming thing) But anyway . . . I'll pitch into this cause I am fairly middle of the road, so no one can hate me, too badly. Here's my take. We need to take care of the environment. We have had a very negative effect on the atmosphere. We need to be responisble. But this whole "We are destroying the earth! The world will be lifeless and destroyed in 20 years. Our children won't have parks to play in! Oh no! The ice caps are melting." Bunch of over dramatic, whingy political manuvering. Scare the masses a bit so they back up an agenda. My reasons for this thinking. The pollution in major cities, specifically London. 100 years ago, London's air was highly polluted - some of the worst in the world. Even up until recently, it wasn't great. But with the world becoming more eco friendly, they have started to be concerned with what they release into the air. And now, it's the cleanest it's ever been. Even the air in LA (otherwise known as Smog City, USA) has improved significantly, especially in the las ten years. I mean, I'm no scientist (failed several years of HS biology/earth science) but this is just gathered from diffrent scattered articals I've read over the years. And really . . . if the ice caps were significantly melting (note, I say significantly, yes, they have shrunk, but hang with me here) we'd be hitting a new mini ice age - not suffering through heat waves. Glacial water hitting the jet stream currents? They are what dictate alot of our tempertues and weather. Anyway. I'm no scientist. I'm no politician. I'm barely even a consevationist. Just know what I see. And despite what they are saying - I have still seen nature thriving and moving on.
  16. just finished a little microwavable thingy of Healthy Choice Homestyle Chicken Noodle soup with a side of Utz' natural potato chips, with organic peach iced tea. mmm .. . . back to my almost healthy eating self. NO more junk food for merc!
  17. seriously, I am considering a career with NASCAR. You should see me on the turn pike.
  18. I would love, repeat LOVE to own a jeep. A green wrangler, sahara edition. But alas, they are el-crapo on gas milage, which is one of my top 3 reasons for new car hunting. Plus, I might end up killing someone (namely myself) with the way I drive. Jeeps turn over crazy mad easy and I thinking breaking around corners is for sissys
  19. I am planning on going for a "new-used" kinda deal-o. Y'know, couple of years old, but to rich snobbies that need a new car every model year is just tragically anchient. So new enough that I don't have to worry about the transmission dropping out or the engine rusting over or any such old car woe. Maybe even new enough to still have some factory warrenty on it. But not new, new. New new is bad. New new is stress. New new is 'don't breath on it, you'll make it go down in value.' new new is "I had to put a kidney and half my liver up on collatiral." And Rogue, I loveloveloveLOVE my little Nissan Sentra. I know that car would die to protect me. But he's just getting waaay to old to be putting on the miles I've been doing. He'll be much happier with my mum, running around town and being safely parked in the drive by 7:30 every night. Lol! As for Toyotas; I have bad juju with Toyatas. Not that I don't believe you Rumba, just personal bad experience, so I would always be waiting for the car to explode on me, even though I know it wouldn't. That and right now my "rival" drives a toyota - childish I know, but I have to be grown up every other way so I reserve the right to be petty about this!! Disgustingly enough, the car I had wanted to purchase was a Ford Focus zx3. I hate fords, but I know the focus's are nice (my best friend has one) and pretty good on gas milage, they are cheap, you can find parts easy, and this one was my color, manual trans. and being sold locally. Alas, e-loan hates me. Now I am eyeing up those early Pontiac Vibes. Just about everything I am looking for .. .. hmmmmm Now I am l
  20. a styrofoam cup of cheap tea and a snack bag of chocolate covered grahm crackers. Yep, definitly have the "healthy lunch nerd" award in the bag.
  21. well, a P-loan would be very handy cause E-loan hates me and decided to not give me the gold. Bastards. The auction was up for 7 days, so it wasn't a "buy before you think" kind of thing, but I needed the approval ASAP so I could actually put a bid in on it. But I still need a new car, so any suggestions are still needed. I have a friend who is going to take me to the car triplex near his place. Apparently they will finance anybody, but still, any input is apprechiated
  22. Southwest Chicken salad by McDonalds, along with a small fry and a vat of Iced Vanilla coffee . .. mmmmm, coffee. . . . Apparently I am feeling better today
  23. Hey gang! Just wanted to get some advice. I need to purchas a car and I found one I want, but I am going to need to get a loan to cover it. Problem is, the car is up for auction so I need the money like NOW. Has anybody used E-loan? are they any good. Any other suggestions?
  24. finished the latest Harry Potter in a record breaking 8 hours!
  25. damn I have to get cracking on this! I have not even started and it seems like there is alot to do
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