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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Janky sleeve is more then likely going to be ignored. If it is not however and I decide to do something about it the lining in the sleeves hasn't been done and the picture is just the buttons being laid out not tacked down so I still have access to alter.
  2. Upside, i just laid out my buttons and even with the janky sleeve.......eh? Can't complain. It's got style
  3. Update....lining is in but one sleeve got put in upside down so the elbow vend is the wrong way. Haven't closed up the lining entirely so contemplating flipping it inside out and just re-reseaming the sides to lose the elbow point, and lose some of the excess width anyway. Ooooor.....calll it good enough cause when it's on the sleeves have enough allowance you can't tell and I really want to be done with this one and move on to the next....
  4. Those are nice! Everything I found heretofore has had the nautical pea coat anchor motif on them (or periah the thought, tacky Halloween costumes looking skulls and crossbones)
  5. Finished the lining and started putting it in the shell this morning. Got excited about it, and how close to "done" I was....till I remembered that i still have to do buttons and buttonholes after this is done 😐 Which, part of me thought I'd just do cloth covered buttons but.....not happening. Metal buttons it is..i think I have enough in my stash but if anyone has s good source on buttons to share I wouldn't mind suggestions. After this, another shirt, another pair of slops, some skirts, a waistcoat if I have time....
  6. Hope you enjoy them! Solid shampoo bars have been a game changer for my hair in general and definitely also make travel easier. Bonus that they should also be biodegradable for camping use!
  7. Yep I would tend to agree. You want up off the ground a bit but too high and it certainly gets drafty. I'm hoping this short height will be a good compromise as well as easier to transport and less legs to conceal. I have a short trip the first weekend in August that I will get to test it and make any adjustments....the climate I will be in will be quite a bit different I imagine but still a good chance for a trial.
  8. It's always amazing to me when the little fiddly bits feel like they take just as long to do as major construction parts.... 1 pocket done.one pocket 3/4th done. Hopefully finish that tonight and get the lining cut. Definitely going collarless on this one.....I'm over the little time sinks....
  9. Yeah the cot is only minimally about comfort. I mainly need it as something to get up off the ground to cut the damp and chill. Obviously longer legs would provide that even better but not so much to warrant the extra packing space. I have to say this does feel much more supportive then the old Colman camp bed I used to use. The camp pad really has been the good find. It's narrower, but sturdier feeling then a regular air mattress. It definitely feels more firm/less prone to sag too. It said on Amazon that it had like an r3 insulation level....which I doubt, but better then a wholly uninsulated conventional air mattress. But I plan on lining the bottom of the mattress pad cover with like an emergency blanket or something to help insulate, and blankets on top should do the trick
  10. So jacket shell is constructed. No pics yet but might get some later. Pocket,/flaps and lining. Might go without a collar. But on other projects front....i had pulled the trigger on a cot/camp mat configuration. In an effort to disguise it/make it look more period I took some of that roll of striped cotton Essex I had and made a cover for the pad so it looks more like a mattress. Might also make something to hang over the edges to obscure the cot frame too, but all and all, pleased with the look. A wool blanket on top, a down pillow and it should look decent, balanced with comfort and ease of transport. Back to the jacket next....
  11. This makes sense and honestly kind of relieves me. My logic in asking was that if accomodations were to be made best to know about them as far in advance as possible, but I agree with with the sentiment that this is an optional buy in, with limited resources.
  12. If I may suggest that we add a category on the sheet (or at least a running list somewhere) of any food allergies/dietary requirements other then veg types... easier to plan any accommodations if we know ahead of time. Otherwise, trawling through recipie collections for the unicorns - easy, scalable for a crowd, wide appeal, fairly stable ingredients and able to be done on a fire lol
  13. Old fashioned problems require old fashioned solutions lol
  14. I can definitely volunteer for a few shifts. It's been quite a few years since I've cooked on a fire but I'm pretty decent at cooking otherwise I do have one I'm willing to offer up for use but 2 caveats....one, it would require a volunteer to take it with them since I'm flying (along with the extra wood bowls etc that I found that I'm willing to share) and 2, it's enameled cast iron so about 100 year minimum out of period. So...not the best option maybe, but available if needed I also have some bread skills....never in wood fired ovens but I certainly wouldn't mind trying my hand at it if we do get access to them Those breakfasts sound delicious and easy. And while I'm not a full time vegi-saurus, having some options would be great and I might have some good veg/vegan recipes floating around that would lens itself well to camp cooking
  15. The linen worked great! Mayhaps technically to lightweight but not badly so and for the climate I was willing to go for a slightly softer drape for the sake of comfort. It's just heavy enough too that o didn't have to line. I'm actually finishing up flat felling the interior seams on them right now since they arent lines til I can get home tonight and pin my jacket sleeves. Love that striped fabric. They look great! I thought about doing the wide/petticoat style like that for my second pair but I'm not sure on if I could pull off the look lol. But we shall see. Next priority after the jacket is a mattress cover. After that is another shirt. After that is more slops. Busy busy busy....
  16. They need a bit of a clean up, and I probably wouldn't use them for soup, but I just scored this stack of wood bowls for $5 if we need extra among the camp
  17. Ok, birthday party for the wee mutineers has been accomplished...seven mini a frame tents and all. Proof my lackluster singer is not up for any heavy canvas projects any time soon if nothing else lol But cracking on with the garb again.... Jacket body is pieced together, sleeves are getting pinned tonight, hopefully collar too, but that might have to wait until lining Is ready, need to reread the instructions again tonight. Fit is mostly ok...felt a bit bulky right over the chest when I first started sizing it, but then tried it on my actual body whilst wearing the shirt and stays, instead of my slightly janky duct tape dress form or modern clothed self, and it actually sat pretty well....well enough I knew to stop frassing with it lol 😉 It's not a perfect fit but it's really very decent, and again.... I'm portraying a woman wearing men's clothing, probably borrowed or stolen, living aboard a ship... Finely tailored would be a luxury, not a commonality.
  18. Of course! I use their products exclusively for hair, face and body and am a big advocate of them. The spray is also very nice, I just don't want to run a foul of TSA. Overall, they also smell very pleasant if slightly citronella-y
  19. Y'know, I did think of that this week, mostly due to helping make 7 kids sized a frame tents for my kids' camping themed birthday party this weekend. But clothing gear comes first on the project list lol
  20. For the flight back considerations, i have intentionally picked camp items that pack back down to the size they were when I left with no extra tools....i am however investigating space bags that don't require a vacuum to shrink down cause that would create the problem you described....i could get things to fit the way there but not necessarily the way back.As for the guns, you are probably correct. A lot of hassle for naught more then set dressing. I'm still exploringthe process to bringing them but I'm not so single minded about it that I'm not willing to consider leaving them behind Shoes are the one thing that I'm brave enough to wear through the airport (even though Mistress Diamond has me inspired to go through my travels in full kit lol) I have to wear insoles in my shoes anyway so the boots I got for my kit will be no more or less comfy then tennies so better to save the space. https://www.chagrinvalleysoapandsalve.com/products/dont-bug-me-bundle?variant=34055971339 This is what I am bringing, minus the spray. All solids so can go in my carry on without TSA limits and it serves as bug repellent and hygiene Items, so conserving space on brining several items
  21. A valid suggestion, especially considering fitting is my weakest skill point. I guess my logic was that on tailored projects past, i still ended up with fit issues even after doing a mock-up, so it would be an unnecessary time expense. But your point is making me see that might be a bit defeatist lol. Perhaps the fact that my schedule has conspired to prevent me from doing the cut is a sign.
  22. Great topic! This is my first pirate event; I have some experience doing SCA event camping so I'm not a complete newb at the concept (and I 10000% agree the overnight experience is an integral part of the adventure) but this will be my first time flying for an event. I had originally thought I would *have* to drive in in order to transport my own tent (that I didn't even own yet), But through the good graces of this wonderful community I was advised there would be a tent I could claim a corner of. Which works out better cause the time commitment of the drive was making scheduling harder for my work/life situation. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to thin down my normal event camping pack to fit into the two checked and two carry on bags that o get. For one checked i am planning one suitecase for my sleeping kit. I actually just scored an amazing cot that folds down into a size that will fit a suitcase with room to spare. I plan to put a camp mat over it, which will also pack down small to fit. Both are modern but the cover I intended to make for the camp pad will have the look of a ticking mattress, so the obvious anachronisms will be well obscured. In with them will be pillows, blankets etc, and any other camp gear I might need. My list for that is minimal....a small cheap lantern, drinking cup etc. Second suitcase will be any overflow gear, and accessories. I have two "prop" pistols I plan to bring and have already been checking with TSA what I would have to do in order to transport them. They are non firing to the point that they don't even technically have a barrel for a projectile to come out of, but at a glance they look the part, so I'm sure security would have concerns and i have been advised to transport them as if they are real. I will be double checking that closer to time as well, and if anyone has any experience on that front I would love any tips or advice. Most of my clothing is going into my carry on, any overflow squeezed into the cracks od the two checked bags. I'm planning on at least two to three changes of clothing, if I can sew that much. That might be Also excessive but sweaty smelly clothing is a level of accuracy I'm not interested in. In my other carry on (purse/backpack personal item) would be hygiene kit.... luckily I already use solid shampoo and soap bars so no worries on transporting liquids. Incidentally, i will also be bringing/using a soap that also acts as a bug deterrent, so two for the price of one. I might also attempt to bring a natural bug spray. It's all a plan in progress and flux though. Any suggestions or tips would be well received and I will be sure to pass along any idea I have
  23. For this I am grateful! My days if thinking that I'd be ok doing a "sleep where ya fall" on a beach somewhere are part of the experience I was planning in my 20s that I DO NOT need to recreate lol. I've been in the market for a tent for a while, but the family sized one I'd need for most of my historical endeavors would be too large and unwieldy for the plane and the event this time around. Along with my jacket, a sleeping mat/cot setup is also on the agenda of next to-dos
  24. Oh absolutely! I typically do it with a pretty old school detergent too (usually what I use for my cloth diapers) just to be sure any sizing is removed. I don't always dry it though, kinda play by ear based on the fabric weight. For colors though I do two to three soaks first, just to rinse most of the dye run off before it even hits the washer. I've spent waaaaay too much time on this damned shirt, last thing I want is color transfer from sleeves lol. I also have a meticulous ironing procedure that I only sometimes follow.... Lol Thank you so much for the kind words and support in following along so far! I'm pretty well pleased with myself. I live in that confusing space of wanting the bragging rights of having made it all myself and the constant terror of it looking shabby and poorly done. So far, I feel like what I've done looks good, not perfect of course, but shouldn't raise any eyebrows lol. Ironic that PIP 09 was your first. Between 05 to 09 were my "regret" years. I had made plans several times to go but got gaslit into not going. Getting ready now for Massacre Island is going a long way to righting that for myself. And honestly, probably better this way....sure I had more free time and expendable income in my early 20s but honestly, I probably would have shown up in a RenFaire Elizabethan corset, some hippie 25 yard skirts and a tricorn and called it good. Any attempts at sewing would have been cheap fabrics and poorly executed. I guess the lack of free time and more budget considerations is making me not take project time for granted and making me more judicious with getting it right the first time. I was going to wait to post any outfit photos here til the jacket was done, but I got a little giddy last night after I finished my button holes and put on the layers I've finished so far... Like I said pretty well pleased with myself. Still can't believe I handstitched the whole dang shirt AND it looks this good.
  25. Project update. In the button/button hole phase of the shirt. Found these natural shell buttons on Amazon. Probably would have preferred bone, but these seemed a good compromise....shell, but actually finished shell and not the "natural look" where they still are rough on the back. For button holes I picked up both embroidery thread and silk thread. For the slops I had done embroidery thread with moderate success, but the shirt is a much lighter weight, so between that and overall finished look, the silk might be the better option. Recommendations on which way to go would be appreciated. I'd considered doing the whole thing in the silk thread buy I couldn't justify it when I already had plenty of white regular thread at home. Otherwise, cut off the three yards of blue for a jacket and have it soaking to rinse out any dye bleed. After a few hours in the tub, a wash and press. Plan is to use RH 705. I'm being bold (read: foolish) and NOT doing a prototype. It looks straightforward enough.....i think lol. If anyone has done this one up, tips and tricks please!
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