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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. everyone - wish me luck - I have a quote-date-unquote tonight!!! I need booze, a facial and some new clothes . . . but for now, the booze will suffice!!!
  2. Helping Callie keep her balance after her slight disorientaion after the captains rebuke, Tudor smiled grimly, leading the young girl below. "Don't let your first run in with the Captain scare you much. He's a good captain . . . there must be more going on then we ouselves are aware of. C'mon, keep up, I'll show you were to bearth yourself." She said, cursing her own distraction. "How on earth did you sleep through all the fracas anyway?" Tudor asked, the thought finally occuring to her. She looked to Callie, who just wore a look of confusion as to what 'fracas' meant.
  3. Tudor smiled to herself. "Fiesty one, aren't ya?" She asked, still chuckling to herself over Callie's threats of death. "Just call me Smith, if ya like. Easier to remember. And don't feel bad - was mostly my fault for not showing you around proper. Here, grab your things and I'll show you where you can bunk." She said, and stood paitently to wait for Callie to recollect her bag that she had dropped.
  4. Tudor had spent the last hour wandering the levels of the ship, trying to shut off her wandering mind. It wasn't until near to midnight when her path lead her onto the gun decks. Looking around, taking in every small detail of her surrondings, she started when something seemed out of place . . . it took her a moment, but she finally realised what was giving her pause. Slumped over between two of the 18-pounders, was a small, shabby figure. Tudor smiled when she recognised her stray. "Callie . . . Callie!" She said, shaking the young girl gently to wake her. "Wake up!"
  5. too bad I don't have an MP3 player. I am always one step behind in the technical revolution.
  6. all hail . . President Dances with Chipmunks
  7. I must concur . . . the last good acting job Kirsten Dunst did was Interview With A Vampire . ..
  8. GAoP clothing is really not as complicated as it looks and there are those that are willing and able on this list to help talk you through putting your kit together... and as for sewing it all by hand, what could be more period correct than that?! It's perfect! :) Oh, well yeah . . . for any actual costume or garb - I go as accurate as humanly possible for me. I have made a good percentage of my costumes, and would only use historically accurate patterns for them. But I really needed a new winter coat, and I really thought the simplicity pattern looked spifftacular, so I deicded to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Would never wear the thing to faire or a reenactment or the like. Wouldn't be proper - but it looks pretty snazy over a pair of black bondgage pants, a black chemise top and my dark purple corset. I goth up very well . .
  9. dude!!! I love Blackmore's Night!! Excellent song!!!
  10. She looked puzzled for a moment. "I don't know really -If I would still be in that life. Hmm." Tudor really pondered this for a moment. "Lord knows that I couldn't do what needed to be done to bring it to an end . . .so I suppose I might still be. I was rather forced out of it - but was forced into it too." She realised that she was babbling, then wrapped up her point. "It is very hard to live in a gilded cage that has been smashed, and everyone suspects you of murder." She said, an impish gleam almost entering her expression, but then she remembered the gravity of the situation. "Do? There is nothing to be done. You must go, I must stay. Simple as that. No regrets, no looking back. Take every day from your past and apply their lessons to the future." She said with a dejected shake of her head, then stood, no longer content to be sitting. She glanced at him quickly, then turned for the door, only hesitating to look once more at him over her shoulder. "Looking back," She said quietly.
  11. She smiled weakily, as if exhausted from her rant. "It's a cage I lived in once for two years . . . but that is beside the point." She quickly cut herself off, finding herself trying to jusify and make excuses. "It's neither here nor there . . . we always knew our paths were crossing just for a moment, so to speak. Just, now that the moment is coming to end, I cannot get all the what-ifs out of my head. It has always been my weakness . .. in battle and in life." She sighed again and shrugged. "And so this is . . . the end?"
  12. Tudor slummped in her chair, taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Armands confused words ringing in her head. "I know . . ." She said slowly and steadily after a decent pause. "And that is why I react this way. You had told me. You must do what you need to do, and I know that. . . " She paused again, taking a shakey breath. "So I hate myself being blindsided by this, for being surpirse. For wanting to yell and scream at you, and haul off and slap you again." She shot him a quick apologetic look for her misbehaviour in the past, and a silent promise that even though the thought had entered her mind, she wouldn't act on it. "I hate myself . . . for caring so much whether you go or stay; for wanting to get down on my knees and beg you not to go; for wanting to break both your feet, so you can't go anywhere; for wanting to convince you to stay by seducing you . . . again." She added a bit of a cheeky grin and eye roll to the last statement. "For wanting to run to my room, grab my bag and follow you to the ends of the earth; for feeling that from the moment you leave, a part of me will be missing, that I will have no point here . . ." She paused again, but not long enough to let him respond. "I know that you need to leave. And I know that my worth and my survival depends on no man - but that doesn't stop me from feeling it. And that is why I asked what I did. That is why I don't know how to react." She finally looked up to him for response.
  13. Now taking requests for any Irish Dance performance for your view . . . eh . . . pleasure I suppose (aside; William, get them drunk so they think I am a good dancer!) Shall it be a soft or a hardshoe number!
  14. Tudor just continued to blink, her eyes level with his, but not seeing. Opening her mouth once or twice to try and form some kind of statement, but no words came, even though there were a million running around in her head, but only action, purely instinctive action was the only command she followed. "Retreat." She sighed so quietly some might have not noticed the word in the breath, then ducked under his arm. His hand quickly flicked around her wrist, and the whiplash of her movement being stopped seemed to jarr her out of the vacant mindframe she had held. She turned to look at him. "What?" She asked, sheer confusion in her tone. "How am I to respond to this?" She asked, almost more of herself. Her tone held no anger, nor resentment, nor even hurt - although all were felt in turn. She just simply asked, for she had no idea what reaction was required or best.
  15. As any good soldier does when suffering from a surpirse attack, Tudor closed her mind to the carnage and planned retreated. Not allowing her mind to race to the million places and questions and shadowy corners that it wanted too, Tudor just blinked twice and started to walk away, beating her retreat, but it was useless . ..
  16. As soon as I get some, I shall post them LadyB . . . can never get me hands on Da's digi camera. But roomate and I plan on doing a photoshoot of sorts soon
  17. Tudor smiled. "Productive." She said She nodded, her curls, messier then normal, bouncing. "Purchased all the supplies I needed, and some more to hold us over," She said, going over the day's trivial events, sense there was something else to be said, but biding her time. "I found a stray too. A young girl . . . trying to pick my pockets. Don't quite know where the captain will decide she will be of most use, but she has sailed before, and seems the determined sort. Reminded me a bit of myself a long time ago, I suppose." She said, the last remnants of her silent thoughts exhibiting themselves. "And other then that, the day was sheer mass pandemonium and chaos," she chuckled. "But that is to be expected."
  18. ^Is compiling a cookbook of uber-yummy sounding recipies that he likes to serve in the Tsunami Kate . . .
  19. She heard him approaching, no matter how silently he tried to tread. He remained quite, and seemed hesitent and Tudor smiled to herself. His inscruitability was starting to frustrate her less and amuse her more with every hour. "Good evening Armand." She said as soon as he was close enough to hear her hushed tones. She silently laughed as he froze in step, startled to have had his approach noticed, and she quickly turned her head to look over her shoulder and shoot him a cheeky grin.
  20. It had been a busy day all around for Tudor. As soon as she had returned from adventures ashore, it had been non-stop errands, and running around the ship to see to diffrent things. She was so busy she was aware of the chaos going on around her, but didn't feel inclined to pay attention to it. When she finally had collapsed on her small, narrow bunk, it was with a long sigh of relief. Even as thin as the small straw matress was, it held comfort for her. For a few moments at least, until her mind refused to shut off, as was nessicary for sleep, and ever plank of wood under the matress started pressing painfully on her shoulders and digging into her spine. Sitting up with a groan, Tudor frustratedly rubbed her hands over her face, wrapped her threadbare, grey wool blanket around her shoulders in a cape-like manner over her slops and chemise top she wore. She knew there was most likely a chill in the air top-side. She gained the weather decks quickly, her bare feet silently covering the wood planking. She stopped by the rail, and looked out at the stars and glowing moon that hung low in the sky, allowing herself a rare moment of speculation.
  21. Right so, back in November I made the simplicity patttern for myself, for my new winter coat. Did it in wool, which I got a deal on - didn't spend more the $70. Got great looking buttons off ebay. . . looks fab if I say so myself. I liked the pattern, execept the cuffs were crazy. I also decided to add pockets to mine for functionality, but that wasn't hard. I wear the thing all the time now. It's so much cooler then a boring old trench coat - especially on Hot Topic excusions.
  22. Seriously!! That is the only part of that movie that made me cry. I had brought along half a rainforest's worth of tissues because everyone said it would make me cry. There were guys crying more then me! I could handle the blood and gore with barely flinching - but that scene with Mary killed me . . . but yeah . . . the christian dogma thing would definitly add a diffrent twist to it . . .
  23. Again . . . Am I the only one here who liked passion of the christ? . . . . . . wow . . . why is everyone looking at me know . . .
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