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Captain Jacob Badger

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Everything posted by Captain Jacob Badger

  1. ....Might be.....gotta check me schedule like.......Got a big LRP event loomin'.....so's prepin' fer that.....(packin' sails, masts..tankard...ye knows the score)...... . found this site while lookin' fer Nock stuff.......quite a good read.....not really 'on subject' here....but ifin someone wants t' move it t' a better thread....feel free....... http://ejmas.com/kronos/NewHist1700-1859.htm sorta read thro the 1700-1800 bit.........a lot o' sh** happened in that 100 year!!.... . Back on subject:........As a 'Hollywood' type mesel'......I think the public like t' see both sides o' the coin......Hollywood fer the shear 'dressiness' and 'TV/CINEMA' type acting...an' authentic fer the 'real grit' that was being a sailor at that time. Each one lends itsel' t' the other in my view... Me peneth
  2. ...The last one is the ''mutts'' bro.....tho the last but one is more me....
  3. Another ....slightly more shine needed fer this bugger tho...... http://www.johnsloughoflondon.co.uk/AntSite/index.htm also......did ye know Henry nock made a 9 barrelled version?....27 ball shot in all.....sheesh....talk about crowd scatterin'...!!
  4. 7 barrelled nock volley gun... http://www.bonhams.com/cgi-bin/public.sh/p...t&iSaleNo=13315 Number 2445.....if ye've got the bobz....
  5. Rock night promo'tr...(soon t' finish after 12 year o' tradin'....next week in fact!!)
  6. Pushed!!.....(as in stop pushin' yer 'pulled pork' this way...lo)l
  7. Hurr hurr.....just down the coast from I........We'll be there matey.
  8. What a waste..........be blowin' bubbles I would...lol....best t' save it fer the drive home m8........lol....'wot me ociffer!!...nae....t'was the ale'....hurr hurr errr.....whiskey!!
  9. ye may well sah!!....tis a story of old....when life was so bold, an' the younger years they did make thier mark...........of a young mans thoughts, an' a young girls tuants.......an' a fight that went 'just that too far'....
  10. An' good as sah!!....as I spies.....bin a busy bro of late......whereas I have naught......got some catchin' t' be done........an' a big net fer it I has....lmao
  11. de ja anyone?? wot about ..... pirates life, you an' me, got bills t' pay, how do we? house t' run, kids t' feed, life o' crime, are pirates we?
  12. Besides bein' on the pub....hmmmmm........wonderin' ifin I should have posted in another of the pubs threads.........an' how the devil be phil these days...long time no chin bro............
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