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Captain Jacob Badger

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Posts posted by Captain Jacob Badger

  1. As the steady rain washed over his face.....the Bo'sun pondered on something Mr. Youngblood had said earlier t' last day.......while the tense moments of the frenchy frig had been the play......''something about a......''. He cursed himself fer drinkin' too much as a boy. The memories just flow away like the tide sometimes!...''Dammit!....'twas somethin' t' do wi' the frenchy....but wot?''......Shakes 'is head and wipes the rain again from his eyes...''ARRR Bugger it!..''..........''You man, heave that line taught!!....he shouts at the lad.

  2. A pirate.....in a house.......ALONE!.....you go girl ;);) ...

    T'day....hmmmm....a little cheesed!....the club I hire the saturday night from, have just canceled the events!!......on my answer phone no less!!.....there isn't much honour amongst the heads o' buisness o'er here!....up front, is how I like t' do me buisness......naught sculkin' around the bilge liken rodents.....tsk!.....phew!.....ta, feels better .....now where's me rum an' me pistola....hurr hurrr


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