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Everything posted by Silent

  1. I saw this and thought it would be fun to share World Beard Championships
  2. Just wondering, this is sorta pirate related you could say since there are a lot of pirates with beards
  3. She be a very fast English War Galleon named the "Lady Triskit" with a crew of 300 holding 32 cannons!!!
  4. Well this isnt right this second, it was last night but I'll share anyway since I started this thread I couldn't find any bread and I wanted a peanut-butter sandwhich so I used two eggo waffles instead , it was pretty good
  5. Starting something "different"
  6. I guess you could say it all started for me when I was younger watching the movies. I always loved the idea of being on the ocean pretty much doing whatever you wanted. I didn't really start out liking the renaissance era, I was more into medieval, king arthur, brave heart that sort of thing, don't get me wrong I still love it but If I could live in an era I'd love to live in the 1700's (cough or 1950's ) anyway I mean what person doesn't like pirates, robbing ships and drinking rum come on you've seen the movies. I've always loved the ocean and I like being out on a boat in the water. I guess you could say I also like the fact that pirates were feared and outcasts. Someone different, someone who didn't play by the rules, and not to forget badasses you could cut'em and shoot'em and they'ed still come fighten after yea.
  7. So we come here, everyday and we talk about piracy and 1600 - 1700's and our favorite pirate things to do. Well what brought you to all this anyway, why the love of this life? Was it the movies you saw as a kid or the history alone? Does the thought of robbing ships at sea and drinking rum sound fun or what? Well then let everyone know why ye be here.
  8. Like the kind used in the 1700's, anyone know where I can find one
  9. Guess that means it's my turn.
  10. Ok so we all know what you look like. But what does your mate look like, the one you love, the person you're with ect ect. Show your vaction pictures or just the two of you around the house.
  11. Mine is to join a gym with my lovly and get back in shape
  12. It's only if you are no where to be seen.
  13. I dont know why but Remus reminds me of bread, so there (BREAD)
  14. The other day when I was warming up my car it was -3 burrrr oh there is a new law in my city, if you're caught warming up your car when you're not in it you get a $100 ticket. Pretty lame huh
  15. I'm still feeling out my paper work, I couldn't beleave how much there is. Well my ex/future wife joined the army, my cousin's been in for 9 or 10 years now, a friend of mine in the army, two friends in the marines, another in the navy. My Dad's father Army WWII and my Mom's dad in the Navy korean war
  16. Cheese Wiz (I don't know don't ask)
  17. Me elbows are on my deck top...... hahah thanks I didn't see that
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