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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Great show I remembering watching it when it first came out back in oh shoot I don't even know I think it was in the 90's
  2. Thanks, it's hard to find a good wallpaper you can look at everytime you're on the computer
  3. Thanks I'll check them out *here be a drink fer yea mate*
  4. Are there any good website out there with working flintlock pistols?
  5. Wish I could but don't have the money
  6. That is really cool, I like what everyone put for what they would wair, I'm still thinking about the right outfit for me. What I want to know, have you ever seen a pirate with glasses?
  7. So what does your desktop look like? Show it, share it, clean it, see it. This is mine
  8. EVERYTHING (is what she has)
  9. Anyone else out there Fence? I've been doing it for a little bit now, thought I should learn how to use a sword being a pyrate an all. I love it, it's a lot of fun.
  10. That be a very good idea, I'd never think of anything like that
  11. Just wondering what the weather be like where ye all are. I live in Spokane Wa and it's been raining for the past week in a half. Cold and wet, makes me wish I was on a boat...........or in a pub
  12. Who do ye think be the best looking Pyrate/Wench? By best meaning anything frem garb to just plain looks, even in history. There be no voting fer ye self or yea walk the plank scurvvy
  13. That was different for sure
  14. Yea know, I've never thought about making one hat out of another. Good ideas
  15. Fish (don't ask)
  16. That is really cool, to bad im not a big fan of over seas buying
  17. Down (dress down)
  18. Still thank it's a great site, check it out
  19. I really want to get one, I cant deside though, the balls up in the air for the The MacKay or The Blackbeard, leaning more to the blackbeard.
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