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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Skippers (god I love that place, I could eat there all day)
  2. Rolling Stone Magazine
  3. Taco (mmmm im hungry now)
  4. Magic The Gathering (Card Game )
  5. Dragons (They have dragons on the phone poles in China Town Seattle)
  6. "Thats what I said, booby traps"
  7. I've always liked the look of the hat (Before the movie was out), I could careless who the hell wairs it.
  8. I remember seeing that site before I just forgot what the name of it was, thats a great place to go to.
  9. thanks fer yea help, here's a rum
  10. Spongebob Squarepants
  11. Id be looking fer a good tricorn hat (leather) I've found a few but are $250, anyone know where I can get one fer under $100?
  12. T.V. for the kids
  13. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/data/media/1...long_blades.jpg I'll make sure if I ever need a good pirate on my side I be pickin you mate
  14. I have a 1860 Light Cavalry Saber, I really want to get something 1700's anyone want to trade
  15. Here be a site with good info http://www.qaronline.org/DirLog5-4.htm
  16. Thanks mate, maybe sometime I'll buy something from yea to make up the favor
  17. Chastity Comics (Its about a half/vampire girl)
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