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Everything posted by Silent

  1. So I was talking with a ren fair friend of mine. It started out like this, I wanted to go to a fair and be apart of it but I don't have my swag yet so my friend was telling me it's very easy to put together a Gypsy outfit. Then I told them that I love pirates and don't want to stray from that and they told me Gypsy's are nothing more then pirates of the land. They rob and pillage just the same. What do you think about this statement?
  2. I love me some Star Wars, thanks for posting that mate
  3. I had one a while ago but had to shave it for a job, a lot of people said I looked 5 years older. Don't know if that be good or bad
  4. *sigh* I need to gather about a $600-$700 for my swag
  5. Ok I have to ask this because when I get my swag I know I'll be doing it. How many of you have just got up for no reason and put on your swag and went out either to the store, pub, friend, ect, whatever reason just because and what were other peoples reactions? A friend and I use to dress as the Blue Brothers for no reason other then we enjoyed entertaining people and it was different. People loved it and some people didn't know what to think. I'll be doing to same with my Pirate swag
  6. I like that picture alot.
  7. So I'm looking for a picture, any will do, real or not. I'm looking for a picture of a fleet of tall ships/pirate shipes. I always see just one or two, can you help me look for a fleet of 5 or more.
  8. Well I guess I just wont go to any SCA events and I'll stick to PIP
  9. Well that's good to hear, thank you
  10. NOTE: please move if need be I was talking to a friend of mine and also to some SCA members and I hear that if you are going to reinact not to wear frock coats because they are only hollywood and didn't have them in the 1700's only the 1800's? Is there some info you could tell me to make me understand all this please
  11. AWesome looks wonderful, can't wait for it to come out. Mrs Swan looks so much better then she did in the first movie
  12. Have a wonderful birthday mate!
  13. We got a lot of snow here but it's kinda been raining a lot. So the good news is the streets are bare but that's about it. What about all of you?
  14. Aww you guys that put a smile on my face thanks
  15. Thanks Callenish, feels good to be back! Missed everyone
  16. Ahoy all, I'll skip the pirate talk for right now. Just wanted to say sorry I haven't been on as much as I use to. I'm sure some of you don't even know me haha sad. Well alot has been going on in my life. I moved to Olympia WA for a year, I loved it there, even got to see Lady Washington!!! Beautiful ship. I went there trying to go to school but wanting to go to school in Seattle and living 85 miles away with no car wasnt working. I was living in my sisters little little room she had and I was losing money. Ended up moving back to Spokane living in a shed Lifes been kinda crazy, getting laid off for christmas and room mates fighting with me and my 21rst birthday is coming up next month oh man. Good news is I now live in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment on my own, got a great job now as an online banker. My point is I'm back now so you should be seeing me around. We're all like one big pirate family so I wanted to give you the heads up. Take care all
  17. Got a new job as an online banker yarrr
  18. I love to part about the book in the library :)
  19. I watch the trailer on the website and I can't wait for it to come out! www.piratesofthegreatsaltlake.com
  20. Join my guild!!! "DeadRabbits"
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