Ahoy all, I'll skip the pirate talk for right now. Just wanted to say sorry I haven't been on as much as I use to. I'm sure some of you don't even know me haha sad. Well alot has been going on in my life. I moved to Olympia WA for a year, I loved it there, even got to see Lady Washington!!! Beautiful ship. I went there trying to go to school but wanting to go to school in Seattle and living 85 miles away with no car wasnt working. I was living in my sisters little little room she had and I was losing money. Ended up moving back to Spokane living in a shed
Lifes been kinda crazy, getting laid off for christmas and room mates fighting with me and my 21rst birthday is coming up next month oh man.
Good news is I now live in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment on my own, got a great job now as an online banker.
My point is I'm back now so you should be seeing me around. We're all like one big pirate family so I wanted to give you the heads up. Take care all