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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Capn Enigma, I jes wanted to tell ye, mate, that yer Titanic website is quite interestin and well-done. I especially enjoyed the information and photographs of the Nomadic. I had no idea she were restin' in Paris!


    Captain Ciaran

  2. Aye, a good quote that be indeed, Capn. Enigma. I do not believe that I have ever touched any item from the Titanic. The two big exhibits I've seen (mentioned in an earlier post of mine here) to my knowledge didn't allow any touching as the items were well protected behind glass. I did make a few photos quickly (I know, I know, I was not supposed to, but I did) at the Titanic exhibit in Halifax. They have one of the original deck chairs there!

    As far as the energy/empathy comments, I totally agree. I fully believe that these items would carry memory or energy from the people and the event.

    So, Enigmas, wow!, how did you ever get pieces of Titanic coal and rust, if I may ask?

  3. (His shift as lookout over, Ciaran walks down to the gun deck. He counts the cannons until he reaches the thirteenth cannon on the larboard side. His hand touches the big gun and he rubs it gently, as one would greet a friendly dog.)

    Ahh, Zeus. Ye wait so patiently. Soon, soon, ye will roar into action. Ye will blast our enemies from the water with a force like bolts of lightning crashin' against 'em.

    (Ciaran pulls out a well-worn cloth, a rag, and begins to rub and shine the cannon. Zeus he christened #13 larboard, when the Captain gave him the opportunity to name a cannon.)

  4. A pint of screech for the pair of ye

    Thank ye, Hook. Glad to hear ye be back ashore and with pocketfuls of coins to boot. How was yer time on the waters? Any adventures?

    I have a good friend who lives on Trinity Bay, NL, near Old Perlican. He is not a fisherman, but says that many of his fishermen buddies up there be havin' a helluva season this year...can't seem to catch anything 'cept what the Government don't allow.

  5. I have found her slightly less intresting in that I have moved to older vessels and slightly less well known incidents.

    Hitman makes a good point here and one that I find for myself these days.

    After my first trip to Nova Scotia in 2002 (and again in 2004) I found myself reading and researching the shipwrecks of Canada much more. Three great Canadian maritime disasters that I have captivated me are: the SS Atlantic lost off Nova Scotia in 1873, the loss of the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence in 1914, and the Halifax Explosion. These disasters are staggering in the amounts of lives lost. All three stories are suspensful and simply unforgettable.

    Here are links these tragedies (Capt. Jack, I'd especially recommend you read about these, bucko, as I think ye'll enjoy them):

    SS Atlantic

    Empress of Ireland

    Halifax Explosion

    Finally, living near the Graveyard of the Atlantic, I am always interested in reading and learning of shipwrecks off the North Carolina coast. The recent (probable) discovery of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's flagship totally enthralls me. Here's a link to info on it from the NC Maritime Museum:


  6. Great photo, Duchess.

    (Ciaran raises his glass)

    Ah, tis been awhile since there be dancin' of any kind in the TK. Perfect way to kick the weekend off, mates. (claps hands to give the dancers a beat)

  7. Ciaran - I don't know ye, but I will be thinking "happy thots" if'n when you go into surgery. I'm sure ye'll be feelin' good as new soon after.

    Thank ye, Sophia.

    (hands her another Guiness) Sante!

  8. (hugs Mercenary)

    Aw, thanks, love. I'll be fine and if I do have to have surgery, I am told that the relief afterwards (removal of the pain and numbness) will be instant and great.

    Here, let's start our weekend drinkin' NOW! What'll ye have?

  9. (Ciaran watches all the activities below on deck from his gulls-eye view from the crows nest. He keeps his spyglass scanning the horizon, noting the occasional passing of a ship far off on the horizon, but nothing coming toward the cove.)

  10. I hope everything turns out well for you, Ciaran

    Thank ye, Gentleman Jeff. I shall know more when I meet with the surgeon on the 15th, and will keep folks posted here.

    But fer now, I agree most wholeheartedly with William...

    Oh hell, there is no bright side. We need a drink and a chance to forget all of this.

    I'll be havin' a double Cape Cod this mornin'.

  11. Ciaran comes in after another one of 'those kinda days'. Mumblin' aloud,

    "Found out that I will probably have to have surgery on me neck. Me MRI earlier this week indicates bone spurs which are what be causin' me arm and fingers to 'go to sleep', tingle, go numb and all the other symptoms I've mentioned at various times. Am scheduled to see a neurosurgeon on August 15th".

    Goes into the kitchen for the next hour and bangs pots and pans loudly, cusses like....well like a pirate. Bangs metal utensils on pots and pans. Opens and slams oven door repeatedly. Swears.

    Re-emerges in an hour, calm, collected -- the dignified pirate he always is -- and is carrying.......


    Places it on bar, pours himself a large Baileys on the Rocks, sits down, pulls fork out of his coat pocket and dives in.


  12. (Ciaran finally locates Monsignor Diego setting his up his cot)

    Diego, I am most happy to see ye up and about. I have heard some of the men sayin' that ye were askin' bout the water from the spring. The shock of the serpent must have caused ye to forget many of the events of that fateful evenin'.

    Ye and I did find yer spring and we filled and corked the ten barrels that we had brought with us in the small boat. Do ye not remember? Those barrels of good water were brought back here with us the next mornin' when I rowed up to the ship. There was much attention givin' first, me heartie, to ye and yer well-being. But jes before headin' down to Surgery with ye, I called back and instructed a few of the men to haul up the barrels of water. I do not know where they were placed afterwards, but they are onboard the Watch Dog. Perhaps the Captain knows where they be.

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