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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Seeing the Master Gunner hauling Captain William down below, Diego knows it best that he stay in place and fight. He and Ciaran are filled with a rage and turn back toward the fog and smoke enshrouded Dark Lament.)

  2. Mon Dieu! The Captain!

    (Ciaran yells, as bullets splinter small pieces of wood around him. Ciaran uses the mast to shield himself, as he fires his pistol at the ship which is now so damn close.)

    (Ciaran turns toward the Monsignor, who using the same shield and fire technique as he is)

    Diego! The Captain! (Ciaran quickly points to the deck where William lies crumpled, blood puddling slightly around his midsection)

    Get Doctor Fitzgerald, Diego!

  3. (Diego prepares to fire, but one of the Dark Lament's big guns fires at that moment sending a cannonball right between Ciaran and Diego!

    Ciaran swings around on the rope and fires his pistol at the forecastle, striking the second sailor in the chest.)

    Take that ye blasted scurvy dawg!

  4. Flew 2500 miles ta spend the weekend with Diego and twasn't 10 minutes togethers that we was down to our bareĀ  (oops -enough details

    Oh, do share more, my dear!

    Monsignor! (Ciaran fakes a look of surprise) :lol:

  5. As for the Nomadic, she was in Paris until April, 2004. She now is Le Havre and in grave danger of sinking. After all, she is almost 100 years old! She is supposed to be auctioned off anytime soon.

    Auctioned off, ye say? Hmmm, what do ye plan to do with her when yer bid wins? :D

  6. This place needs a fiddler and about thirty more people.

    Aye, indeed, Sir. The entire Pub has been remarkably quiet this Sunday. I've been wanderin' around here most all day and find it to be about as empty as I can remember. I trust that means our mates are out and about havin' a good day in the sunshine, a respite from their busy lives.

    (Ciaran downs his beer.) I'll enjoy another Molson Canadian, Sir.

  7. Deal me in.

    (Ciaran did not hear William enter and flips cards all over the table and floor)

    Shiver me timbers! Oh, arrr, greetin's Captain. How be ye tonight?

    Join me in a drink, good Sir.

  8. (While most pyrates be spendin' the day down at the docks or on their ships, Ciaran walks into the Tsunami Kate, sits down at a table. The place seems deathly quiet, so he makes himself a drink returns to his seat, pulls out a deck of playing cards and begins playing Solitaire.)

  9. Excellent images, Francois, Cap'n Mac, & Mad Jack.

    I like the way the sunlight be glistening off yer sword, Mad Jack; great plaid breeches, Captain MacNamara; and ye make quite a dandy rogue on the ship's deck, Francois.

    Yer photos all me wanna go out and spend lots of money on new garb!

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