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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran watches in a state of total befuddlement as the Monsignor seems to be led off as if under guard.)

    Ciaran concludes that perhaps Diego is not feeling well and Mr. Badger be simply accompanying him to his room.

  2. As a bit of faimly history on my part my great great great (think thats right cant rember if it's 3 greats or 4) grandfather was asleep in his bunk on the California the night Titanic sank.

    Oh, Hitman, research this, man! What an interesting bit of family history if it is true. There should be records available as to the crew of the Californian.

    An intresting fact about the Titanic to me is that she was I belive the first ship to send the now famous distress S.O.S (save our souls) as opposed to the original marconi operators distress code of CQ (seeking you)

    The Titanic used both the CQD and SOS distress calls. The first time that a ship used the SOS call for help was in 1909 off of Cape Hatteras, when the SS Arapahoe used it, the call being picked up by the Hatteras station.

    Here's a link to some info about SOS:


  3. (rising early to begin his shift in the nest, Ciaran stops smartly by the galley. Upon leaving, he carries two mugs of hot coffee and a bit of bread and fruit. He stops by the Surgery Ward and gently raps on the door. Armand opens it a wee bit.)

    Pardon moi, Armand. Je vous offre et la docteur ce petit dejeuner.

    (Armand smiles and takes the breakfast.)

    "Merci, Ciaran".

    (Ciaran nods and heads to his post.)

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