Aye, Sir, I do. Captain, as ye well know with the loss of the Monsignor, the Watch Dog is now down a lookout. I have been making sure that Diego's shift, which was always jes before me own, was covered. But, Sir, I be completely exhausted tryin' the keep up that pace.
Cap'n, the young lad standing yonder, (Ciaran points toward John, who is politely tryin' to watch the auction, not the conversation betwen Captain and lookout), John McGuinty, Sir, he has shown a genuine interest in becomin' a lookout. We have spoken and, Sir, I think that he might jes make a fine addition up in the nest. He's eager to learn, energetic, has good vision, and from what I've observed is dependable. I'd be willing to work with him, Captain and train him meself.
(Ciaran turns to look directly at William) What say ye, Captain?