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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Arr, the mighty Pittsburgh Steelers by a long shot!
  2. (Ciaran pulls out his rapier) Shall I take care of the bastards fer ye, Mercenary? Oh, btw, I wanted to tell ye that I bought me first Great Big Sea album recently. Ye are right, these mates rock! Feel better m'dear.
  3. deluxe apartment
  4. leave your cares behind
  5. Kendra, continuing to keep ye and yer family in God's light. How be yer grandmother now?
  6. Arr, Hurricane, I jes purchased me first 'Great Big Sea' album recently and am thoroughly enjoyin it. Right now, howe'er, I be listening to Celine Dion's new French Greatest Hits album, 'On ne Change pas' (one does not change). Many folks don't realize that she, as a native Quebecer, has maintained a fully distinct and seperate career singing in French. C'est magnifique!
  7. your daddy's rich and your mama's good looking
  8. what yer mama ordered
  9. Arrgh! I certainly hope ye broke the face of the pirate ye were a'fightin' when it happened. (passes bottle of rum to Bonnie) Drink this, lass, it'll help. Take good care of yerself.
  10. police tape and chalk marks
  11. Glad ye be feelin' better, Bunny, luv. I be fine today. Jes stuffed me gut at a new Thai restaurant in the neighborhood. Went to me dermatologist today fer him to scrape off a (hopefully) benign kerotoses from me face. Arrgh. Spent too much time worshipping Ole Sol in me younger days.
  12. Gramercy, Captain PEW. It be a bit o'a dainty little cup, but the java be strong and good.
  13. Mornin', me hearties. Oh, I need coffee this mornin'. (yawn, yawn)
  14. look at them yo yos...that's the way you do it
  15. walking on broken glass
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