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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Sand should not be mixed with K-Y Jelly
  2. Lay yer cutlass over there.
  3. Sand, when the tide washes in, becomes squishy underfoot, like jelly.
  4. awwww, thanks, luv Christine brightens up this Pub everytime she enters it. She be an AWESOME woman!
  5. There be a whole lot o'kissin' goin' on in here. (gives Greenighs a sweet little kiss on her left cheek, gives Christine a sweet little kiss on her right cheek, then turns to Mad Matt...) Well, err, um, ........ what about those Olympics, mate! Ray, I'll take a shot o' brandy.
  6. ^ probably has an awesome complexion, as he spends much time in the Mud Room (and they say mud be good fer the skin).
  7. Arrr! Ain't nothin' like a good piece of Key Lime pie. GRAMERCY, Sir!
  8. Thank ye, Captain. BTW, William, have ye anymore of that delicious key lime pie that I saw in another, shall we say, more heated room? Bit afraid to reach in fer a piece there, if'n ye know what I mean.
  9. ^ has the kinda pirate name that makes ye think, 'I'm not goin' to make him mad!'
  10. Sand was what I covered his body with, before returnin' to eat me sandwich of jelly.
  11. Good Sunday, mates. (Ciaran sits down at the bar) Arr, a mug of cafe chaud avec le sucre et le lait will suit me jes fine. (Ciaran reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out some of the bacon he stole yesterday, and begins to chew on it)
  12. Ahoy and Welcome to ye, Lady Foxmorton! Greetings to ye from the Land of Blackbeard, North Carolina. Pyracy Pub offers many wonderful opportunities to explore, play, relax. Have a merry time and gramercy fer the liquid. (turnin' to bartender) Ray, I'll have a cold Alexander Keith's. Cheers, Captain Ciaran
  13. Arr! Free drinks, ye say? (turnin' to bartender) Ray, I'll have a screwdriver. Gramercy. So, ye research and study and know a little bit about a lot. Ye sound like a librarian, mate! (That be a compliment.) Welcome to the Pub, Cannon Jack. Go explorin' -- there be lots to see and do here. Cheers, Ciaran
  14. Captain Booty be a street poet.
  15. Sand hit me eyes and I jumped on him, beatin' his face to jelly!
  16. Sand blew up from the beach and became lodged in me jar o'jelly.
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