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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Governor, I'm not gonna be hanged with that old dirty rope, am I?
  2. I have gotten one speeding ticket in me life.
  3. Meal ye says. This food ain't fit fer a dog.
  4. Lad, ye should have ne'er gone and done that.
  5. Was that pathetic shot yer best?
  6. Wench, git me somethin' to eat!
  7. Aye, it be. When first I glanced at it, I thought it read, 'Picklebottom', which is quite an image in itself. Well, Maggie, WELCOME to ye! Our Pub is a ramblin establishment, so take yer time and enjoy yer wanderings. Ray (our bartender), I'll have a double Stoli's on the rocks. Gramercy.
  8. (As Ciaran and Lady Snow spin round and round on the Tsunami's dance floor, ye hollers to Bunny) I think ye have to do somethin' with whipped cream, Bunny! Er, jes ask William. (Ciaran laughs maniacally as Lady Snow twirls him 'round)
  9. Chickens in yer cannons??? asks I.
  10. Travel to exotic lands, pick up a book and read!
  11. Fire can cause yer hair to take on a weird scent and color.
  12. I have a scar on my left hand from a childhood burn.
  13. So followin' in Capt. Booty's footsteps of cool word games, here's another one. Tell us a true secret about yerself in one sentence or less. I'll go first: I once was married.
  14. Ye might think there'll be no jello wrestling, but ye are wrong, there'll.
  15. ^ is the newest Scourge of the Seven Seas (Congratulations!)
  16. Colors in me colorin' book by the light o'the fire.
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