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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . --..-- / -.-. .- .--. - .- .. -. / .--- .. -- ..--.. / .. / .... .- ...- . / - --- / -.-. .... . .- - / -- . ... . .-.. ..-. / .-- .. - .... / .- -. / --- -. -....- .-.. .. -. . / .-- . -... ... .. - . .-.-.-
  2. -.-. .- ..- ... . / ... .... . / ... .- .. -.. / ... .... . / -.. .. -.. .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- ... / .--- . ... / --. .. ...- .. -. --. / .... . .-. / .- / .... .- .-. -.. / - .. -- . .-.-.-
  3. -.-. .... .-. .. ... - .. -. . / -.-. .... . .- - . -.. / -.-. .... .-. .. ... - .. -. . / -.-. .... . .- - . -..
  4. Found: six knives, four swords, and a bottle of rum.
  5. (Walking through the gun deck, Ciaran sees John McGuinty polishin' the cannons) "Arr, git 'em as shiny as the noonday sun, laddie!" Ciaran laughs. "Indeed I shall, mate. This be an important task and I will do me very best, I will," says McGuinty with a determined look on his face. (Ciaran stands on the opposite side of the Cannon called Zeus that the lad be polishin' on. He leans in and whispers,) "Listen, John. Have ye seen these new hands aboard ship today? Two of 'em jes knocked me down as they were runnin' from either the Galley or the Armoury. I've met another fella called Flint, er Bill Flint it is. Seemed alright, abeit a bit nervous. Lad, somethin' ain't right here. I can't put me finger on it, but it's jes a feelin'. So, watch yer back, John. I'm jes warnin' ye to keep both yer deadlights open at all times." (Ciaran pats his friend on the back and as he starts walkin' away says,) Arrgh, ye missed a spot there, lad. (McGinty cusses and throws the rag at the lookout)
  6. (looking straight ahead, Ciaran says:) Soyez prudence, Tempest! C'est un cognac puissant! Peut-etre trois doigts sont trop pour le bon Quartermaster! Oui, peut-etre Monsieur Lasseter prefer l'eau et moi boirai son portion. (the slightest wicked grin makes itself known on Ciaran's lips)
  7. .- -.-- . --..-- / .... .- -.. / .- / --. --- --- -.. / - . .- -.-. .... . .-. --..-- / .. / -.. .. -..
  8. ... .... .. ...- . .-. / -- . / - .. -- -... . .-. ... / .. / -... . .-.. .. . ...- . / .. / .... .- ...- . / - .... . / .... .- -. --. / --- ..-. / .. - .-.-.-
  9. Blimey! Looks like a message in Morse code. (scratches his noggin')
  10. (unless wearing white socks with sneakers) I only wear Argyll socks.
  11. How about something French and creamy, William? And, of course, some cafe chaud.
  12. Vous etes genereux! Juste un gout, s'il vous plait.
  13. Un choix excellent, Tempest. (Ciaran raises his glass to Miss Fitzgerald) Sante, ma amie!
  14. Arr, Harbor Master. I think gold teeth are befittin' of a pirate. Smile often, mate!
  15. Bravo, Captain Eisley. We are definitely in a minority. Yer post reminded me that I've only had one small cavity in me adult teeth, and I be 47 years old. Three cheers for Colgate!
  16. (resting from their most recent dance Lady Snow and Ciaran start to enjoy some drinks. Ciaran reaches in his coat pocket and hands Miss Bunny a dictionary) Here, lass, page. 1370. Strumpet (noun) (14th century) -- prostitute
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