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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (I've not read this entire thread, so forgive me if this one has already been posted) Did you hear that Pfizer is teaming up with Pepsi to distribute a liquid form of Viagra? It'll be called 'Mount & Do'
  2. ^ has gotten us all talkin' about the Da Vinci Code
  3. an egg roll with duck sauce
  4. For all of the holy scriptures, holy books, holy teachings, holy nights, I simply live my life by the Wiccan Crede, which has great similarity to the Golden Rule: Do what ye will and harm no thing (Do unto others as ye would have them do unto ye)
  5. ^ makes me want to bite a sea urchin! (that be a compliment, mate)
  6. I've been sea-urchin fer a good recipe with sea urchin. Arr Arr Arr
  7. (awash in pickles and Jack Daniels, Ciaran simply raises an eyebrow and grins as he overhears the peachy conversation nearby)
  8. ^ has added a dazzling treasure chest to the end of her posts.
  9. ^ loves to work the gates at Renaissance Faires.
  10. (points to the second bottle) Good ole Number 7 Tennessee Whiskey, mate. Just leave the bottle here. (places Crowns on the counter) Evenin' to ye, William. Care fer some whiskey?
  11. "Afternoon, me hearties," Ciaran calls as he enters the Tsunami Kate. (tips hat to Capt. Siren) Ye are lookin' lovely as ever, me dear. Mister Gage, I could smell the delicious smells from yer kitchen halfway down the corridor. Might I have a plate o' the fried pickles? And, since we are in a Southern mood, how about some Jack Daniels? (turns to stranger) Hello. I be Captain Ciaran. Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  12. cute little speedo, too!
  13. Although I am exactly average in height, some parts of me anatomy are above average. :)
  14. Thank you for sharing this with us, Charity. My prayers go to Hans' family and his crew members.
  15. 'go to jail, go directly to jail...'
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