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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. LOL! I doubt that, honey. we did it again :) ok.. the word is curl, unless I'm posting at the same time as another again!
  2. Hetha is that from Brother Bear?
  3. start the engine
  4. leo kottke, peckerwood. ah, now Itchy.
  5. Did I sidestep yer quotes? I'm so sorry and didn't realize it and will definitely make it up to you the best way I can the next time I sees ya! And now, I will go put Top Secret on my movie rental que...
  6. "I'm on the hunt I'm after you!"
  7. Lenny Kravitz and Eric Clapton - All Along the Watchtower
  8. and rubber (I'm thinking of Batman's anatomically correct costume )
  9. "I'm at the top of my game! I'm right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so."
  10. The Princess Bride... when Westley was lying on the bed, unable to move and Buttercup was about to plunge a knife into her chest.
  11. Rogue, how neat that we both posted a "top" movie LOL! Jill... I don't know.
  12. You see it really doesn’t matter When you’re buried in disguise By the dark glass on your eyes, Though your flesh has crystalised
  13. Rolling Stones.. Paint it Black hard to find a verse without givin' away the title, huh?
  14. pants that are way too tight.
  15. Oops, RM, I was typing whist ye were posting I reckon.. ok... two to guess at! btw, RM, I don't know yours.
  16. "I feel the need..." "the need for speed!"
  17. The Hunt for Red October, another excellent movie! I can hear Ramius saying it now! LOL!
  18. I finally have some company! You'll have to post us a pic of yer flaming locks when the dark grows out (ye are lettin' it grow out ain'tcha?) I've always loved red hair and wished I had it, but never had the courage to color mine. It's always been long and I'd been told the woes of doin' anything chemical to long hair, so I never have. (save a perm when I was a young teen and me hair was about half that length... I let that grow out quickly )As a young lass I dated a couple of boys just cause they had GREAT red hair, and they were pretty nice guys too :)
  19. Bonnie Raitt - Something To Talk About
  20. I voluntarily move myself to the brunettes thread, although it does seem lonely there, I'm the only one thus far...
  21. wicked rocket vroom!
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