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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. enough with the Theodores! (love the chipmonks btw) Christmas, Christmas....
  2. Van Halen... OU812 ... whole cd... current song... Finish What Ya Started.
  3. Theodore Cleaver... The Beaver
  4. I've never heard of them.... ??? try these... People of the earth can you hear me Came a voice from the sky a magical night And in the colors of a thousand sunsets They traveled to the world on a silvery light The people of the earth stood waiting Watching as the ships came one by one Setting fire to the sky as they landed Carrying to the world (song title) All at once came a sound from the inside Then a beam made of light hit the ground Everyone felt the sound of their heartbeat Every man, every woman, every child They passed the limits of imagination Through the door to the world of another time And on the journey of a thousand lifetimes With the (song title), they started to climb
  5. Dawg Brown.. Bad Dawg. (Cutthroat Island)
  6. Oh! ok... makes since now. Raoul makes me think... the pool boy or the cabana boy, depending on if you're at home or on vacation. LOL!
  7. Is that you, Christine?
  8. Hi Charity! Not too late at all, pull up a bean bag chair, grab ya some drink and munchies and let's get the movie going! ::Snuggles into Jack's arms, feeding him popcorn::
  9. Amen to that! *state lottery* permanent vacation in the tropics... Margaritaville !
  10. wonderful words, yes? I'm feeling so..... fabulous... so UP! I'm high right now... High on someone that's wonderful. :)
  11. hmmm. I've got coffee here with me now... yummy. :) I'm listening to the Eagles... Hotel California is playing currently.
  12. Sugar, YOU get the grand prize... ... me. :)
  13. ok more to guess... She held me spellbound in the night dancing shadows and firelight crazy laughter in another room and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon
  14. Celebration of Freedom!
  15. New Hampshire
  16. well, that one was a given! another one rides the bus!
  17. How do I feel now? Well, a song comes to mind... by Bad Company.
  18. Why Jack! How did you get in there? So, you like my nightie? this little ol' thing (red, satin, fitted, low cut, thin shoulder straps, short) ::coy grin:: How about something to drink? rum? ::another coy grin:: Christine, you're a doll... I've been wanting to see this movie, and I can't think of a better place to watch it.! ::snuggles down in the pink furry beanbag chair, with Jack::
  19. I've never seen When Harry Met Sally, and you've mentioned that "scene" from it a couple of times... my interest is peaked... got that one? And some chips? I'm hungry... and... *whispers* can we invite some boys over??? :) ::cuddles down into the pink furry beanbag chair::
  20. right now, I've got Bob Seger going... softly... You'll Accompany Me.
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